Sunday December 25, 2022- The Nativity in the Flesh of our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ
Christ is born! Glorify Him!
Upcoming Services and Events
December 24, Saturday- Christmas Eve
+ Festal Great Vespers for Christmas Eve, 5:00pm
December 25, Sunday- The Nativity of our Lord
+ Matins, 8:30am
+ Christmas Day Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
December 26, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
December 28, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
December 29, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
December 30, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 31, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 1, Sunday, St. Basil the Great and the Circumcision of our Lord
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by fellowship hour
Newest Announcements .
Nativity Services, Come Celebrate the Birth of Our Lord!
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25. There will not be any coffee hour following liturgy this week.
Nativity Messages from Metropolitan Antonios and Bishop Anthony
Click here to read the letter from Metropolitan Antonios. Click here to read the letter from Bishop Anthony.
Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea were recently baptized. Justice took the Apostle Justus of the Seventy as his patron and Abdullah took St. Nicholas the Wonderworker as his patron. Robert Peterson is sponsor for Justice and Kristi Abuissa is sponsor for Abdullah. May God grant them many years!
Feasting after Fasting
In celebration of the Lord's Nativity, there is no fasting, including on Wednesdays and Fridays, until the Eve of Theophany, January 5. Enjoy!
Recent Charitable Outreach at St. Raphael
We have been able to provide a family with winter clothing for their three children and we have provided two additional families with a Christmas meal and several gifts including clothes, toys and dishes.
Thursday Night Book Group News
We are breaking for the holiday season and will resume with a new book, Fr. Alexander Schmemann's For the Life of the World, beginning on January 19 at 7pm on Zoom. Copies of the book are available to purchase in the church bookstore for $20. E-book and audiobook versions are also available online.
A Note From Adam Betz
For a few months this last year, several of us at St. Raphael Church got to know Adam Betz who started attending our parish. He had to move to Illinois fairly suddenly, in order to take care of his mother, and so, he started attending St. Nicholas Church in Urbana, IL. Adam recently sent a Christmas card to us with the following note. "Fr. Ignatius and all my brothers and sisters at St. Raphael: Thank you for making me feel so welcome at your wonderful Church this year and for setting me on the path to the great treasure of Orthodoxy! Yours in Christ, Adam"
Theophany Services
We begin to celebrate the Theophany of our Lord with Royal Hours at 9am on Thursday, January 5. At 5pm on the same day, we will begin Matins with Divine Liturgy and the (Indoor) Blessing of Water service to follow.
Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water
Our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. John the Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids will be hosting. The Blessing of Water service will take place on the 1st Ave. bridge in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4pm on Saturday, January 14, with vespers to follow at St. John's at 5pm.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately plan. To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Currently we have 58% of the budget funded. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On January 1, we will hear the account of the Lord's naming and circumcision on the eighth day and the account of the Lord, at age 12, in the Temple and teaching His elders. Luke 2:20-21, 40-52
Food for Thought
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord as we declare this present mystery. The middle wall of partition is broken asunder; the flaming sword is turned back, the Cherubim withdraw from the Tree of Life, and I partake of the Paradise of Delight, whence I was cast out before through disobedience. For the Identical Likeness of the Father, the Express Image of His eternity, taketh the form of a servant, and without undergoing change He cometh forth from a Mother that knew not wedlock. For that which He was, He hath remained, even true God; and that which He was not, He hath taken upon Himself, becoming man out of love for man. Unto Him let us cry: O God, Who art born of a Virgin, have mercy on us.
- Stichera at "O Lord I have cried..." from Vespers of the Nativity of the Lord in the Flesh
Recurring Announcements
Sunday School Break
Our two younger Sunday School classes will be off on December 25, January 1 and January 8, resuming on January 15. Our high school class will take an additional week off and resume on January 2 22.
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
We are currently low on olive oil, which we use for our oil lamps. We are accepting donations of oil. Regular grade (non-extra virgin) burns best. If possible please turn in a receipt with any oil donated. We are trying to keep track of the annual cost of the oil we use.
2023 Calendars Now Available
Annual printed calendars showing daily Scripture readings and saints, major feast days and fasting days and seasons are now available in the narthex.
Special Convention to Nominate Candidate for Metropolitan
Fr. Ignatius will be attending a Special Convention to be held in Dallas, TX on January 13, with the purpose of voting to nominate candidates to become our next metropolitan. Candidate names will then be forwarded to the Holy Synod of Antioch which will choose one.
A St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan had back surgery on December 2, with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Download the Church Calendar to Your Digital Calendar
An iCal link for the Church's calendar is now available here and on the calendar page on our website. Downloading this file will allow you to add the church's calendar to your Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar, or other electronic calendaring system, so you can more easily keep track of service times, church events, and Father's office hours.
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
December 24, Saturday- Christmas Eve
+ Festal Great Vespers for Christmas Eve, 5:00pm
December 25, Sunday- The Nativity of our Lord
+ Matins, 8:30am
+ Christmas Day Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
December 26, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
December 28, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
December 29, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
December 30, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 31, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 1, Sunday, St. Basil the Great and the Circumcision of our Lord
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by fellowship hour
Newest Announcements .
Nativity Services, Come Celebrate the Birth of Our Lord!
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25. There will not be any coffee hour following liturgy this week.
Nativity Messages from Metropolitan Antonios and Bishop Anthony
Click here to read the letter from Metropolitan Antonios. Click here to read the letter from Bishop Anthony.
Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea were recently baptized. Justice took the Apostle Justus of the Seventy as his patron and Abdullah took St. Nicholas the Wonderworker as his patron. Robert Peterson is sponsor for Justice and Kristi Abuissa is sponsor for Abdullah. May God grant them many years!
Feasting after Fasting
In celebration of the Lord's Nativity, there is no fasting, including on Wednesdays and Fridays, until the Eve of Theophany, January 5. Enjoy!
Recent Charitable Outreach at St. Raphael
We have been able to provide a family with winter clothing for their three children and we have provided two additional families with a Christmas meal and several gifts including clothes, toys and dishes.
Thursday Night Book Group News
We are breaking for the holiday season and will resume with a new book, Fr. Alexander Schmemann's For the Life of the World, beginning on January 19 at 7pm on Zoom. Copies of the book are available to purchase in the church bookstore for $20. E-book and audiobook versions are also available online.
A Note From Adam Betz
For a few months this last year, several of us at St. Raphael Church got to know Adam Betz who started attending our parish. He had to move to Illinois fairly suddenly, in order to take care of his mother, and so, he started attending St. Nicholas Church in Urbana, IL. Adam recently sent a Christmas card to us with the following note. "Fr. Ignatius and all my brothers and sisters at St. Raphael: Thank you for making me feel so welcome at your wonderful Church this year and for setting me on the path to the great treasure of Orthodoxy! Yours in Christ, Adam"
Theophany Services
We begin to celebrate the Theophany of our Lord with Royal Hours at 9am on Thursday, January 5. At 5pm on the same day, we will begin Matins with Divine Liturgy and the (Indoor) Blessing of Water service to follow.
Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water
Our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. John the Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids will be hosting. The Blessing of Water service will take place on the 1st Ave. bridge in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4pm on Saturday, January 14, with vespers to follow at St. John's at 5pm.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately plan. To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Currently we have 58% of the budget funded. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On January 1, we will hear the account of the Lord's naming and circumcision on the eighth day and the account of the Lord, at age 12, in the Temple and teaching His elders. Luke 2:20-21, 40-52
Food for Thought
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord as we declare this present mystery. The middle wall of partition is broken asunder; the flaming sword is turned back, the Cherubim withdraw from the Tree of Life, and I partake of the Paradise of Delight, whence I was cast out before through disobedience. For the Identical Likeness of the Father, the Express Image of His eternity, taketh the form of a servant, and without undergoing change He cometh forth from a Mother that knew not wedlock. For that which He was, He hath remained, even true God; and that which He was not, He hath taken upon Himself, becoming man out of love for man. Unto Him let us cry: O God, Who art born of a Virgin, have mercy on us.
- Stichera at "O Lord I have cried..." from Vespers of the Nativity of the Lord in the Flesh
Recurring Announcements
Sunday School Break
Our two younger Sunday School classes will be off on December 25, January 1 and January 8, resuming on January 15. Our high school class will take an additional week off and resume on January 2 22.
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
We are currently low on olive oil, which we use for our oil lamps. We are accepting donations of oil. Regular grade (non-extra virgin) burns best. If possible please turn in a receipt with any oil donated. We are trying to keep track of the annual cost of the oil we use.
2023 Calendars Now Available
Annual printed calendars showing daily Scripture readings and saints, major feast days and fasting days and seasons are now available in the narthex.
Special Convention to Nominate Candidate for Metropolitan
Fr. Ignatius will be attending a Special Convention to be held in Dallas, TX on January 13, with the purpose of voting to nominate candidates to become our next metropolitan. Candidate names will then be forwarded to the Holy Synod of Antioch which will choose one.
A St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan had back surgery on December 2, with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Download the Church Calendar to Your Digital Calendar
An iCal link for the Church's calendar is now available here and on the calendar page on our website. Downloading this file will allow you to add the church's calendar to your Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar, or other electronic calendaring system, so you can more easily keep track of service times, church events, and Father's office hours.
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday December 18, 2022- Sunday before Nativity
Upcoming Services and Events
December 17, Saturday
+ Baptisms of Abdullah Grigore-Ilea and Justice Laudick-Tran, 11:00am
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 18, Sunday- Sunday before Nativity
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
December 19, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Ignatius of Antioch, 6:00pm
December 21, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm
December 22, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
December 23, Friday
+ Royal Hours for Nativity, 9:00am
December 24, Saturday
+ Festal Great Vespers of Christmas Eve, 5:00pm
December 25, Sunday, The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
+ Festal Matins, 8:30am
+ Christmas Day Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
Newest Announcements .
Michael Fisher was recently baptized, taking as his patron saint the Prophet and King David. Dale Melchin is his sponsor. May God grant Michael David many years!
Upcoming Baptisms
On December 17 at 11:00am, Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea will be getting baptized. All are welcome to attend!
A St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan had back surgery on December 2, with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
We are currently low on olive oil, which we use for our oil lamps. We are accepting donations of oil. Regular grade (non-extra virgin) burns best. If possible please turn in a receipt with any oil donated. We are trying to keep track of the annual cost of the oil we use.
St. Ignatius Liturgy
We will commemorate St. Ignatius of Antioch with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on December 19.
Nativity Services, Come Celebrate the Birth of Our Lord!
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Royal Hours on Friday, December 23 at 9:00am, Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25.
Sunday School Break
Our two younger Sunday School classes will be off on December 25, January 1 and January 8, resuming on January 15. Our high school class will take an additional week off and resume on January 22.
Thursday Night Book Group News
We are breaking for the holiday season and will resume with a new book, Fr. Alexander Schmemann's For the Life of the World, beginning on January 19 at 7pm on Zoom. Copies of the book are available to purchase in the church bookstore for $20. E-book and audiobook versions are also available online.
Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water
Our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. John the Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids will be hosting. The Blessing of Water service will take place on the 1st Ave. bridge in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4pm, with vespers to follow at St. John's at 5pm.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Recently, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
2023 Calendars Now Available
Annual printed calendars showing daily Scripture readings and saints, major feast days and fasting days and seasons are now available in the narthex.
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On December 25, we will hear the account of the magi from the East, who came and brought gifts and worshipped Jesus shortly after His birth. Matthew 2:1-12
Food for Thought
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
John 1:14
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Download the Church Calendar to Your Digital Calendar
An iCal link for the Church's calendar is now available here and on the calendar page on our website. Downloading this file will allow you to add the church's calendar to your Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar, or other electronic calendaring system, so you can more easily keep track of service times, church events, and Father's office hours.
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
December 17, Saturday
+ Baptisms of Abdullah Grigore-Ilea and Justice Laudick-Tran, 11:00am
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 18, Sunday- Sunday before Nativity
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
December 19, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Ignatius of Antioch, 6:00pm
December 21, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm
December 22, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
December 23, Friday
+ Royal Hours for Nativity, 9:00am
December 24, Saturday
+ Festal Great Vespers of Christmas Eve, 5:00pm
December 25, Sunday, The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
+ Festal Matins, 8:30am
+ Christmas Day Divine Liturgy, 10:00am
Newest Announcements .
Michael Fisher was recently baptized, taking as his patron saint the Prophet and King David. Dale Melchin is his sponsor. May God grant Michael David many years!
Upcoming Baptisms
On December 17 at 11:00am, Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea will be getting baptized. All are welcome to attend!
A St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan had back surgery on December 2, with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
We are currently low on olive oil, which we use for our oil lamps. We are accepting donations of oil. Regular grade (non-extra virgin) burns best. If possible please turn in a receipt with any oil donated. We are trying to keep track of the annual cost of the oil we use.
St. Ignatius Liturgy
We will commemorate St. Ignatius of Antioch with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on December 19.
Nativity Services, Come Celebrate the Birth of Our Lord!
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Royal Hours on Friday, December 23 at 9:00am, Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25.
Sunday School Break
Our two younger Sunday School classes will be off on December 25, January 1 and January 8, resuming on January 15. Our high school class will take an additional week off and resume on January 22.
Thursday Night Book Group News
We are breaking for the holiday season and will resume with a new book, Fr. Alexander Schmemann's For the Life of the World, beginning on January 19 at 7pm on Zoom. Copies of the book are available to purchase in the church bookstore for $20. E-book and audiobook versions are also available online.
Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water
Our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. John the Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids will be hosting. The Blessing of Water service will take place on the 1st Ave. bridge in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4pm, with vespers to follow at St. John's at 5pm.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Recently, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
2023 Calendars Now Available
Annual printed calendars showing daily Scripture readings and saints, major feast days and fasting days and seasons are now available in the narthex.
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On December 25, we will hear the account of the magi from the East, who came and brought gifts and worshipped Jesus shortly after His birth. Matthew 2:1-12
Food for Thought
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
John 1:14
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Download the Church Calendar to Your Digital Calendar
An iCal link for the Church's calendar is now available here and on the calendar page on our website. Downloading this file will allow you to add the church's calendar to your Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar, or other electronic calendaring system, so you can more easily keep track of service times, church events, and Father's office hours.
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday December 11, 2022- Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ
Upcoming Services and Events
December 10, Saturday
+ Baptism of Michael Fisher, 11:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 11, Sunday- Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00-8:00pm
December 12, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
December 14, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm
December 15, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
December 16, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 17, Saturday
+ Baptism of Abdullah Grigore-Ilea and Justice Laudick-Tran, 11:00am
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 18, Sunday, Sunday before Nativity (The Genealogy of Christ)
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who stayed and voted at our Annual Meeting, and special thanks to our Council Chair Alli, Stewardship Committee Chair Austin and Treasurer Becky for making presentations and helping to lead our parish. Thank you also to Elizabeth Michael, Luci Cetlaus and Rene Horak for all of the Christmas decorations around church. It looks beautiful!
Choir Appreciation Sunday
In our archdiocese, the second Sunday of December is dedicated to expressing gratitude for all those who work hard to sing our church music which is the backbone to our services. Special thanks goes out to our three Choir directors: Kristi Abuissa, Lori Branch and Lizzy Valentine. We appreciate you!
Download the Church Calendar to Your Digital Calendar
An iCal link for the Church's calendar is now available here and on the calendar page on our website. Downloading this file will allow you to add the church's calendar to your Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar, or other electronic calendaring system, so you can more easily keep track of service times, church events, and Father's office hours.
2023 Calendars Now Available
Annual printed calendars showing daily Scripture readings and saints, major feast days and fasting days and seasons are now available in the narthex.
Annual Voters' Meeting Results
We passed the budget as proposed. Alli Rockwell was re-elected to another three year term on the council, and John Michalski was appointed to a three year term.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Recently, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Upcoming Baptisms
On December 10 at 11:00am, Michael Fisher will be getting baptized. On December 17 at 11:00, Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea will be getting baptized. All are welcome to attend!
Another St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan had back surgery on December 2, with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
St. Ignatius Liturgy
We will commemorate St. Ignatius of Antioch with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on December 19.
Nativity Services, Come Celebrate the Birth of Our Lord!
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Royal Hours on Friday, December 23 at 9:00am, Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, December 17, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Next meeting will be January 21, 2023 2-4pm via Zoom.
Sunday School Break
Our two younger Sunday School classes will be off on December 25, January 1 and January 8, resuming on January 15. Our high school class will take an additional week off and resume on January 22.
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On December 18, we will hear the genealogy of Christ and the beginning of the story of Jesus's birth Matthew 1:1-25
Food for Thought
When our dull wits had so declined
As to set us mid the squalor of the merely
sensible creation, the Very God consented
to become a body of His own, that He
as one among us might gather our dim senses
to Himself, and manifest through such
incommensurate occasion that He
is not simply man, but also God,
the Word and Wisdom of the One.
Thereafter, He remained His body, and thus
allowed Himself to be observed.
His becoming joined to us performed
two appalling works in our behalf:
He banished death from these
our tendered frames, and made of them
something new and (take note here) renewing.
- Scott Cairns, "The Invisible Seen"
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
December 10, Saturday
+ Baptism of Michael Fisher, 11:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 11, Sunday- Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00-8:00pm
December 12, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
December 14, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm
December 15, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
December 16, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 17, Saturday
+ Baptism of Abdullah Grigore-Ilea and Justice Laudick-Tran, 11:00am
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 18, Sunday, Sunday before Nativity (The Genealogy of Christ)
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who stayed and voted at our Annual Meeting, and special thanks to our Council Chair Alli, Stewardship Committee Chair Austin and Treasurer Becky for making presentations and helping to lead our parish. Thank you also to Elizabeth Michael, Luci Cetlaus and Rene Horak for all of the Christmas decorations around church. It looks beautiful!
Choir Appreciation Sunday
In our archdiocese, the second Sunday of December is dedicated to expressing gratitude for all those who work hard to sing our church music which is the backbone to our services. Special thanks goes out to our three Choir directors: Kristi Abuissa, Lori Branch and Lizzy Valentine. We appreciate you!
Download the Church Calendar to Your Digital Calendar
An iCal link for the Church's calendar is now available here and on the calendar page on our website. Downloading this file will allow you to add the church's calendar to your Outlook, Google Calendar, iCalendar, or other electronic calendaring system, so you can more easily keep track of service times, church events, and Father's office hours.
2023 Calendars Now Available
Annual printed calendars showing daily Scripture readings and saints, major feast days and fasting days and seasons are now available in the narthex.
Annual Voters' Meeting Results
We passed the budget as proposed. Alli Rockwell was re-elected to another three year term on the council, and John Michalski was appointed to a three year term.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Recently, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Upcoming Baptisms
On December 10 at 11:00am, Michael Fisher will be getting baptized. On December 17 at 11:00, Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea will be getting baptized. All are welcome to attend!
Another St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan had back surgery on December 2, with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
St. Ignatius Liturgy
We will commemorate St. Ignatius of Antioch with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on December 19.
Nativity Services, Come Celebrate the Birth of Our Lord!
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Royal Hours on Friday, December 23 at 9:00am, Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, December 17, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Grant updates
- Treasurer’s report
- Stewardship committee updates
- Review of vision and mission statements (see excerpted pages from Reclaiming the Great Commission). Goal setting for 2023 and beyond.
- Adjourn
Next meeting will be January 21, 2023 2-4pm via Zoom.
Sunday School Break
Our two younger Sunday School classes will be off on December 25, January 1 and January 8, resuming on January 15. Our high school class will take an additional week off and resume on January 22.
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On December 18, we will hear the genealogy of Christ and the beginning of the story of Jesus's birth Matthew 1:1-25
Food for Thought
When our dull wits had so declined
As to set us mid the squalor of the merely
sensible creation, the Very God consented
to become a body of His own, that He
as one among us might gather our dim senses
to Himself, and manifest through such
incommensurate occasion that He
is not simply man, but also God,
the Word and Wisdom of the One.
Thereafter, He remained His body, and thus
allowed Himself to be observed.
His becoming joined to us performed
two appalling works in our behalf:
He banished death from these
our tendered frames, and made of them
something new and (take note here) renewing.
- Scott Cairns, "The Invisible Seen"
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday December 4, 2022- St. Barabara and St. John of Damascus
Upcoming Services and Events
December 3, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner at Branch/Peterson's, 6:30pm
December 4, Sunday- St. Barbara and St. John of Damascus
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
December 5, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nicholas, 6:00pm
December 7, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm, followed by OCF meeting
December 8, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
December 9, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 10, Saturday
+ Baptism of Michael Fisher, 11:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 11, Sunday, Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm
Newest Announcements .
Annual Voters' Meeting, December 4
Please plan to stay during coffee hour on Sunday, December 4 as we hold our Annual Voters' Meeting at which we will discuss and approve our annual budget and fill vacancies on our parish council.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Recently, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Upcoming Baptisms
On December 10 at 11:00am, Michael Fisher will be getting baptized. On December 17 at 11:00, Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea will be getting baptized. All are welcome to attend!
Another St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan is having back surgery on December 2 with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
Nativity Services
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Royal Hours on Friday, December 23 at 9:00am, Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the November Parish Council meeting are attached.
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On December 11, we will hear the Parable of the Banquet in which many guests give excuses for why they can't attend and so the master opens up the invitations to many, including the poor and disadvantaged. Luke 14:16-24
Food for Thought
Here is all that is asked of us on this earthly journey: that we hold to the truth and that we live in love.
– St. Nikolai of Zica
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
December 3, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner at Branch/Peterson's, 6:30pm
December 4, Sunday- St. Barbara and St. John of Damascus
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
December 5, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nicholas, 6:00pm
December 7, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm, followed by OCF meeting
December 8, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
December 9, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 10, Saturday
+ Baptism of Michael Fisher, 11:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 11, Sunday, Sunday of the Forefathers of Christ
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm
Newest Announcements .
Annual Voters' Meeting, December 4
Please plan to stay during coffee hour on Sunday, December 4 as we hold our Annual Voters' Meeting at which we will discuss and approve our annual budget and fill vacancies on our parish council.
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Recently, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Upcoming Baptisms
On December 10 at 11:00am, Michael Fisher will be getting baptized. On December 17 at 11:00, Justice Laudick-Tran and Abdullah Grigore-Ilea will be getting baptized. All are welcome to attend!
Another St. Raphael Family to Help With a Meal Train
Catherine Tran and her son Justice have been a part of our church family during this past year. Catherine's husband Ryan is having back surgery on December 2 with a projected recovery time of 6 weeks. We have set up a Meal Train sign-up to make things a little easier on them during this time. Can you help provide them some food?
Nativity Services
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. We will have Royal Hours on Friday, December 23 at 9:00am, Festal Great Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, December 24 and Festal Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:45am and 10:00am on Sunday, December 25.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The minutes of the November Parish Council meeting are attached.
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On December 11, we will hear the Parable of the Banquet in which many guests give excuses for why they can't attend and so the master opens up the invitations to many, including the poor and disadvantaged. Luke 14:16-24
Food for Thought
Here is all that is asked of us on this earthly journey: that we hold to the truth and that we live in love.
– St. Nikolai of Zica
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday November 20, 2022- Entrance of the Theotokos, transferred
Upcoming Services and Events
November 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 20, Sunday- Entrance of the Theotokos, transferred
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
November 21, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 27, Sunday- 24th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
November 28, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 30, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm, followed by OCF meeting
December 1, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
December 2, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 3, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 4, Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Voters' Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Last week, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Father is Traveling
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no office hours, hours prayers, Nativity Paraklesis or OCF meeting November 22-25. Fr. Ignatius will be leaving town on the 22nd and returning late on the 26.
Congratulations! and Help With Meal Train
Congratulations to Luke and Meg Williamson as they welcomed their second daughter into the world recently. Please join us in supporting Luke, Meg, and big sister Hazel during this joyous but exhausting time by signing up to provide them a meal at
Thursday Night Book Group on Zoom
We are taking a break next week for Thanksgiving. We will resume with discussion on Thursday, December 1. Lori will be leading us first in discussing J. R. R. Tolkien's Leaf By Niggle and then, for the three Thursdays immediately before Christmas, some poetry by Scott Cairns.
Commissioning Service for Hannah Valentine
Hannah Valentine is ready to go and serve the Lord and His Church as a missionary in Albania for at least two years. At the end of liturgy on Sunday, November 27, there will be a short commissioning service, a time for us to pray for Hannah's mission work and to send her off to Albania. She will be leaving in early December.
Annual Voters' Meeting, December 4
Please plan to stay during coffee hour on Sunday, December 4 as we hold our Annual Voters' Meeting at which we will discuss and approve our annual budget and fill vacancies on our parish council.
Patriarchal Vicar Metropolitan Antonios Arrives At Archdiocese Headquarters
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 27, we will hear of the Lord's encounter with the rich young man who asked the Lord, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Luke 18:18-27
Food for Thought
The Virgin cometh today, to the cave to give birth,
Ineffably to bring forth, the Word eternal.
Therefore, rejoice O earth, at the message
With the angels and shepherds give glory to Him
Who shall appear by His own will as a young Child
He Who is from eternity, God!
Kontakion of the Preparation of the Nativity of Christ
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
November 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 20, Sunday- Entrance of the Theotokos, transferred
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
November 21, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 27, Sunday- 24th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
November 28, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 30, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Nativity Paraklesis, 6:30pm, followed by OCF meeting
December 1, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
December 2, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
December 3, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
December 4, Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Voters' Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Return Your Pledge Packets ASAP
Last week, Pledge Packets were handed out and mailed. As part of the stewardship that we are all called to manifest in our lives, St. Raphael Church asks its members and friends to prayerfully consider a financial pledge to help fund the budget of our precious parish. It is very important that the Parish Council know how much money they can expect will be given to the church in the upcoming year, so they can appropriately budget and plan. Did you know that St. Raphael Church has about a dozen areas of ministry? To fully fund all that the Lord is calling us to do, we need about $13,500 per month or $162,000 per year. Please return your filled-in pledge packet to church or contact our treasurer Becky and communicate to her your pledge amount as soon as possible. You can also access the pledge form online at and there are also extra print copies available in the church narthex.
Father is Traveling
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no office hours, hours prayers, Nativity Paraklesis or OCF meeting November 22-25. Fr. Ignatius will be leaving town on the 22nd and returning late on the 26.
Congratulations! and Help With Meal Train
Congratulations to Luke and Meg Williamson as they welcomed their second daughter into the world recently. Please join us in supporting Luke, Meg, and big sister Hazel during this joyous but exhausting time by signing up to provide them a meal at
Thursday Night Book Group on Zoom
We are taking a break next week for Thanksgiving. We will resume with discussion on Thursday, December 1. Lori will be leading us first in discussing J. R. R. Tolkien's Leaf By Niggle and then, for the three Thursdays immediately before Christmas, some poetry by Scott Cairns.
Commissioning Service for Hannah Valentine
Hannah Valentine is ready to go and serve the Lord and His Church as a missionary in Albania for at least two years. At the end of liturgy on Sunday, November 27, there will be a short commissioning service, a time for us to pray for Hannah's mission work and to send her off to Albania. She will be leaving in early December.
Annual Voters' Meeting, December 4
Please plan to stay during coffee hour on Sunday, December 4 as we hold our Annual Voters' Meeting at which we will discuss and approve our annual budget and fill vacancies on our parish council.
Patriarchal Vicar Metropolitan Antonios Arrives At Archdiocese Headquarters
Nativity Fast
We now prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 27, we will hear of the Lord's encounter with the rich young man who asked the Lord, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Luke 18:18-27
Food for Thought
The Virgin cometh today, to the cave to give birth,
Ineffably to bring forth, the Word eternal.
Therefore, rejoice O earth, at the message
With the angels and shepherds give glory to Him
Who shall appear by His own will as a young Child
He Who is from eternity, God!
Kontakion of the Preparation of the Nativity of Christ
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday November 13, 2022- St. John Chrysostom
Upcoming Services and Events
November 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 13, Sunday- St. John Chrysostom
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
November 14, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 16, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm followed by OCF meeting
November 17, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
November 18, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
November 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 20, Sunday- Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (Transferred)
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Congratulations! and Help With Meal Train
Congratulations to Luke and Meg Williamson as they welcomed their second daughter, Isla Marie, into the world recently. Please join us in supporting Luke, Meg, and big sister Hazel during this joyous but exhausting time by signing up to provide them a meal at
Nativity Fast Begins November 15
We prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Parish Council Meeting on November 19
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 20, we will hear the account of Jesus interacting with sisters Mary and Martha and the Lord's gentle rebuke of Martha's busyness in serving when she should have been at the feet of the Lord and learning from Him. Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Food for Thought
"If but ten among us lead a holy life, we shall kindle a fire which shall light up the entire city."
-- St. John Chrysostom
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
November 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 13, Sunday- St. John Chrysostom
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
November 14, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 16, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm followed by OCF meeting
November 17, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
November 18, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
November 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 20, Sunday- Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (Transferred)
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Congratulations! and Help With Meal Train
Congratulations to Luke and Meg Williamson as they welcomed their second daughter, Isla Marie, into the world recently. Please join us in supporting Luke, Meg, and big sister Hazel during this joyous but exhausting time by signing up to provide them a meal at
Nativity Fast Begins November 15
We prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Parish Council Meeting on November 19
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Updates on old business:
- Scheduling a visit from Bp. Anthony
- Elections committee updates
- Food pantry and holiday baskets updates
- Grant updates
- Treasurer’s report
- Best Practices
- Budget to propose for 2023
- Stewardship committee updates
- Committee’s goals for the year
- Annual meeting - December 4
- All parish council members should be present
- Determine agenda, theme
- Who will prepare ballots?
- Adjourn
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 20, we will hear the account of Jesus interacting with sisters Mary and Martha and the Lord's gentle rebuke of Martha's busyness in serving when she should have been at the feet of the Lord and learning from Him. Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Food for Thought
"If but ten among us lead a holy life, we shall kindle a fire which shall light up the entire city."
-- St. John Chrysostom
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday November 6, 2022- 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
November 4, Friday
+ Vigil for St. Raphael, 6:00pm, followed by refreshments
November 5, Saturday
+ Liturgy for St. Raphael, followed by brunch, 9:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 6, Sunday- 21st Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
November 7, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 8, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nektarios, 6:00pm at the UI Danforth Chapel
November 9, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm followed by OCF meeting
November 10, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
November 11, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
November 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 13, Sunday- St. John Chrysostom
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
St. Raphael Feast Day Services and Food, Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. Refreshments will be served following vigil. Brunch will be served following liturgy. Come and celebrate our patron saint. Bring your family and friends!
Thank You!
Thank you to our OCF college group who is sponsoring the refreshments following Vigil on Friday evening, and the brunch following liturgy on Saturday morning. Thank you also to Irakliy Surguladze who cleaned up our church yard recently by blowing leaves.
St. Nektarios Vesperal Liturgy on UI Campus Nov. 8
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is hosting a vesperal liturgy to commemorate their chapter's patron saint, St. Nektarios, with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on November 8 in the UI's Danforth Chapel near the Iowa Memorial Union. All are welcome!
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
November/December Printed Calendars Available
Printed calendars showing services and other events are printed and available to pick up in the narthex.
Nativity Fast Begins November 15
We prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 13, we will hear the Lord's Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Food for Thought
Everlasting King, Thy will for our salvation is full of power. Thy right arm doth control the whole course of human life. We give Thee thanks for all Thy mercies, seen and unseen; for eternal life, for the heavenly joys of the Kingdom which is to be. Grant mercy to us who sing Thy praise, both now and in the time to come: Glory to Thee, O God, from age to age!
Akathist of Thanksgiving: "Glory to God for All Things!"
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
November 4, Friday
+ Vigil for St. Raphael, 6:00pm, followed by refreshments
November 5, Saturday
+ Liturgy for St. Raphael, followed by brunch, 9:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 6, Sunday- 21st Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
November 7, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 8, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nektarios, 6:00pm at the UI Danforth Chapel
November 9, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm followed by OCF meeting
November 10, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
November 11, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
November 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 13, Sunday- St. John Chrysostom
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
St. Raphael Feast Day Services and Food, Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. Refreshments will be served following vigil. Brunch will be served following liturgy. Come and celebrate our patron saint. Bring your family and friends!
Thank You!
Thank you to our OCF college group who is sponsoring the refreshments following Vigil on Friday evening, and the brunch following liturgy on Saturday morning. Thank you also to Irakliy Surguladze who cleaned up our church yard recently by blowing leaves.
St. Nektarios Vesperal Liturgy on UI Campus Nov. 8
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is hosting a vesperal liturgy to commemorate their chapter's patron saint, St. Nektarios, with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on November 8 in the UI's Danforth Chapel near the Iowa Memorial Union. All are welcome!
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
November/December Printed Calendars Available
Printed calendars showing services and other events are printed and available to pick up in the narthex.
Nativity Fast Begins November 15
We prepare for the coming Feast of the Lord's Nativity during the forty days leading up to Christmas. Part of this preparation includes altering our diet to conform to the fasting discipline of the Church. The specifics of the fasting guidelines for each day are contained in the printed November/December calendars and online at: Generally, we fast most strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, less strictly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and less strictly still, on the weekends. If you have any questions about Orthodox fasting, why we do it, how we do it, don't hesitate to ask Fr. Ignatius. Our archdiocese has traditionally recognized a dispensation from fasting for the American Thanksgiving holiday.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Attached, you will find a list of items that we are in need of in our food pantry. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have exceptional buying power through the HACAP food reservoir, so your dollars are able to purchase more this way, than you can at the grocery store. Also, please check expiration dates before donating food items. We can't put expired food on our shelves.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 13, we will hear the Lord's Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Food for Thought
Everlasting King, Thy will for our salvation is full of power. Thy right arm doth control the whole course of human life. We give Thee thanks for all Thy mercies, seen and unseen; for eternal life, for the heavenly joys of the Kingdom which is to be. Grant mercy to us who sing Thy praise, both now and in the time to come: Glory to Thee, O God, from age to age!
Akathist of Thanksgiving: "Glory to God for All Things!"
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday October 30, 2022- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
October 29, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 30, Sunday- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
October 31, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 2, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
November 3, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
November 4, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Vigil (Vespers & Matins) for St. Raphael, 6:00pm, followed by refreshments
November 5, Saturday
+ Divine Liturgy for St. Raphael, 9:00am, followed by brunch
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 6, Sunday- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Thank You
Thank you to Michael Fisher, Alli Rockwell, Catherine and Justice Tran, Austin Collins and Evren Sasmazer who helped with cleaning at the church last Saturday.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services and Food, Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. Refreshments will be served following vigil. Brunch will be served following liturgy. Come and celebrate our patron saint. Bring your family and friends!
St. Nektarios Vesperal Liturgy on UI Campus Nov. 8
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is hosting a vesperal liturgy to commemorate their chapter's patron saint, St. Nektarios, with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on November 8 in the UI's Danforth Chapel near the Iowa Memorial Union. All are welcome!
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
Farewell Letter From Metropolitan Joseph in Retirement
His letter is attached.
Greeting Letter from our Patriarchal Vicar, Metropolitan Antonios
His letter is attached.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The approved Parish Council meeting minutes are attached.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 6, we will hear about the raising from the dead of the daughter of Jairus by Jesus. Luke 8:41-56
Food for Thought
“Do what you’re doing. Be present where you are.”
- St. Benedict of Nursia
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
October 29, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 30, Sunday- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
October 31, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
November 2, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
November 3, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
November 4, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Vigil (Vespers & Matins) for St. Raphael, 6:00pm, followed by refreshments
November 5, Saturday
+ Divine Liturgy for St. Raphael, 9:00am, followed by brunch
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
November 6, Sunday- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Thank You
Thank you to Michael Fisher, Alli Rockwell, Catherine and Justice Tran, Austin Collins and Evren Sasmazer who helped with cleaning at the church last Saturday.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services and Food, Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. Refreshments will be served following vigil. Brunch will be served following liturgy. Come and celebrate our patron saint. Bring your family and friends!
St. Nektarios Vesperal Liturgy on UI Campus Nov. 8
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is hosting a vesperal liturgy to commemorate their chapter's patron saint, St. Nektarios, with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on November 8 in the UI's Danforth Chapel near the Iowa Memorial Union. All are welcome!
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
Farewell Letter From Metropolitan Joseph in Retirement
His letter is attached.
Greeting Letter from our Patriarchal Vicar, Metropolitan Antonios
His letter is attached.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The approved Parish Council meeting minutes are attached.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Mayonnaise
- Ritz Crackers
- Canned peas
- Tomato soup
- Clam chowder
- Pancake mix
- Stovetop stuffing
- Pancake syrup
- Deodorant (men's and women's)
- Bath soap
- Laundry detergent
- Jasmine or white rice
- Corned beef hash
- Canned peaches
- Dry Spaghetti and other pasta
- Hamburger Helper and Tuna Helper
- Canned Chef Boyardee ravioli
- Cookie mix
- Chef Boyardee cans
- Salmon
- Spam
- Vienna sausages
- Jelly
- Juice boxes
- Graham crackers
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On November 6, we will hear about the raising from the dead of the daughter of Jairus by Jesus. Luke 8:41-56
Food for Thought
“Do what you’re doing. Be present where you are.”
- St. Benedict of Nursia
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday October 23, 2022- St. James the Brother of the Lord
Upcoming Services and Events
October 22, Saturday
+ Fall Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm-4:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 23, Sunday- St. James the Brother of the Lord
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
October 24, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
October 26, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm followed by OCF meeting
October 27, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 28, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
October 29, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 30, Sunday- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Fall Clean-up Day
On Saturday, October 22 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers to come and help clean-up around the church. Come for all or part of the time!
Run for the Schools on October 23
The Run for the Schools road races will be taking place in the church's neighborhood on Sunday, October 23. It will not be possible to park near the church on that day. Your best option will be to park in the Chauncey Swan Parking Garage to the west of the church, entering on the Washington St. side.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. More information about other related events will be released soon.
St. Nektarios Vesperal Liturgy on UI Campus Nov. 8
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is hosting a vesperal liturgy to commemorate their chapter's patron saint, St. Nektarios, with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on November 8 in the UI's Danforth Chapel near the Iowa Memorial Union. All are welcome!
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 30, we will hear the Lord's parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31
Food for Thought
"O Lord, shield me from wicked men, from demons and passions, and from all other ungodly things."
- St. John Chrysostom's prayer for 11pm
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
October 22, Saturday
+ Fall Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm-4:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 23, Sunday- St. James the Brother of the Lord
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
October 24, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
October 26, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm followed by OCF meeting
October 27, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 28, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
October 29, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 30, Sunday- 20th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Fall Clean-up Day
On Saturday, October 22 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers to come and help clean-up around the church. Come for all or part of the time!
Run for the Schools on October 23
The Run for the Schools road races will be taking place in the church's neighborhood on Sunday, October 23. It will not be possible to park near the church on that day. Your best option will be to park in the Chauncey Swan Parking Garage to the west of the church, entering on the Washington St. side.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. More information about other related events will be released soon.
St. Nektarios Vesperal Liturgy on UI Campus Nov. 8
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is hosting a vesperal liturgy to commemorate their chapter's patron saint, St. Nektarios, with a Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on November 8 in the UI's Danforth Chapel near the Iowa Memorial Union. All are welcome!
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Mayonnaise
- Ritz Crackers
- Canned peas
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Tomato soup
- Clam chowder
- Canned corn
- Pancake mix
- Stovetop stuffing
- Pancake syrup
- Deodorant (men's and women's)
- Bath soap
- Laundry soap
- Jasmine or white rice
- Corned beef hash
- Corn bread
- Cream of chicken soup
- Toothbrushes
- Canned ham
- Marinara sauce
- Canned red beans and rice
- Canned pears
- Canned peaches
- Applesauce
- Spaghetti
- Hamburger Helper
- Canned Chef Boyardee ravioli
- Cookie mix
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 30, we will hear the Lord's parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31
Food for Thought
"O Lord, shield me from wicked men, from demons and passions, and from all other ungodly things."
- St. John Chrysostom's prayer for 11pm
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday October 16, 2022- Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
Upcoming Services and Events
October 15, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 16, Sunday- Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
+ Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
October 17, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
October 19, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
October 20, Thursday
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 22, Saturday
+ Fall Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm-4:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 23, Sunday- St. James the Brother of the Lord
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed This Sunday, October 16
We will be praying Memorial Prayers for departed Orthodox loved ones on Sunday, October 16 at the end of liturgy. Please get your list of names to Fr. Ignatius ASAP.
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Fr. Ignatius Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be attending a diocesan clergy retreat in Indianapolis from October 19-21. There will be no office hours or hours prayers scheduled for those days.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Your Parish Council is meeting on Saturday, October 22 from 2:00pm-4:00pm on Zoom.
Following is the agenda.
Next meeting will be November 19, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
Fall Clean-up Day
On Saturday, October 22 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers to come and help clean-up around the church. Come for all or part of the time!
Run for the Schools on October 23
The Run for the Schools road races will be taking place in the church's neighborhood on Sunday, October 23. It will not be possible to park near the church on that day. Your best option will be to park in the Chauncey Swan Parking Garage to the west of the church, entering on the Washington St. side.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. More information about other related events will be released soon.
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
September Council Meeting Minutes
They are attached.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 23, we will hear the exorcism of the Gadarene demoniac. Luke 8:26-39
Food for Thought
Look at the saints! They were not all hermits. They were like us at first and were not sinless, and they were also engaged with worldly affairs, cares and duties, and many of them had a family as well. But while doing their worldly occupations and duties, they did not forget their duties as Christians, and while living in the world, they made their way into the Kingdom of Heaven- and often led others with them as well.
- St. Innocent of Alaska
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
October 15, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 16, Sunday- Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
+ Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
October 17, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
October 19, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
October 20, Thursday
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 22, Saturday
+ Fall Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm-4:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 23, Sunday- St. James the Brother of the Lord
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed This Sunday, October 16
We will be praying Memorial Prayers for departed Orthodox loved ones on Sunday, October 16 at the end of liturgy. Please get your list of names to Fr. Ignatius ASAP.
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Fr. Ignatius Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be attending a diocesan clergy retreat in Indianapolis from October 19-21. There will be no office hours or hours prayers scheduled for those days.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Your Parish Council is meeting on Saturday, October 22 from 2:00pm-4:00pm on Zoom.
Following is the agenda.
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Need to establish an elections committee - Alli and Mike’s terms are ending
- Scheduling a visit from Bp. Anthony
- Treasurer’s report
- Food pantry and holiday baskets updates
- Grant updates
- Discussion of Bill’s presentation; action items to pursue
- 2023 pledge drive
- Adjourn
Next meeting will be November 19, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
Fall Clean-up Day
On Saturday, October 22 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers to come and help clean-up around the church. Come for all or part of the time!
Run for the Schools on October 23
The Run for the Schools road races will be taking place in the church's neighborhood on Sunday, October 23. It will not be possible to park near the church on that day. Your best option will be to park in the Chauncey Swan Parking Garage to the west of the church, entering on the Washington St. side.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. More information about other related events will be released soon.
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
The sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex. The menu will consist of chili, cornbread, fruit and dessert. It needs to be dropped off at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St., Iowa City) by 2:30pm on the 12th. In addition to needing menu items provided, we also need some volunteers to help serve the food from 3:00pm-6:00pm that day.
September Council Meeting Minutes
They are attached.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Mayonnaise
- Ritz Crackers
- Canned peas
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Tomato soup
- Clam chowder
- Canned corn
- Pancake mix
- Stovetop stuffing
- Pancake syrup
- Deodorant (men's and women's)
- Bath soap
- Laundry soap
- Jasmine or white rice
- Corned beef hash
- Corn bread
- Cream of chicken soup
- Toothbrushes
- Canned ham
- Marinara sauce
- Canned red beans and rice
- Canned pears
- Canned peaches
- Applesauce
- Spaghetti
- Hamburger Helper
- Canned Chef Boyardee ravioli
- Cookie mix
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 23, we will hear the exorcism of the Gadarene demoniac. Luke 8:26-39
Food for Thought
Look at the saints! They were not all hermits. They were like us at first and were not sinless, and they were also engaged with worldly affairs, cares and duties, and many of them had a family as well. But while doing their worldly occupations and duties, they did not forget their duties as Christians, and while living in the world, they made their way into the Kingdom of Heaven- and often led others with them as well.
- St. Innocent of Alaska
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday October 9, 2022- 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
October 8, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner, 6:30pm
October 9, Sunday- 17th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
October 10, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
October 12, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm, followed by OCF meeting
October 13, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 14, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
October 15, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 16, Sunday- Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Recent Letter from Patriarch John to Bishop John and the Temporary Operating Committee
In the wake of the sudden retirement of Metropolitan Joseph, a Temporary Operating Committee chaired by Bishop John of the Diocese of Worchester and New England was formed and tasked with the administration of the Archdiocese. The following letter says that the Holy Synod of Antioch will be convening a meeting beginning October 12, and that the current situation with our archdiocese will be discussed and a Patriarchal Vicar will be appointed. The Patriarchal Vicar is a bishop who functions as a locum tenens, temporarily administering the archdiocese on behalf of the Patriarch and Holy Synod of Antioch, until the archdiocese nominates a candidate to be the next Metropolitan and that candidate is ratified by the Patriarch and the Synod. The letter can be read at:
Editorial by Bishop John About Transition in the Archdiocese
St. Raphael Food Pantry Receives Grant
We are happy to announce that the St. Raphael Food Pantry has received a $5,000 grant from the archdiocese. These funds will be used to stock the shelves of the pantry, to purchase gift cards for groceries and gas for people in need, to provide holiday gift baskets to families in need and to help people with paying utility bills.
Run for the Schools on October 23
The Run for the Schools road races will be taking place in the church's neighborhood on Sunday, October 23. It will not be possible to park near the church on that day. Your best option will be to park in the Chauncey Swan Parking Garage to the west of the church, entering on the Washington St. side.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. More information about other related events will be released soon.
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
More information, including a sign-up sheet will be released soon.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 16, we will hear the Lord's Parable of the Sower. Luke 8:5-15
Food for Thought
"Repentance is the abandoning of all false paths, and a return to the new path: Christ's path."
-St. Nikolai Velemirovic
Recurring Announcements
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Our weekly Wednesday Akathist now begins at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
October 8- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 15- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
October 8, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner, 6:30pm
October 9, Sunday- 17th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
October 10, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
October 12, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 6:30pm, followed by OCF meeting
October 13, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 14, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
October 15, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
October 16, Sunday- Sunday of the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour and Parish-Wide Meeting
Newest Announcements .
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Recent Letter from Patriarch John to Bishop John and the Temporary Operating Committee
In the wake of the sudden retirement of Metropolitan Joseph, a Temporary Operating Committee chaired by Bishop John of the Diocese of Worchester and New England was formed and tasked with the administration of the Archdiocese. The following letter says that the Holy Synod of Antioch will be convening a meeting beginning October 12, and that the current situation with our archdiocese will be discussed and a Patriarchal Vicar will be appointed. The Patriarchal Vicar is a bishop who functions as a locum tenens, temporarily administering the archdiocese on behalf of the Patriarch and Holy Synod of Antioch, until the archdiocese nominates a candidate to be the next Metropolitan and that candidate is ratified by the Patriarch and the Synod. The letter can be read at:
Editorial by Bishop John About Transition in the Archdiocese
St. Raphael Food Pantry Receives Grant
We are happy to announce that the St. Raphael Food Pantry has received a $5,000 grant from the archdiocese. These funds will be used to stock the shelves of the pantry, to purchase gift cards for groceries and gas for people in need, to provide holiday gift baskets to families in need and to help people with paying utility bills.
Run for the Schools on October 23
The Run for the Schools road races will be taking place in the church's neighborhood on Sunday, October 23. It will not be possible to park near the church on that day. Your best option will be to park in the Chauncey Swan Parking Garage to the west of the church, entering on the Washington St. side.
St. Raphael Feast Day Services Nov. 4 & 5
This year, St. Raphael Day is Saturday, November 5. We will have Vigil (Vespers with Litia & Artoklasia and Matins) at 6pm on Friday, November 4 and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Saturday, November 5. More information about other related events will be released soon.
Next Catholic Worker House Meal on November 12
More information, including a sign-up sheet will be released soon.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Mayonnaise
- Baked beans
- Ritz Crackers
- Canned salmon
- Pretzels
- Potato chips
- Tomato soup
- Clam chowder
- Vienna sausages
- Lunchables or Hormel Compleats
- Stovetop stuffing
- Pop tarts
- Deodorant (men's and women's)
- Juice boxes
- Spam
- Bath soap
- Laundry soap
- Combs and brushes
- Jasmine or white rice
- Corned beef hash
- Beef sirloin soup
- Cream of mushroom soup
- Cream of chicken soup
- Toothbrushes
- Canned ham
- Vienna sausages
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 16, we will hear the Lord's Parable of the Sower. Luke 8:5-15
Food for Thought
"Repentance is the abandoning of all false paths, and a return to the new path: Christ's path."
-St. Nikolai Velemirovic
Recurring Announcements
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Our weekly Wednesday Akathist now begins at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
October 8- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 15- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday September 25, 2022- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
September 24, Saturday
+ Vespers and a potluck picnic, 4:00pm, in North Liberty (1605 N. Jones Blvd.)
September 25, Sunday- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 28, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
September 29, Thursday
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 1, Saturday
+ Reader's Vespers, 5:00pm
October 2, Sunday- 16th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
October 5, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, followed by OCF meeting, 6:30pm
October 6, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 7, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
October 8, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner, 6:30pm
October 9, Sunday, 17th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
Newest Announcements .
Father Will Be Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town September 24-October 3. We will have reader's vespers, matins and typica on September 24 and 25 and reader's vespers, matins and Divine Liturgy on October 1 and 2. Fr. Germogen Tucker will be substituting for Fr. Ignatius on October 2. Please welcome him warmly. In case of pastoral emergency and you are not able to get in touch with Fr. Ignatius, you may contact Fr. Fred Shaheen at 319-651-6452.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty (1605 N. Jones Blvd.). Following the service, we will be having a potluck picnic. All are welcome! Bring food to share!
New Letter From Patriarch John
The letter is attached. The clergy have been told that Metropolitan Joseph will continue to be commemorated in the divine services until the Patriarch appoints a Patriarchal Vicar to administer the archdiocese, or until the Patriarch otherwise directs us.
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 2, we will hear a portion of Jesus' Sermon on the Plain in which he speaks of the necessity of mercy and loving one's enemies. Luke 6:31-36
Food for Thought
O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies. And by the power of Thy Cross, preserve Thy commonwealth.
- Troparion of the Elevation of the Cross
Recurring Announcements
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Our weekly Wednesday Akathist now begins at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
October 8- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 15- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
September 24, Saturday
+ Vespers and a potluck picnic, 4:00pm, in North Liberty (1605 N. Jones Blvd.)
September 25, Sunday- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 28, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 6:30pm
September 29, Thursday
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 1, Saturday
+ Reader's Vespers, 5:00pm
October 2, Sunday- 16th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
October 5, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, followed by OCF meeting, 6:30pm
October 6, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
October 7, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
October 8, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner, 6:30pm
October 9, Sunday, 17th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
Newest Announcements .
Father Will Be Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town September 24-October 3. We will have reader's vespers, matins and typica on September 24 and 25 and reader's vespers, matins and Divine Liturgy on October 1 and 2. Fr. Germogen Tucker will be substituting for Fr. Ignatius on October 2. Please welcome him warmly. In case of pastoral emergency and you are not able to get in touch with Fr. Ignatius, you may contact Fr. Fred Shaheen at 319-651-6452.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty (1605 N. Jones Blvd.). Following the service, we will be having a potluck picnic. All are welcome! Bring food to share!
New Letter From Patriarch John
The letter is attached. The clergy have been told that Metropolitan Joseph will continue to be commemorated in the divine services until the Patriarch appoints a Patriarchal Vicar to administer the archdiocese, or until the Patriarch otherwise directs us.
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Mayonnaise
- Can openers
- Baked beans
- Marinara sauce
- Pasta sauce with meat
- Assorted crackers
- Trail mix
- Canned salmon
- Boom chicka pop
- Applesauce packs
- Squeeze yogurt
- Chef Boyardee ravioli
- Tomato soup
- Clam chowder
- Vienna sausages
- Hormel Compleats
- Pancake mix (just add water)
- Pancake syrup
- Stovetop stuffing
- Cornbread
- Graham crackers
- Tea
- Juice boxes
- Cookie mix
- Rice Krispie bars
- Snack packs of chips
- Shampoo
- Deodorant (men's and women's)
- Hand lotion
- Tuna helper
- Jelly
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On October 2, we will hear a portion of Jesus' Sermon on the Plain in which he speaks of the necessity of mercy and loving one's enemies. Luke 6:31-36
Food for Thought
O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies. And by the power of Thy Cross, preserve Thy commonwealth.
- Troparion of the Elevation of the Cross
Recurring Announcements
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Our weekly Wednesday Akathist now begins at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
October 8- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 15- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday September 18, 2022- Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross
Upcoming Services and Events
September 17, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 1:00pm
+ Intro to Orthodoxy Class, 3:00pm
+ Great vespers, 5:00pm
September 18, Sunday- Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 19, Monday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
September 21, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, followed by OCF meeting, 6:30pm
September 22, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
September 23, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 24, Saturday
+ Reader's Vespers, 4:00pm in North Liberty, followed by picnic
September 25, Sunday- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Father Will Be Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town September 24-October 3. We will have reader's vespers, matins and typica on September 24 and 25 and reader's vespers, matins and Divine Liturgy on October 1 and 2. Fr. Germogen Tucker will be substituting for Fr. Ignatius on October 2. Please welcome him warmly.
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, September 17, 2022
1:00-3:00 pm by Zoom
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Fundraiser for Shelter House
It’s time for barbeque! Join Shelter House for another year of BBQ Bash! Delicious, smoked meats have been a staple of BBQ Bash each year. This year, they are hosting the in-person event at the Johnson County Fairgrounds on September 23 from 5:30 - 8:30pm. Can't join them in-person? No worries, you can order to-go! Bash Bags will be available on September 24 and September 25. And get this: they have arranged for CHOMP Delivery to bring the hot meal right to your door! Curbside pickup also available. Whether you’re stopping by the live event or enjoying Bash Bags with family around the dinner table, a full weekend of delicious barbeque, fun activities, and blues music awaits. Support our mission to move individuals beyond homelessness by purchasing your tickets today! Tickets are on sale now at Get your in-person event tickets for $40 for adults and $15 for children. BBQ Bash Bags tickets are $25 each.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 25, we will hear about the miraculous catch of fish and Jesus calling Peter, James and John to become fishers of men. Luke 5:1-11
Food for Thought
"Why a Virgin Birth?
In the New Testament it is clearly stated that Jesus Christ's Mother was a virgin (Mt 1.18, 23, 25). Our Lord has an eternal Father in heaven, but no father on earth. He was begotten outside time from the Father without a mother, and he was begotten within time from his Mother without a father. This belief in the Virgin Birth does not, however, in any way detract from the fullness of Christ's humanity. Although the Mother was a virgin, yet there was a real human birth of a genuinely human baby.
Yet why, we ask, should his birth as a man take this special form? To this it may be answered that the Mother's virginity serves as a 'sign' of the Son's uniqueness. This it does in three closely connected ways. First, the fact that Christ has no earthly father means that he points always beyond his situation in space and time to his heavenly and eternal origin. Mary's child is truly man, but he is not only man; he is within history but also above history. His birth from a virgin emphasizes that, while immanent, he is also transcendent; although completely man, he is also perfect God.
Second, the fact that Christ's Mother was a virgin indicates that his birth is to be ascribed in a unique manner to the divine initiative. Although he is fully human, his birth was not the result of sexual union between man and woman, but it was in a special way the direct work of God.
Third, Christ's birth from a virgin underlines that the Incarnation did not involve the coming into being of a new person. When a child is born from two human parents in the usual fashion, a new person begins to exist. But the person of the incarnate Christ is none other than the second person of the Holy Trinity. At Christ's birth, therefore, no new person came into existence, but the pre-existent person of the Son of God now began to live according to a human as well as a divine mode of being. So the Virgin Birth reflects Christ's eternal pre-existence."
- Metropolitan Kallistos Ware in The Orthodox Way, pp. 107-108
Recurring Announcements
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Our weekly Wednesday Akathist now begins at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 8- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 15- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
September 17, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 1:00pm
+ Intro to Orthodoxy Class, 3:00pm
+ Great vespers, 5:00pm
September 18, Sunday- Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 19, Monday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
September 21, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, followed by OCF meeting, 6:30pm
September 22, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
September 23, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 24, Saturday
+ Reader's Vespers, 4:00pm in North Liberty, followed by picnic
September 25, Sunday- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Father Will Be Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town September 24-October 3. We will have reader's vespers, matins and typica on September 24 and 25 and reader's vespers, matins and Divine Liturgy on October 1 and 2. Fr. Germogen Tucker will be substituting for Fr. Ignatius on October 2. Please welcome him warmly.
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, September 17, 2022
1:00-3:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Treasurer’s Report (review materials Becky sent)
- Food Pantry update
- Grant-writing updates
- Preparing for the Oct 16 Parish-wide meeting
- Next meeting - October 22, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Fundraiser for Shelter House
It’s time for barbeque! Join Shelter House for another year of BBQ Bash! Delicious, smoked meats have been a staple of BBQ Bash each year. This year, they are hosting the in-person event at the Johnson County Fairgrounds on September 23 from 5:30 - 8:30pm. Can't join them in-person? No worries, you can order to-go! Bash Bags will be available on September 24 and September 25. And get this: they have arranged for CHOMP Delivery to bring the hot meal right to your door! Curbside pickup also available. Whether you’re stopping by the live event or enjoying Bash Bags with family around the dinner table, a full weekend of delicious barbeque, fun activities, and blues music awaits. Support our mission to move individuals beyond homelessness by purchasing your tickets today! Tickets are on sale now at Get your in-person event tickets for $40 for adults and $15 for children. BBQ Bash Bags tickets are $25 each.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Nutrigrain bars
- Mayonnaise
- Can openers
- Corned beef hash
- Canned ham
- Baked beans
- Marinara sauce
- Canned chicken
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Assorted crackers
- Nutella to go
- Spam
- Trail mix
- Canned salmon
- Pop tarts
- Rice Krispie bars
- Boom chicka pop
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 25, we will hear about the miraculous catch of fish and Jesus calling Peter, James and John to become fishers of men. Luke 5:1-11
Food for Thought
"Why a Virgin Birth?
In the New Testament it is clearly stated that Jesus Christ's Mother was a virgin (Mt 1.18, 23, 25). Our Lord has an eternal Father in heaven, but no father on earth. He was begotten outside time from the Father without a mother, and he was begotten within time from his Mother without a father. This belief in the Virgin Birth does not, however, in any way detract from the fullness of Christ's humanity. Although the Mother was a virgin, yet there was a real human birth of a genuinely human baby.
Yet why, we ask, should his birth as a man take this special form? To this it may be answered that the Mother's virginity serves as a 'sign' of the Son's uniqueness. This it does in three closely connected ways. First, the fact that Christ has no earthly father means that he points always beyond his situation in space and time to his heavenly and eternal origin. Mary's child is truly man, but he is not only man; he is within history but also above history. His birth from a virgin emphasizes that, while immanent, he is also transcendent; although completely man, he is also perfect God.
Second, the fact that Christ's Mother was a virgin indicates that his birth is to be ascribed in a unique manner to the divine initiative. Although he is fully human, his birth was not the result of sexual union between man and woman, but it was in a special way the direct work of God.
Third, Christ's birth from a virgin underlines that the Incarnation did not involve the coming into being of a new person. When a child is born from two human parents in the usual fashion, a new person begins to exist. But the person of the incarnate Christ is none other than the second person of the Holy Trinity. At Christ's birth, therefore, no new person came into existence, but the pre-existent person of the Son of God now began to live according to a human as well as a divine mode of being. So the Virgin Birth reflects Christ's eternal pre-existence."
- Metropolitan Kallistos Ware in The Orthodox Way, pp. 107-108
Recurring Announcements
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Our weekly Wednesday Akathist now begins at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 8- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 15- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday September 11, 2022- Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross
Upcoming Services and Events
September 10, Saturday
+ Sunday School Picnic, 11:30am-1:00pm
September 11, Sunday- Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 12, Monday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
September 13, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Elevation of the Cross, 6:00pm
September 14, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, followed by OCF meeting, 6:30pm
September 15, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
September 16, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 17, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 18, Sunday- The Sunday after the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
No Vespers at St. Raphael on September 10
Bishop Anthony is visiting St. George Church in Cedar Rapids (3650 Cottage Grove Ave SE) this weekend. All are invited to attend vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Feast of the Elevation of the Cross
We will celebrate this feast with Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on September 13.
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Beginning this week, our weekly Wednesday Akathist will begin at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School potluck picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 18, we will hear Jesus' teaching on self denial Mark 8:34-9:1
Food for Thought
"Teach me to act firmly and wisely without embittering or embarrassing others..."
- Excerpt from the Prayer of St. Philaret of Moscow
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
A Note on Parking
Now that the university is back in session, street parking in the immediate neighborhood of the church is more scarce. If you can't walk to church, here are two suggestions: 1. Come to matins at 8:45am on Sunday mornings (and stay for liturgy!)- you will likely be able to find a place to park if you arrive early. 2. Three blocks to the west of church, the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp has free parking on Sundays.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
September 10, Saturday
+ Sunday School Picnic, 11:30am-1:00pm
September 11, Sunday- Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 12, Monday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
September 13, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Elevation of the Cross, 6:00pm
September 14, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, followed by OCF meeting, 6:30pm
September 15, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion, 7:00pm on Zoom
September 16, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 17, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 18, Sunday- The Sunday after the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
No Vespers at St. Raphael on September 10
Bishop Anthony is visiting St. George Church in Cedar Rapids (3650 Cottage Grove Ave SE) this weekend. All are invited to attend vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Feast of the Elevation of the Cross
We will celebrate this feast with Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on September 13.
New Time for Wednesday Akathists
Beginning this week, our weekly Wednesday Akathist will begin at 6:30pm. This is so that our OCF will have time to meet immediately afterward.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School potluck picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Parish-wide Meeting – October 16, 12:30 pm
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a parish-wide meeting on Sunday, October 16, at 12:30 pm (just after coffee hour). The Parish Council has been working with Bill Marianes of Stewardship Calling to conduct a Financial Stewardship Analysis. The FSA looks at the past three years of financial data for the parish to point out relevant metrics about our financial health and highlight which stewardship challenges the parish can focus on addressing, as well as providing some concrete ideas for addressing issues. More information about this process is attached. On October 16, Bill will be joining us via Zoom to present the results of St. Raphael’s FSA and to answer questions from parishioners. Please be sure to join us for this important meeting as we work as a family to address our financial stability.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Fruit bars
- Combs and brushes
- Mayonnaise
- Can openers
- Corned beef hash
- Canned ham
- Baked beans
- Marinara sauce
- Canned chicken
- Tooth brushes
- Assorted crackers
- Hormel Compleats
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 18, we will hear Jesus' teaching on self denial Mark 8:34-9:1
Food for Thought
"Teach me to act firmly and wisely without embittering or embarrassing others..."
- Excerpt from the Prayer of St. Philaret of Moscow
Recurring Announcements
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion
We are meeting weekly on Zoom each Thursday at 7:00pm to discuss St. Gregory of Nyssa's and St. Macrina the Younger's On the Soul and the Resurrection.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
A Note on Parking
Now that the university is back in session, street parking in the immediate neighborhood of the church is more scarce. If you can't walk to church, here are two suggestions: 1. Come to matins at 8:45am on Sunday mornings (and stay for liturgy!)- you will likely be able to find a place to park if you arrive early. 2. Three blocks to the west of church, the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp has free parking on Sundays.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday September 4, 2022- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
September 3, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy Class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 4, Sunday- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 6, Tuesday
+ Sunday School teachers Zoom call meeting, 6:00pm
September 7, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Nativity of the Theotokos, 6:00pm, followed by a meal
September 8, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Fellowship Dinner, 6:30pm, at Robert and Lori's home
September 9, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 10, Saturday
+ Sunday School Kick-off Picnic, 11:30am-1:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 11, Sunday- The Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
No Office Hours September 5
Due to the Labor Day holiday, Fr. Ignatius will not be holding office hours on Monday, September 5
Letter from Patriarch John
Addressing the situation with Metropolitan Joseph, Patriarch John released this message to all the faithful of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America.
Letter from Metropolitan Joseph
Attached, please find a letter Metropolitan Joseph has released concerning accusations made against him.
Nativity of the Theotokos
We will celebrate this great feast with Vesperal Liturgy on September 7 at 6:00pm with a meal to follow.
Letter From Metropolitan Joseph on the Ecclesiastical New Year
The letter is attached.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion to Begin on September 8
Throughout the Fall, we will be discussing On the Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa and his sister St. Macrina the Younger. To begin this book group, Lori and Robert have invited those interested in participating, to their home for dinner at 6:30pm on September 8. RSVP to Lori at [email protected] or 319-594-7377. Books are ordered and should be available for $18 in the church bookstore soon. We will meet on Zoom at 7pm on succeeding Thursdays until we finish discussing the book the week before Thanksgiving.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School potluck picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 11, we will hear part of the message that Jesus gave to Nicodemus as recorded in John 3:13-17
Food for Thought
Hope always draws the soul from the beauty which is seen to what is beyond, always kindles the desire for the hidden through what is constantly perceived. Therefore the ardent lover of beauty, although receiving what is always visible as an image of what he desires, yet longs to be filled with the very stamp of the archetype. And the bold request which goes up the mountains of desire asks this: to empty the Beauty not in mirrors and reflections, but face to face.
- St. Gregory of Nyssa, The Life of Moses
Recurring Announcements
September/October Calendars
Printed calendars detailing services, other events and fasting days for the months of September and October are now available in the narthex.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
A Note on Parking
Now that the university is back in session, street parking in the immediate neighborhood of the church is more scarce. If you can't walk to church, here are two suggestions: 1. Come to matins at 8:45am on Sunday mornings (and stay for liturgy!)- you will likely be able to find a place to park if you arrive early. 2. Three blocks to the west of church, the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp has free parking on Sundays.
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
September 3, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy Class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 4, Sunday- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
September 6, Tuesday
+ Sunday School teachers Zoom call meeting, 6:00pm
September 7, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Nativity of the Theotokos, 6:00pm, followed by a meal
September 8, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Book Group Fellowship Dinner, 6:30pm, at Robert and Lori's home
September 9, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 10, Saturday
+ Sunday School Kick-off Picnic, 11:30am-1:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 11, Sunday- The Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
No Office Hours September 5
Due to the Labor Day holiday, Fr. Ignatius will not be holding office hours on Monday, September 5
Letter from Patriarch John
Addressing the situation with Metropolitan Joseph, Patriarch John released this message to all the faithful of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America.
Letter from Metropolitan Joseph
Attached, please find a letter Metropolitan Joseph has released concerning accusations made against him.
Nativity of the Theotokos
We will celebrate this great feast with Vesperal Liturgy on September 7 at 6:00pm with a meal to follow.
Letter From Metropolitan Joseph on the Ecclesiastical New Year
The letter is attached.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion to Begin on September 8
Throughout the Fall, we will be discussing On the Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa and his sister St. Macrina the Younger. To begin this book group, Lori and Robert have invited those interested in participating, to their home for dinner at 6:30pm on September 8. RSVP to Lori at [email protected] or 319-594-7377. Books are ordered and should be available for $18 in the church bookstore soon. We will meet on Zoom at 7pm on succeeding Thursdays until we finish discussing the book the week before Thanksgiving.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School potluck picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Go Go Squeez Yogurtz
- Canned salmon
- Canned peaches
- Bath towels and wash cloths
- Fruit bars
- Deodorant
- Combs and brushes
- Mayonnaise
- Can openers
- Coffee
- Laundry detergent
- Corned beef hash
- Canned ham
- Baked beans
- Marinara sauce
- Canned chicken
- Rice Krispie bars
- Peanut butter crackers
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 11, we will hear part of the message that Jesus gave to Nicodemus as recorded in John 3:13-17
Food for Thought
Hope always draws the soul from the beauty which is seen to what is beyond, always kindles the desire for the hidden through what is constantly perceived. Therefore the ardent lover of beauty, although receiving what is always visible as an image of what he desires, yet longs to be filled with the very stamp of the archetype. And the bold request which goes up the mountains of desire asks this: to empty the Beauty not in mirrors and reflections, but face to face.
- St. Gregory of Nyssa, The Life of Moses
Recurring Announcements
September/October Calendars
Printed calendars detailing services, other events and fasting days for the months of September and October are now available in the narthex.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
A Note on Parking
Now that the university is back in session, street parking in the immediate neighborhood of the church is more scarce. If you can't walk to church, here are two suggestions: 1. Come to matins at 8:45am on Sunday mornings (and stay for liturgy!)- you will likely be able to find a place to park if you arrive early. 2. Three blocks to the west of church, the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp has free parking on Sundays.
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday August 28, 2022- 11th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
August 27, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner and Inaugural Meeting, 6:30pm at Lori and Robert's home
August 28, Sunday- 11th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
+ Great Vespers for the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner, 5:00pm
August 29, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
August 31, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
September 1, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
September 2, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 3, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 4, Sunday- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
September/October Calendars
Printed calendars detailing services, other events and fasting days for the months of September and October are now available in the narthex.
OCF Kick-off Vespers and Meal
All those interested in our college group, OCF, are invited to vespers on Saturday, August 27 at 5pm. Following vespers, you are invited to Lori and Robert's home for a home-cooked meal and time to get to know each other. RSVP to Lori ASAP.
Nativity of the Theotokos
We will celebrate this great feast with Vesperal Liturgy on September 7 at 6:00pm with a meal to follow.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion to Begin on September 8
Throughout the Fall, we will be discussing On the Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa and his sister St. Macrina the Younger. To begin this book group, Lori and Robert have invited those interested in participating, to their home for dinner at 6:30pm on September 8. RSVP to Lori at [email protected] or 319-594-7377. Books are ordered and should be available for $18 in the church bookstore soon. We will meet on Zoom at 7pm on succeeding Thursdays until we finish discussing the book the week before Thanksgiving.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School potluck picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
A Note on Parking
Now that the university is back in session, street parking in the immediate neighborhood of the church is more scarce. If you can't walk to church, here are two suggestions: 1. Come to matins at 8:45am on Sunday mornings (and stay for liturgy!)- you will likely be able to find a place to park if you arrive early. 2. Three blocks to the west of church, the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp has free parking on Sundays.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 4, we will hear the account in St. Matthew's Gospel, when a rich young man approaches Jesus and asks what he must do to have eternal life. Matthew 19:16-26
Food for Thought
If you are making something, you must call to mind the Creator of all things; if you see the light, remember the Giver of it. If you put on your clothes, recall whose gift they are and thank Him who provides for your life. In short, let every action be a cause of your remembering and praising God, and lo! you will be praying without ceasing and therein your soul will always rejoice.
-- St. Peter of Damascus
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
August 27, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
+ OCF Dinner and Inaugural Meeting, 6:30pm at Lori and Robert's home
August 28, Sunday- 11th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
+ Great Vespers for the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner, 5:00pm
August 29, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
August 31, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
September 1, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
September 2, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
September 3, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
September 4, Sunday- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
September/October Calendars
Printed calendars detailing services, other events and fasting days for the months of September and October are now available in the narthex.
OCF Kick-off Vespers and Meal
All those interested in our college group, OCF, are invited to vespers on Saturday, August 27 at 5pm. Following vespers, you are invited to Lori and Robert's home for a home-cooked meal and time to get to know each other. RSVP to Lori ASAP.
Nativity of the Theotokos
We will celebrate this great feast with Vesperal Liturgy on September 7 at 6:00pm with a meal to follow.
On the Soul and the Resurrection Book Discussion to Begin on September 8
Throughout the Fall, we will be discussing On the Soul and the Resurrection by St. Gregory of Nyssa and his sister St. Macrina the Younger. To begin this book group, Lori and Robert have invited those interested in participating, to their home for dinner at 6:30pm on September 8. RSVP to Lori at [email protected] or 319-594-7377. Books are ordered and should be available for $18 in the church bookstore soon. We will meet on Zoom at 7pm on succeeding Thursdays until we finish discussing the book the week before Thanksgiving.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School potluck picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
A Note on Parking
Now that the university is back in session, street parking in the immediate neighborhood of the church is more scarce. If you can't walk to church, here are two suggestions: 1. Come to matins at 8:45am on Sunday mornings (and stay for liturgy!)- you will likely be able to find a place to park if you arrive early. 2. Three blocks to the west of church, the Chauncey Swan Parking Ramp has free parking on Sundays.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Go Go Squeez Yogurtz
- Trail mix packs
- Canned salmon
- Potato chips
- Laundry detergent
- Compleats (Hormel) microwave meals
- Canned peaches
- Bath towels and wash cloths
- Nutella snacks
- Peanut butter cracker snacks
- Peanut butter
- Rice
- Fruit or fig bars
- Deodorant
- Combs and brushes
- Boom chicka pop
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On September 4, we will hear the account in St. Matthew's Gospel, when a rich young man approaches Jesus and asks what he must do to have eternal life. Matthew 19:16-26
Food for Thought
If you are making something, you must call to mind the Creator of all things; if you see the light, remember the Giver of it. If you put on your clothes, recall whose gift they are and thank Him who provides for your life. In short, let every action be a cause of your remembering and praising God, and lo! you will be praying without ceasing and therein your soul will always rejoice.
-- St. Peter of Damascus
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class
We are meeting every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday August 21, 2022- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
August 20, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 21, Sunday- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 22, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
August 24, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
August 25, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
August 26, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
August 27, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 28, Sunday- 11th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ Great Vespers for the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner, 5:00pm
Newest Announcements .
Blessing of Students and Teachers
At the end of Liturgy on Sunday, August 21, all students and teachers will be prayed for and blessed.
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
OCF Kick-off Vespers and Meal
All those interested in our college group, OCF, are invited to vespers on Saturday, August 27 at 5pm. Following vespers, you are invited to Lori and Robert's home for a home-cooked meal and time to get to know each other.
Nativity of the Theotokos
We will celebrate this great feast with Vesperal Liturgy on September 7 at 6:00pm with a meal to follow.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 28, we will hear the Parable of the Ungrateful Servant in which Jesus teaches on gratitude and forgiveness. Matthew 18:23-35
Food for Thought
"Let us not slacken our resolve nor be without hope, for with every breath we take our Lord Jesus Christ gives us opportunity for repentance."
- St. Macarius the Great
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
August 20, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 21, Sunday- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 22, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
August 24, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
August 25, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
August 26, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
August 27, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 28, Sunday- 11th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ Great Vespers for the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner, 5:00pm
Newest Announcements .
Blessing of Students and Teachers
At the end of Liturgy on Sunday, August 21, all students and teachers will be prayed for and blessed.
Regarding Confession
Thank God, the number of confessions being heard has increased significantly in the last six months or so. Many people are realizing the value of this healing sacrament for their spiritual lives. As a reminder, Fr. Ignatius is only able to hear one or two very short confessions as he is standing before the icon of Christ immediately before Divine Liturgy starts on Sunday mornings. He encourages you to consider setting other times aside to participate in this sacrament. Following Great Vespers on Saturday evenings (about 6pm) is a good time. Fr. Ignatius is also available to hear confessions during his office hours. And if none of those times work for you, just let him know and he will work with you to find a time that will work.
OCF Kick-off Vespers and Meal
All those interested in our college group, OCF, are invited to vespers on Saturday, August 27 at 5pm. Following vespers, you are invited to Lori and Robert's home for a home-cooked meal and time to get to know each other.
Nativity of the Theotokos
We will celebrate this great feast with Vesperal Liturgy on September 7 at 6:00pm with a meal to follow.
Sunday School Picnic and Classes
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11. We will kick-off the new year with a Sunday School picnic and games at the church from 11:30am-1:00pm on Saturday, September 10.
Vespers and Picnic in North Liberty
On Saturday, September 24, we will have vespers at 4pm outside of John and Jenny's home in North Liberty. Following the service, we will be having a picnic. All are welcome!
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Go go Squeez Yogurtz
- Trail mix
- Spam
- Sardines
- Vienna sausages
- Canned chicken
- Baby formula
- Assorted crackers
- Potato chips
- Popcorn in snack bags
- Laundry detergent
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 28, we will hear the Parable of the Ungrateful Servant in which Jesus teaches on gratitude and forgiveness. Matthew 18:23-35
Food for Thought
"Let us not slacken our resolve nor be without hope, for with every breath we take our Lord Jesus Christ gives us opportunity for repentance."
- St. Macarius the Great
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday August 14, 2022- Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God (Transferred)
Upcoming Services and Events
August 13, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 14, Sunday- Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God (Transferred)
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 17, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
August 18, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
August 19, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
August 20, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 21, Sunday- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
No Office Hours on August 15
Fr. Ignatius will be in Wisconsin from the evening of August 14 through the evening of August 16. There will be no office hours or Hours Prayers on Monday, August 15.
Year-to-Date Financial Update from our Treasurer
Blessing of Students and Teachers
At the end of Liturgy on Sunday, August 21, all students and teachers will be prayed for and blessed.
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Sunday School
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11.
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Two Excellent Talks on our Youth and on Education and
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 21, we will hear the account of a father bringing his epileptic and demon-possessed son to Jesus, Who heals him. Important teachings on faith, prayer and fasting are also given. Matthew 17:14-23
Food for Thought
If you desire to grow in your relationship with God, fall on your knees in repentance, then stand up and get to work. We have much to do.
- Metropolitan Joseph
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
August 13, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 14, Sunday- Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God (Transferred)
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 17, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
August 18, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
August 19, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
August 20, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 21, Sunday- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
No Office Hours on August 15
Fr. Ignatius will be in Wisconsin from the evening of August 14 through the evening of August 16. There will be no office hours or Hours Prayers on Monday, August 15.
Year-to-Date Financial Update from our Treasurer
- Operating under the "Keep the Doors Open" budget
- Reminder that you have pledged a certain amount towards the operations and mortgage of the church. If you need to know where you stand, please let Becky know. If you need to amend your pledge, please let her know as well so that the council can work off of accurate figures.
- Any money given that is designated for a specific purpose is always used for that purpose.
- Sunday money is what is keeping us afloat. $11020.59 so far. Reminder that we passed an unbalanced budget.
- Capital campaign has received money. A separate bank account was established to keep that isolated and away from the general fund operating account.
- Tithe to the Archdiocese has been fulfilled for the year thanks to Fr. Paul’s kind email and we will benefit from that next year at the 2% level.
- Charitable donations – each month we are sending something to an outside organization. If you have any suggestions, please let a Council member know. Council gave a gift towards Hannah’s mission work in Albania.
- Food pantry is seeing more use and more funds are being utilized. Council has moved to support Food Pantry in the amount of up to $300 each month – non-budgeted item. Alli and Becky have been working on grants to supplement this program.
- Mortgage – down to $168,545.73 as of July 31.
- Repair on furnace – entire budgeted line has been spent for the year.
- Money in the bank…..not rolling in the dough but we are being prudent and wise with what has been entrusted to the church. Please pray for the is most appreciated.
- Alli and Becky are working with Bill Marianes, a stewardship consultant, to assess our financial data to provide some insights and areas we need to focus on to strengthen the effectiveness and financial stability of our parish. Results will be forthcoming.
Blessing of Students and Teachers
At the end of Liturgy on Sunday, August 21, all students and teachers will be prayed for and blessed.
Interested In Being Involved an Orthodox Christians for Life Chapter?
Recently, there has been some interest shown in starting a shared Orthodox Christians for Life Parish Ministry amongst Orthodox parishes in the Iowa City-Cedar Rapids corridor. If such were to start, would you like to be involved? Contact Fr. Ignatius if you are interested. You can learn about some of the things that OCLife does at this link.
Sunday School
We will begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 11.
Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels Skete Annual Pilgrimage
The monastics are inviting guests to worship with them and to see their monastery, located outside of Weatherby, Missouri on September 16-17. A poster announcing the pilgrimage is posted in our narthex, or you can find more information by going to
Two Excellent Talks on our Youth and on Education and
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Go go Squeez Yogurtz
- Trail mix
- Spam
- Sardines
- Vienna sausages
- Canned chicken
- Baby formula
- Assorted crackers
- Potato chips
- Popcorn in snack bags
- Laundry detergent
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 21, we will hear the account of a father bringing his epileptic and demon-possessed son to Jesus, Who heals him. Important teachings on faith, prayer and fasting are also given. Matthew 17:14-23
Food for Thought
If you desire to grow in your relationship with God, fall on your knees in repentance, then stand up and get to work. We have much to do.
- Metropolitan Joseph
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the remaining reading/discussion schedule.
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday August 7, 2022- 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
August 6, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy Class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 7, Sunday- 8th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 8, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 10, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 11, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
August 12, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
August 13, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 14, Dormition of the Theotokos, transferred
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Memory Eternal
Last Sunday, we prayed Memorial Prayers for Fr. John Essa, Newman Abuissa's uncle, and Bogdan Rus, Bogdana Velterean's brother. May their memories be eternal!
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on August 1, 3, 8, 10, and 12 at 7:00pm. If you are not familiar with this service, it is a beautiful service of consolation and strength, asking the Lord and His Mother for help. Please come and take the opportunity to do spiritual warfare and receive healing for your soul by coming and praying with us. If you cannot come, pray the service at home. It can be found at:
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The approved meeting minutes for the most recent Parish Council meeting can be found here.
Letter From Metropolitan Joseph Regarding Antiochian House of Studies
The letter can be found here. His Eminence is asking for financial support of this new endeavor of the Archdiocese. If you wish to give to support this effort, please make sure to designate your gift as for "AHOS."
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 14, we will hear a composite reading from St. Luke in which Mary of Bethany is commended for her quiet devotion to the Lord while her sister Martha is gently corrected for being so focused on the busyness of serving; and, the Lord's Mother is called blessed by someone in the crowd while the Lord Himself extends that blessing to all those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Food for Thought
"When the Spirit of God descends upon a man and overshadows him with the fullness of His outpouring, then his soul overflows with a joy not to be described, for the Holy Spirit turns to joy whatever He touches."
- St. Seraphim of Sarov
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
August 6, Saturday
+ Intro to Orthodoxy Class, 3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 7, Sunday- 8th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 8, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 10, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 11, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
August 12, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
August 13, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 14, Dormition of the Theotokos, transferred
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Memory Eternal
Last Sunday, we prayed Memorial Prayers for Fr. John Essa, Newman Abuissa's uncle, and Bogdan Rus, Bogdana Velterean's brother. May their memories be eternal!
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on August 1, 3, 8, 10, and 12 at 7:00pm. If you are not familiar with this service, it is a beautiful service of consolation and strength, asking the Lord and His Mother for help. Please come and take the opportunity to do spiritual warfare and receive healing for your soul by coming and praying with us. If you cannot come, pray the service at home. It can be found at:
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The approved meeting minutes for the most recent Parish Council meeting can be found here.
Letter From Metropolitan Joseph Regarding Antiochian House of Studies
The letter can be found here. His Eminence is asking for financial support of this new endeavor of the Archdiocese. If you wish to give to support this effort, please make sure to designate your gift as for "AHOS."
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Red beans and rice
- Graham crackers
- Canned ham
- Corned beef hash
- Tuna
- Jelly
- Canned corn
- Canned peas
- Laundry detergent
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 14, we will hear a composite reading from St. Luke in which Mary of Bethany is commended for her quiet devotion to the Lord while her sister Martha is gently corrected for being so focused on the busyness of serving; and, the Lord's Mother is called blessed by someone in the crowd while the Lord Himself extends that blessing to all those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
Food for Thought
"When the Spirit of God descends upon a man and overshadows him with the fullness of His outpouring, then his soul overflows with a joy not to be described, for the Holy Spirit turns to joy whatever He touches."
- St. Seraphim of Sarov
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday July 31, 2022- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
July 30, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 31, Sunday- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 1, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 3, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 4, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
August 5, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Transfiguration, 6:00pm
August 6, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 7, 8th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Next Parish Council Meeting is July 30
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Coffee Hour This Sunday
We will have a picnic style coffee hour outdoors (weather permitting) this Sunday, July 31. Donations to our scholarship fund for church summer camps will be suggested.
Memory Eternal
On Sunday, we will offer Memorial Prayers for Newman Abuissa's uncle, Fr. John, who passed away recently, and for Bogdana Velterean's brother Bogdan, on the one year anniversary of his passing. May their memories be eternal.
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on August 1, 3, 8, 10, and 12 at 7:00pm. If you are not familiar with this service, it is a beautiful service of consolation and strength, asking the Lord and His Mother for help. Please come and take the opportunity to do spiritual warfare and receive healing for your soul by coming and praying with us. If you cannot come, pray the service at home. It can be found at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 7, we will hear the account of Jesus miraculously feeding the five thousand. Matthew 14:14-22
Food for Thought
Let no man's place or dignity or riches puff him up; and let no man's low condition or poverty abase him. For the chief points are faith towards God, hope towards Christ, the enjoyment of those good things for which we look, and love towards God and our neighbor.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, Smyrnaeans 6
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
July 30, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 31, Sunday- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
August 1, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 3, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Paraklesis, 7:00pm
August 4, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
August 5, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Transfiguration, 6:00pm
August 6, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
August 7, 8th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Next Parish Council Meeting is July 30
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Hannah Valentine’s upcoming OCMC mission work
- Education update - Lori
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funding the Food Pantry- Becky looking into partnerships
- Capital Campaign updates
- Alli’s meeting with Bill Marianes and discussion of whether to pursue FSA and EPA assessments
- Next meeting - August 20 OR September 17, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Coffee Hour This Sunday
We will have a picnic style coffee hour outdoors (weather permitting) this Sunday, July 31. Donations to our scholarship fund for church summer camps will be suggested.
Memory Eternal
On Sunday, we will offer Memorial Prayers for Newman Abuissa's uncle, Fr. John, who passed away recently, and for Bogdana Velterean's brother Bogdan, on the one year anniversary of his passing. May their memories be eternal.
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on August 1, 3, 8, 10, and 12 at 7:00pm. If you are not familiar with this service, it is a beautiful service of consolation and strength, asking the Lord and His Mother for help. Please come and take the opportunity to do spiritual warfare and receive healing for your soul by coming and praying with us. If you cannot come, pray the service at home. It can be found at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Red beans and rice
- Grits
- Bath soap
- Ritz crackers
- Graham crackers
- Baby formula
- Baked beans
- Canned ham
- Butter Beans
- Frosted Flakes
- Rice Krispie Bars
- Vanilla Wafers
- Cheerios
- Peanut Butter
- Corn Beef Hash
- Tuna
- Pudding
- Jelly
- Canned Corn
- Laundry Detergent
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On August 7, we will hear the account of Jesus miraculously feeding the five thousand. Matthew 14:14-22
Food for Thought
Let no man's place or dignity or riches puff him up; and let no man's low condition or poverty abase him. For the chief points are faith towards God, hope towards Christ, the enjoyment of those good things for which we look, and love towards God and our neighbor.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, Smyrnaeans 6
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday July 24, 2022- 6th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
July 23, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 24, Sunday- 6th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 25, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
July 27, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 28, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 29, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 30, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 31, 7th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, July 24
The next general opportunity to have your Orthodox departed loved ones prayed for at the end of Liturgy is Sunday, July 24. Please provide your list of names to Fr. Ignatius by July 23.
Next Parish Council Meeting is July 30
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 7:00pm. If you are not familiar with this service, it is a beautiful service of consolation and strength, asking the Lord and His Mother for help. Please come and take the opportunity to do spiritual warfare and receive healing for your soul by coming and praying with us. If you cannot come, pray the service at home. It can be found at:
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 31, we will hear the account of Jesus healing two blind men and a mute, demon-possessed man. Matthew 9:27-35
Food for Thought
"...the correct spiritual approach is to forget the good you do to others and to remember the good that others do to you. When someone reaches this state of spiritual being, then he is indeed human, a man of God... One must learn to rejoice by giving. When he rejoices by giving, he is properly placed, and is networking with Christ; he has divine Grace. When he gives or offers something, the joy he feels provides him with divine oxygen."
-St. Paisios the Athonite, Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, Spiritual Counsels II- Spiritual Awakening, pp. 178-179
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
July 23, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 24, Sunday- 6th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 25, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
July 27, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 28, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 29, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 30, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 31, 7th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements .
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, July 24
The next general opportunity to have your Orthodox departed loved ones prayed for at the end of Liturgy is Sunday, July 24. Please provide your list of names to Fr. Ignatius by July 23.
Next Parish Council Meeting is July 30
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Hannah Valentine’s upcoming OCMC mission work
- Education update - Lori
- Treasurer’s Report
- Funding the Food Pantry- Becky looking into partnerships
- Capital Campaign updates
- Alli’s meeting with Bill Marianes and discussion of whether to pursue FSA and EPA assessments
- Next meeting - August 20 OR September 17, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 7:00pm. If you are not familiar with this service, it is a beautiful service of consolation and strength, asking the Lord and His Mother for help. Please come and take the opportunity to do spiritual warfare and receive healing for your soul by coming and praying with us. If you cannot come, pray the service at home. It can be found at:
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Red beans and rice
- Grits
- Bath soap
- Ritz crackers
- Graham crackers
- Baby formula
- Baked beans
- Canned ham
- Butter Beans
- Frosted Flakes
- Rice Krispy Bars
- Vanilla Wafers
- Cheerios
- Peanut Butter
- Corn Beef Hash
- Tuna
- Pudding
- Jelly
- Canned Corn
- Laundry Detergent
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 31, we will hear the account of Jesus healing two blind men and a mute, demon-possessed man. Matthew 9:27-35
Food for Thought
"...the correct spiritual approach is to forget the good you do to others and to remember the good that others do to you. When someone reaches this state of spiritual being, then he is indeed human, a man of God... One must learn to rejoice by giving. When he rejoices by giving, he is properly placed, and is networking with Christ; he has divine Grace. When he gives or offers something, the joy he feels provides him with divine oxygen."
-St. Paisios the Athonite, Elder Paisios of Mount Athos, Spiritual Counsels II- Spiritual Awakening, pp. 178-179
Recurring Announcements
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday July 17, 2022- Sunday of the Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council
Upcoming Services and Events
July 16, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 17, Sunday- Sunday of the Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 20, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 21, Thursday
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 23, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 24, 6th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Father is Traveling
Fr. Ignatius is out of town from July 16-23, attending the Clergy Symposium at the Antiochian Village. If you need to reach him, please call his cell phone. There will be no office hours or Hours Prayers this week.
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, July 24
The next general opportunity to have your Orthodox departed loved ones prayed for at the end of Liturgy is Sunday, July 24. Please provide your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before July 23.
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 7:00pm.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 24, we will hear the account of Jesus healing a paralytic and forgiving his sins. Matthew 9:1-8
Food for Thought
Reading the Bible without living the Bible will lead us nowhere.
Metropolitan Joseph
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
July 16, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 17, Sunday- Sunday of the Fathers of the 4th Ecumenical Council
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 20, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 21, Thursday
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 23, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 24, 6th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Father is Traveling
Fr. Ignatius is out of town from July 16-23, attending the Clergy Symposium at the Antiochian Village. If you need to reach him, please call his cell phone. There will be no office hours or Hours Prayers this week.
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, July 24
The next general opportunity to have your Orthodox departed loved ones prayed for at the end of Liturgy is Sunday, July 24. Please provide your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before July 23.
Dormition Fast and Paraklesis Services
We observe the Dormition Fast on August 1-14 in preparation for the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. During those first two weeks of August, we also pray the Paraklesis service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights at 7:00pm.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Red beans and rice
- Grits
- Bath soap
- Ritz crackers
- Graham crackers
- Baby formula
- Baked beans
- Canned ham
- Butter Beans
- Frosted Flakes
- Rice Krispy Bars
- Vanilla Wafers
- Cheerios
- Peanut Butter
- Corn Beef Hash
- Tuna
- Pudding
- Jelly
- Canned Corn
- Laundry Detergent
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 24, we will hear the account of Jesus healing a paralytic and forgiving his sins. Matthew 9:1-8
Food for Thought
Reading the Bible without living the Bible will lead us nowhere.
Metropolitan Joseph
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday July 10, 2022- 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
July 9, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 10, Sunday- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 11, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm; 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
July 13, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 14, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 15, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 16, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 17, Sunday of the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
Our olive oil reserves are low right now. Would you consider donating a bottle for the church to use in our oil lamps? Regular grade (not extra virgin) is preferable.
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, July 24
The next general opportunity to have your Orthodox departed loved ones prayed for at the end of Liturgy is Sunday, July 24. Please provide your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before July 23.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 17, we will hear a portion of our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:14-19
Food for Thought
"People do not learn humility and for their pride they cannot accept the grace of the Holy Spirit, and therefore the whole world suffers."
St. Silouan the Athonite
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
July 9, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 10, Sunday- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 11, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm; 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
July 13, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 14, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 15, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 16, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 17, Sunday of the Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Typica, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
Our olive oil reserves are low right now. Would you consider donating a bottle for the church to use in our oil lamps? Regular grade (not extra virgin) is preferable.
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, July 24
The next general opportunity to have your Orthodox departed loved ones prayed for at the end of Liturgy is Sunday, July 24. Please provide your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before July 23.
Intro To Orthodoxy Class Begins August 6
Beginning on August 6, we will meet every other Saturday from 3:00pm-4:30pm, discussing the book "Know the Faith" by Fr. Michael Shanbour. All are welcome to join. Copies of the book are available at the church bookstore for $21. Following is the reading/discussion schedule.
August 6- Chapter 1 (The Church) and Chapter 2 (Grace)
August 20- Chapter 3 (Salvation) and Chapter 4 (Justification by Faith)
September 3- Chapter 5 (Tradition and Scripture) and Chapter 6 (The Eucharist and Liturgical Worship)
September 17- Chapter 7 (Ordination and the Priesthood) and Chapter 8 (Confession and Repentance)
October 1- Chapter 9 (Icons, Veneration and Worship) and Chapter 10 (The Intercessions of the Saints)
October 8- Chapter 11 (Veneration of the Virgin Mary)
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Applesauce
- Red beans and rice
- Can openers
- Bar soap
- Instant potatoes
- Pancake mix (just add water)
- Vienna sausages
- Pop-tarts
- Nutri-grain bars
- Ramen noodles
- Toothpaste
- Laundry detergent
- Chicken noodle soup
- Marinara sauce
- Chili
- Ritz crackers
- Spam
- Graham crackers
- Baby formula
- Jelly
- Baked beans
- Canned corn
- Canned ham
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 17, we will hear a portion of our Lord's Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:14-19
Food for Thought
"People do not learn humility and for their pride they cannot accept the grace of the Holy Spirit, and therefore the whole world suffers."
St. Silouan the Athonite
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday July 3, 2022- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
July 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 3, Sunday- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 6, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 7, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 8, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 9, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 10, 4th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
July/August Calendars Printed
Calendars showing services and other events for July and August are now available in the narthex.
Father at Camp
Fr. Ignatius will be at Camp St. George July 4-6 and so will not be available for office hours during that time.
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
Our olive oil reserves are low right now. Would you consider donating a bottle for the church to use in our oil lamps?
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Memory Eternal!
Following Liturgy on July 3, we will pray Trisagion memorial prayers for Fr. Peter Gillquist, on the ten year anniversary of his repose. Fr. Peter was a tremendous blessing to our church as a fundraiser when we were working to purchase our building in 2009.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 10, we will hear about Jesus' healing of the centurion's servant. Matthew 8:5-13
Food for Thought
"Therefore I exhort first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."
I Timothy 2:1-2
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
July 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 3, Sunday- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
July 6, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
July 7, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 8, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 9, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 10, 4th Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
July/August Calendars Printed
Calendars showing services and other events for July and August are now available in the narthex.
Father at Camp
Fr. Ignatius will be at Camp St. George July 4-6 and so will not be available for office hours during that time.
Olive Oil Donations Accepted
Our olive oil reserves are low right now. Would you consider donating a bottle for the church to use in our oil lamps?
Next Catholic Worker House Meal is August 13
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex to organize providing menu items to be served at the Catholic Worker House on Saturday, August 13. Food needs to be dropped off by 2:30 that afternoon. We will also need four to six people to volunteer to serve the food.
Memory Eternal!
Following Liturgy on July 3, we will pray Trisagion memorial prayers for Fr. Peter Gillquist, on the ten year anniversary of his repose. Fr. Peter was a tremendous blessing to our church as a fundraiser when we were working to purchase our building in 2009.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Applesauce
- Red beans and rice
- Can openers
- Bar soap
- Instant potatoes
- Pancake mix (just add water)
- Vienna sausages
- Pop-tarts
- Nutri-grain bars
- Ramen noodles
- Toothpaste
- Laundry detergent
- Chicken noodle soup
- Marinara sauce
- Chili
- Ritz crackers
- Spam
- Graham crackers
- Baby formula
- Jelly
- Baked beans
- Canned corn
- Canned ham
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 10, we will hear about Jesus' healing of the centurion's servant. Matthew 8:5-13
Food for Thought
"Therefore I exhort first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence."
I Timothy 2:1-2
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday June 26, 2022- 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
June 25, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 26, Sunday- 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 27, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
June 28, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, 6:00pm
June 29, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 30, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 1, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 3, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Meal Sign-up for Tuesday, June 28
Following Vesperal Liturgy for Sts. Peter and Paul on June 28, we hope to have a meal to share with all who attend. A sign-up is posted in the narthex. We are looking for three families or individuals to combine to bring food to share.
On the Sacredness of Human Life And Its Untimely Termination
To read this new statement from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, go to:
Apostle's Fast Ends June 28
The Apostle's Fast concludes on June 28 this year. You can find a link to the specific fasting discipline of each day of this fast at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 3, we will hear part of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:22-33
Food for Thought
There is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that is the very way that Jesus Christ went when He lived on earth.
– St. Innocent, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
June 25, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 26, Sunday- 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 27, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
June 28, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, 6:00pm
June 29, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 30, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
July 1, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
July 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
July 3, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Meal Sign-up for Tuesday, June 28
Following Vesperal Liturgy for Sts. Peter and Paul on June 28, we hope to have a meal to share with all who attend. A sign-up is posted in the narthex. We are looking for three families or individuals to combine to bring food to share.
On the Sacredness of Human Life And Its Untimely Termination
To read this new statement from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, go to:
Apostle's Fast Ends June 28
The Apostle's Fast concludes on June 28 this year. You can find a link to the specific fasting discipline of each day of this fast at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Applesauce
- Red beans and rice
- Can openers
- Bar soap
- Instant potatoes
- Pancake mix (just add water)
- Vienna sausages
- Pop-tarts
- Nutri-grain bars
- Ramen noodles
- Toothpaste
- Laundry detergent
- Chicken noodle soup
- Marinara sauce
- Chili
- Ritz crackers
- Spam
- Graham crackers
- Baby formula
- Jelly
- Baked beans
- Canned corn
- Canned ham
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On July 3, we will hear part of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:22-33
Food for Thought
There is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven, and that is the very way that Jesus Christ went when He lived on earth.
– St. Innocent, Bishop of Kamchatka, the Kurilian and Aleutian Islands
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday June 19, 2022- All Saints Sunday
Upcoming Services and Events
June 18, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 19, Sunday- All Saints Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 20, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
June 22, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 23, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
June 24, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
June 25, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 26, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Apostle's Fast Begins June 20
The Apostle's Fast begins June 20 and concludes on June 28 this year. You can find a link to the specific fasting discipline of each day of this fast at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Shelter House Needs
With the summer season in full swing, Shelter House has become very short-handed on many items in their facility. These items will be handed out to the individuals and families we serve to help keep them comfortable and safe during the duration of their stay at Shelter House. These items can be shipped or dropped off to 429 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City 52240. Below is a list of items that are in urgent need:
· Men’s t-shirts (all sizes)
· Bath towels
· Hand towels
· Washcloths
· NEW underwear (men/women)
· Bottled water
· Individual shaving razors
· Jeans (size 30+)
They also have an Amazon Wish List that has even more items that they are looking for at One other opportunity to donate items is for our 501 Project tenants. Each of the 36 tenants who moves into 501 will receive a basket that includes all the necessary items for their homes: from laundry baskets to blankets to pots and pans, Shelter House ensures they have their needs met to create a successful start to life after chronic homelessness. Items can be ordered and sent to 501 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City 52240 from this link: Any questions about items can be sent to Jake Masters at [email protected]. Thank you for your continued community support!
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 26, we will hear the calling of the fishermen brothers Andrew and Simon/Peter, and James and John to be disciples of Jesus . - Matthew 4:18-23
Food for Thought
God the Holy Spirit has many abodes in this vast universe, but a pure heart is the place in which He most delights to dwell. This is His true abode; all others are only His workshop
.- St. Nicholai of Zica
Recurring Announcements
Online Class Offered: Christ, Myth and Tolkien
Through the St. Athanasius College ( Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick is teaching an online series of classes titled "Christ, Myth and Tolkien:Reading the Tolkien Legendarium Through Ancient Christianity." The dates are August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 6pm CDT. Registration begins on June 12. The cost is $50. Register at:
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
June 18, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 19, Sunday- All Saints Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 20, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
June 22, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 23, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "A Life Together" Book Discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
June 24, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
June 25, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 26, 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Apostle's Fast Begins June 20
The Apostle's Fast begins June 20 and concludes on June 28 this year. You can find a link to the specific fasting discipline of each day of this fast at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Vienna Sausages
- Corned beef or roast beef hash
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Chicken noodle soup
- Cream of mushroom soup
- Chef Boyardee ravioli or spaghetti
- Ramen noodles
- White rice
- Baby formula
Shelter House Needs
With the summer season in full swing, Shelter House has become very short-handed on many items in their facility. These items will be handed out to the individuals and families we serve to help keep them comfortable and safe during the duration of their stay at Shelter House. These items can be shipped or dropped off to 429 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City 52240. Below is a list of items that are in urgent need:
· Men’s t-shirts (all sizes)
· Bath towels
· Hand towels
· Washcloths
· NEW underwear (men/women)
· Bottled water
· Individual shaving razors
· Jeans (size 30+)
They also have an Amazon Wish List that has even more items that they are looking for at One other opportunity to donate items is for our 501 Project tenants. Each of the 36 tenants who moves into 501 will receive a basket that includes all the necessary items for their homes: from laundry baskets to blankets to pots and pans, Shelter House ensures they have their needs met to create a successful start to life after chronic homelessness. Items can be ordered and sent to 501 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City 52240 from this link: Any questions about items can be sent to Jake Masters at [email protected]. Thank you for your continued community support!
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 26, we will hear the calling of the fishermen brothers Andrew and Simon/Peter, and James and John to be disciples of Jesus . - Matthew 4:18-23
Food for Thought
God the Holy Spirit has many abodes in this vast universe, but a pure heart is the place in which He most delights to dwell. This is His true abode; all others are only His workshop
.- St. Nicholai of Zica
Recurring Announcements
Online Class Offered: Christ, Myth and Tolkien
Through the St. Athanasius College ( Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick is teaching an online series of classes titled "Christ, Myth and Tolkien:Reading the Tolkien Legendarium Through Ancient Christianity." The dates are August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 6pm CDT. Registration begins on June 12. The cost is $50. Register at:
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday June 12, 2022- Pentecost Sunday
Upcoming Services and Events
June 11, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 12, Sunday- Pentecost Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 15, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 18, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 19, All Saints Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Father Ignatius Is Traveling Again
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town following Coffee Hour on Sunday, June 12, until Saturday afternoon, June 18, to attend the Parish Life Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
No Kneeling Vespers
The previously scheduled Kneeling Vespers of Pentecost is canceled due to Father's travels.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Holy Bread Bakers Needed-
We need volunteers to bake the holy bread for June 26, July 10 and 31.
Online Class Offered: Christ, Myth and Tolkien
Through the St. Athanasius College ( Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick is teaching an online series of classes titled "Christ, Myth and Tolkien:Reading the Tolkien Legendarium Through Ancient Christianity." The dates are August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 6pm CDT. Registration begins on June 12. The cost is $50. Register at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 19, we will hear portions of Matthew 10 and 19 in which the Lord teaches about both the demands and the rewards of discipleship . 10:32-33; 37-38; 19:27-30
Food for Thought
Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God,
who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise
by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit:
through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net.
O Lover of Man, Glory to Thee!
- Troparion of Pentecost
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
June 11, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 12, Sunday- Pentecost Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 15, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 18, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 19, All Saints Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Father Ignatius Is Traveling Again
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town following Coffee Hour on Sunday, June 12, until Saturday afternoon, June 18, to attend the Parish Life Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
No Kneeling Vespers
The previously scheduled Kneeling Vespers of Pentecost is canceled due to Father's travels.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Treasurer’s Report
- Capital Campaign updates
- Update on parking lot proposal
- Website analytics
- Planning a visioning event
- Funding the Food Pantry
- Parish Roles - Cleaning teams - coordinator?
- Next meeting July 16, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Holy Bread Bakers Needed-
We need volunteers to bake the holy bread for June 26, July 10 and 31.
Online Class Offered: Christ, Myth and Tolkien
Through the St. Athanasius College ( Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick is teaching an online series of classes titled "Christ, Myth and Tolkien:Reading the Tolkien Legendarium Through Ancient Christianity." The dates are August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at 6pm CDT. Registration begins on June 12. The cost is $50. Register at:
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Vienna Sausages
- Corned beef or roast beef hash
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Chicken noodle soup
- Cream of mushroom soup
- Chef Boyardee ravioli or spaghetti
- Ramen noodles
- White rice
- Baby formula
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 19, we will hear portions of Matthew 10 and 19 in which the Lord teaches about both the demands and the rewards of discipleship . 10:32-33; 37-38; 19:27-30
Food for Thought
Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God,
who hast revealed the fishermen as most wise
by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit:
through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net.
O Lover of Man, Glory to Thee!
- Troparion of Pentecost
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday June 5, 2022- Afterfeast of the Ascension
Upcoming Services and Events
June 4, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 5, Sunday- Afterfeast of the Ascension
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Reader's Typica, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 8, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 9, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
June 10, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
June 11, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 12, Pentecost Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Father Ignatius Will be Out of Town
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town on Monday, June 6 through the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8, in order to help his parents prepare for their upcoming move. There will be no office hours of hours prayers on June 6 or June 8.
No Eucharist This Sunday
On Sunday, June 5, Typica will replace Divine Liturgy. Therefore, there will be no Eucharist. Coffee Hour will start much earlier than normal
2022 Midwest Parish Life Conference, June 15-19
The annual lay and clergy gathering of our Midwest Antiochian Diocese is taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 15-19. Register at
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 19, we will hear portions of John 7 and 8 in which the Lord beckons all to come to Him "and drink", the Pharisees try to arrest Him, and Jesus teaches that He is the light of the world.". -John 7:37-52, 8:12
Food for Thought
Thou hast ascended in glory, O Christ our God,
Granting joy to Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Through the blessing they were assured
That Thou art the Son of God,
The Redeemer of the world!
- Troparion of the Ascension
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
June 4, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 5, Sunday- Afterfeast of the Ascension
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Reader's Typica, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
June 8, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
June 9, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
June 10, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
June 11, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 12, Pentecost Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Father Ignatius Will be Out of Town
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town on Monday, June 6 through the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8, in order to help his parents prepare for their upcoming move. There will be no office hours of hours prayers on June 6 or June 8.
No Eucharist This Sunday
On Sunday, June 5, Typica will replace Divine Liturgy. Therefore, there will be no Eucharist. Coffee Hour will start much earlier than normal
2022 Midwest Parish Life Conference, June 15-19
The annual lay and clergy gathering of our Midwest Antiochian Diocese is taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 15-19. Register at
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, June 11, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving - list of organizations
- Treasurer’s Report
- Capital Campaign updates
- Update on parking lot proposal
- Website analytics
- Planning a visioning event
- Funding the Food Pantry
- Parish Roles - Cleaning teams - coordinator?
- Next meeting July 16, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Vienna Sausages
- Corned beef or roast beef hash
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Chicken noodle soup
- Cream of mushroom soup
- Chef Boyardee ravioli or spaghetti
- Ramen noodles
- White rice
- Baby formula
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 19, we will hear portions of John 7 and 8 in which the Lord beckons all to come to Him "and drink", the Pharisees try to arrest Him, and Jesus teaches that He is the light of the world.". -John 7:37-52, 8:12
Food for Thought
Thou hast ascended in glory, O Christ our God,
Granting joy to Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Through the blessing they were assured
That Thou art the Son of God,
The Redeemer of the world!
- Troparion of the Ascension
Recurring Announcements
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday May 29, 2022- Sunday of the Blind Man
Christ is Risen! Kristusaq Aglagikuk! Jīdū fùhuó le!
Upcoming Services and Events
May 28, Saturday
+ Fun on the Farm, 3:00-8:00pm
+ Great Vespers in the Barn, 5:00pm
May 29, Sunday- Sunday of the Blind Man
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 30, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
June 1, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Ascension, 6:00pm
June 2, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
June 3, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
June 4, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 5, Sunday of the After-feast of the Ascension
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Reader's Typica, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser Totals
We raised $2768 for Ukrainian relief work through IOCC. Thank you to all who volunteered, cooked, gave and attended!
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Ascension Liturgy, June 1
The Paschal season comes to an end with the celebration of the Lord's Ascension with Vesperal Liturgy at 6pm on Wednesday, June 1. We resume Wednesday and Friday fasting beginning June 3.
Deacon Jared Johnson to be Ordained to the Priesthood on June 5
We are excited to announce that long time friend (and former member) of St. Raphael Church, Deacon Jared Johnson of St. Nicholas Mission in Davenport, will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Anthony on June 5th at St. Ignatius Church in Madison, Wisconsin. After the ordination, Deacon Jared will become the pastor of St. Nicholas Mission. Axios!
Statement from Metropolitan Joseph on the Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas
2022 Midwest Parish Life Conference, June 15-19
The annual lay and clergy gathering of our Midwest Antiochian Diocese is taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 15-19. Information on speakers can be found in the attached poster. Register at
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 5, we will hear part of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. -John 17:1-13
Food for Thought
Firmly believe that the Lord is at all times everything to you. During prayer He is the power and the fulfillment in the Holy Spirit of each of your words. During pious conversation He is your living water, the ardent flow of your words at all times. He is everything to you. Be free from care in the presence of your Lord. He has enclosed you with Himself upon all sides. He penetrates you wholly and knows all your thoughts, all your needs and inclinations, and if you live in Him with faith and love, then no evil shall befall you. 'The Lord is at hand; be careful for nothing' (Phil. 4:6).
-- St. John of Kronstadt
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Upcoming Services and Events
May 28, Saturday
+ Fun on the Farm, 3:00-8:00pm
+ Great Vespers in the Barn, 5:00pm
May 29, Sunday- Sunday of the Blind Man
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 30, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
June 1, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Ascension, 6:00pm
June 2, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
June 3, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
June 4, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
June 5, Sunday of the After-feast of the Ascension
+ Reader's Matins, 9:00am
+ Reader's Typica, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser Totals
We raised $2768 for Ukrainian relief work through IOCC. Thank you to all who volunteered, cooked, gave and attended!
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Ascension Liturgy, June 1
The Paschal season comes to an end with the celebration of the Lord's Ascension with Vesperal Liturgy at 6pm on Wednesday, June 1. We resume Wednesday and Friday fasting beginning June 3.
Deacon Jared Johnson to be Ordained to the Priesthood on June 5
We are excited to announce that long time friend (and former member) of St. Raphael Church, Deacon Jared Johnson of St. Nicholas Mission in Davenport, will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Anthony on June 5th at St. Ignatius Church in Madison, Wisconsin. After the ordination, Deacon Jared will become the pastor of St. Nicholas Mission. Axios!
Statement from Metropolitan Joseph on the Tragedy in Uvalde, Texas
2022 Midwest Parish Life Conference, June 15-19
The annual lay and clergy gathering of our Midwest Antiochian Diocese is taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 15-19. Information on speakers can be found in the attached poster. Register at
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are in need of are as follows:
- Vienna Sausage
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Canned ham
- Corned beef or roast beef hash
- Ritz crackers
- Cheez It crackers
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Spam
- Pinto beans (canned or dried)
- Rice Krispy bars
- Graham crackers
- Popcorn
- Trail mix packs
- Penne pasta
- Tuna
- Cream of mushroom soup
- Chef Boyardee ravioli or spaghetti
- Ramen noodles
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On June 5, we will hear part of the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. -John 17:1-13
Food for Thought
Firmly believe that the Lord is at all times everything to you. During prayer He is the power and the fulfillment in the Holy Spirit of each of your words. During pious conversation He is your living water, the ardent flow of your words at all times. He is everything to you. Be free from care in the presence of your Lord. He has enclosed you with Himself upon all sides. He penetrates you wholly and knows all your thoughts, all your needs and inclinations, and if you live in Him with faith and love, then no evil shall befall you. 'The Lord is at hand; be careful for nothing' (Phil. 4:6).
-- St. John of Kronstadt
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday May 22, 2022- Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Christ is Risen! Kristus er oppstanden! Harisutosu fukkatsu!
Upcoming Services and Events
May 21, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 4:30pm
+ Humanitarian Benefit for Ukraine, 6:00-8:00pm
May 22, Sunday- Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 23, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
May 25, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 26, Thursday
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 28, Saturday
+ Sunday School Family Outing on the Farm, 3:00pm-8:00pm
+ Great Vespers in the Barn, 5:00pm
May 29, Sunday of the Blind Man
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Fr. Ignatius Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be traveling to and attending a deanery meeting in Cedarburg, Wisconsin from the afternoon of May 25 through the afternoon of May 27. There will be no office hours or hours prayers on May 25-27.
May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. All are welcome. There will be no vespers scheduled at the church for that day.
Ascension Liturgy, June 1
The Paschal season comes to an end with the celebration of the Lord's Ascension with Vesperal Liturgy at 6pm on Wednesday, June 1.
Deacon Jared Johnson to be Ordained to the Priesthood on June 5
We are excited to announce that long time friend (and former member) of St. Raphael Church, Deacon Jared Johnson of St. Nicholas Mission in Davenport, will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Anthony on June 5th at St. Ignatius Church in Madison, Wisconsin. After the ordination, Deacon Jared will become the pastor of St. Nicholas Mission. Axios!
2022 Midwest Parish Life Conference, June 15-19
The annual lay and clergy gathering of our Midwest Antiochian Diocese is taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 15-19. Information on speakers can be found in the attached poster. Register at
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are short on are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On May 29, we will hear the account of Jesus healing the blind man, telling him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. -John 9:1-38
Food for Thought
Ye mortals, exalt and praise Him Who by His death emptied the dominion of death and promised all the mortal race life and resurrection.
- St. Ephraim the Syrian
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Upcoming Services and Events
May 21, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 4:30pm
+ Humanitarian Benefit for Ukraine, 6:00-8:00pm
May 22, Sunday- Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 23, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
May 25, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 26, Thursday
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 28, Saturday
+ Sunday School Family Outing on the Farm, 3:00pm-8:00pm
+ Great Vespers in the Barn, 5:00pm
May 29, Sunday of the Blind Man
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Do You Donate to Church Through PayPal?
Now you can give through PayPal Giving Fund and the church will receive 100% of your donation, with no administrative fees taken out. Just go to and look up St. Raphael of Brooklyn Antiochian Orthodox Church to set up your donation this way.
Fr. Ignatius Traveling
Fr. Ignatius will be traveling to and attending a deanery meeting in Cedarburg, Wisconsin from the afternoon of May 25 through the afternoon of May 27. There will be no office hours or hours prayers on May 25-27.
May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. All are welcome. There will be no vespers scheduled at the church for that day.
Ascension Liturgy, June 1
The Paschal season comes to an end with the celebration of the Lord's Ascension with Vesperal Liturgy at 6pm on Wednesday, June 1.
Deacon Jared Johnson to be Ordained to the Priesthood on June 5
We are excited to announce that long time friend (and former member) of St. Raphael Church, Deacon Jared Johnson of St. Nicholas Mission in Davenport, will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Anthony on June 5th at St. Ignatius Church in Madison, Wisconsin. After the ordination, Deacon Jared will become the pastor of St. Nicholas Mission. Axios!
2022 Midwest Parish Life Conference, June 15-19
The annual lay and clergy gathering of our Midwest Antiochian Diocese is taking place in Grand Rapids, Michigan on June 15-19. Information on speakers can be found in the attached poster. Register at
Updated Food Pantry Needs
The things we are short on are as follows:
- Vienna Sausage
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Canned ham
- Corned beef or roast beef hash
- Ritz crackers
- Cheez It crackers
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Spam
- Pinto beans (canned or dried)
- Rice Krispy bars
- Graham crackers
- Popcorn
- Trail mix packs
- Penne pasta
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On May 29, we will hear the account of Jesus healing the blind man, telling him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. -John 9:1-38
Food for Thought
Ye mortals, exalt and praise Him Who by His death emptied the dominion of death and promised all the mortal race life and resurrection.
- St. Ephraim the Syrian
Recurring Announcements
Link to Church's Google Calendar
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Information on Prayers for the Departed, Flowers for the Departed and St. Raphael Prayer Chain
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Sunday May 15, 2022- Sunday of the Paralytic
Christ is Risen! Krishti u ngjall! ¡Cristo ha resucitado!
Upcoming Services and Events
May 14, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Serving Meal at Catholic Worker House, 2:30pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 15, Sunday- Sunday of the Paralytic
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 16, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
May 18, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 19, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 20, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
May 21, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 22, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. Please contact Alli with any questions.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Here are the menu items that still need to be provided.
Mashed Potatoes - 5 lbs x 2 slots
Mixed Veggies - 20 servings x 2 slots
Fruit - 20 servings x 2 slots
Dessert - 20 servings x 3 slots
Sign up to provide food at
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. All are welcome.
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, May 14, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Thanks to contributing members, the food pantry looks really good at the moment. The only things we are short on are as follows:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus came to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and so Jesus, wearied as He was with his journey, sat down beside the well. It was about the sixth hour. There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” For His Disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to Him, “How is it that Thou, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and Who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; where do you get that living water? Art Thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his cattle?” Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst forever; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.” Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.” The woman answered Him, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband; this you said truly.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain; and Thou sayest that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming [He Who is called Christ]; when He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I Who speak to you am He.” Just then His Disciples came. They marveled that He was talking with a woman, but none said, “What dost Thou wish?” or, “Why art Thou talking with her?” So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city, and said to the people, “Come, see a man Who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” They went out of the city and were coming to Him. Meanwhile the Disciples besought Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” So the Disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him food?” Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him Who sent Me, and to accomplish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white for harvest. He who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” Many Samaritans from that city believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony, “He said to me all that I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His words. They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” (John 4:5-42)
Food for Thought
O Christ Savior, the might of death hath verily broken down under Thy Cross; and the deceit of Diabolus hath ceased; and the race of man hath by faith escaped and been saved. Wherefore, praise is offered Thee perpetually.
- Stichera of the Resurrection in tone 3 from O Lord I Have Cried...
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Upcoming Services and Events
May 14, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Serving Meal at Catholic Worker House, 2:30pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 15, Sunday- Sunday of the Paralytic
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 16, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
May 18, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 19, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 20, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
May 21, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 22, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. Please contact Alli with any questions.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Here are the menu items that still need to be provided.
Mashed Potatoes - 5 lbs x 2 slots
Mixed Veggies - 20 servings x 2 slots
Fruit - 20 servings x 2 slots
Dessert - 20 servings x 3 slots
Sign up to provide food at
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. All are welcome.
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, May 14, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving for April and May - list of organizations
- Treasurer’s Report
- Capital Campaign updates
- Update on parking lot proposal
- Website analytics
- Reenvisioning weekly bulletin
- Funding the Food Pantry
- Parish Roles - Involvement check-in
- What are the needs?
- Cleaning teams
- Visitor follow up
- Other?
- Who have you talked to that might be great in a particular area?
- What are the needs?
- Humanitarian Fundraiser for Ukraine
- Next meeting June 18, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Thanks to contributing members, the food pantry looks really good at the moment. The only things we are short on are as follows:
- Pancake syrup
- Vienna Sausage
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Canned ham
- Corned beef or roast beef hash
- Ritz crackers
- Cheez It crackers
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Spam
- Pinto beans (canned or dried)
- Rice Krispy bars
- Graham crackers
- Popcorn
- Trail mix packs
- Penne pasta
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus came to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and so Jesus, wearied as He was with his journey, sat down beside the well. It was about the sixth hour. There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” For His Disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to Him, “How is it that Thou, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and Who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; where do you get that living water? Art Thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his cattle?” Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst forever; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.” Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, and come here.” The woman answered Him, “I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, “You are right in saying, ‘I have no husband’; for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband; this you said truly.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that Thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain; and Thou sayest that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming [He Who is called Christ]; when He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I Who speak to you am He.” Just then His Disciples came. They marveled that He was talking with a woman, but none said, “What dost Thou wish?” or, “Why art Thou talking with her?” So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city, and said to the people, “Come, see a man Who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” They went out of the city and were coming to Him. Meanwhile the Disciples besought Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.” But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” So the Disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him food?” Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him Who sent Me, and to accomplish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white for harvest. He who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” Many Samaritans from that city believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony, “He said to me all that I ever did.” So when the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His words. They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” (John 4:5-42)
Food for Thought
O Christ Savior, the might of death hath verily broken down under Thy Cross; and the deceit of Diabolus hath ceased; and the race of man hath by faith escaped and been saved. Wherefore, praise is offered Thee perpetually.
- Stichera of the Resurrection in tone 3 from O Lord I Have Cried...
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday May 8, 2022- Myrrhbearers' Sunday
Christ is Risen! Christu uyirthezhunnettu! Hristos a înviat!
Upcoming Services and Events
May 7, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 8, Sunday- Myrrhbearers' Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
May 9, Monday
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
May 11, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 12, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 13, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
May 14, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 15, Sunday of the Paralytic
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers and godmothers. May God grant you many years!
No Office Hours or Hours Prayers May 9-11
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town May 9-11 and so there will be no Hours Prayers or office hours offered on those days.
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
OCF Study Sessions, May 8 & 9
College students are welcome to come to church for a chance to study during Finals Week on Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 from 5-8pm each night. Soup and snacks will be served.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Here are the menu items that still need to be provided.
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. All are welcome.
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, May 14, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, which has five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of invalids, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and troubled the water; whoever stepped in first, after the troubling of the water was healed of whatever disease he had. One man was there, who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him and knew that he had been lying there a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is troubled, and while I am going another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your pallet, and walk.” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his pallet and walked. Now that day was the Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who was cured, “It is the Sabbath, it is not lawful for you to carry your pallet.” But he answered them, “The man who healed me said to me, ‘Take up your pallet, and walk.’” They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, ‘Take up your pallet, and walk’?” Now the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, as there was a crowd in the place. Afterward, Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse befalls you.” The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus Who had healed him. (John 5:1-15)
Food for Thought
"Come ye, let us worship Him Who was born of the Father before all time, the Word of God, incarnate of the Virgin Mary; for He did submit to crucifixion by His own choice, was delivered to burial as He Himself willed, rose from the dead, and saved me, who was lost."
- one of the stichera from O Lord I Have Cried, tone 2 at Vespers of the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Upcoming Services and Events
May 7, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 8, Sunday- Myrrhbearers' Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
May 9, Monday
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
May 11, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 12, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 13, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
May 14, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 15, Sunday of the Paralytic
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, grandmothers and godmothers. May God grant you many years!
No Office Hours or Hours Prayers May 9-11
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town May 9-11 and so there will be no Hours Prayers or office hours offered on those days.
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
OCF Study Sessions, May 8 & 9
College students are welcome to come to church for a chance to study during Finals Week on Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 from 5-8pm each night. Soup and snacks will be served.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Here are the menu items that still need to be provided.
- Sliced Ham - 4 lbs x 2 slots
- Mashed Potatoes - 5 lbs x 2 slots
- Mixed Veggies - 20 servings x 2 slots
- Fruit - 20 servings x 2 slots
- Dessert - 20 servings x 3 slots
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. All are welcome.
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
Saturday, May 14, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving for April and May - list of organizations
- Treasurer’s Report
- Capital Campaign updates
- Update on parking lot proposal
- Website analytics
- Reenvisioning weekly bulletin
- Funding the Food Pantry
- Parish Roles - Involvement check-in
- What are the needs?
- Cleaning teams
- Visitor follow up
- Other?
- Who have you talked to that might be great in a particular area?
- What are the needs?
- Humanitarian Fundraiser for Ukraine
- Next meeting June 18, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Pancake Mix (just add water)
- Pancake syrup
- Snack pack puddings
- Vienna Sausage
- Turkey Spam
- Ramen noodles
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Baked beans
- Soup with meat
- Ritz crackers
- Cheez It crackers
- Tuna
- Beef Ravioli
- Canned spaghetti
- Applesauce cups
- Fruit cups
- Canned peaches
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Juice boxes
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Bath soap (like Dove)
- Can openers
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Hebrew called Bethesda, which has five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of invalids, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and troubled the water; whoever stepped in first, after the troubling of the water was healed of whatever disease he had. One man was there, who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him and knew that he had been lying there a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is troubled, and while I am going another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your pallet, and walk.” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his pallet and walked. Now that day was the Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who was cured, “It is the Sabbath, it is not lawful for you to carry your pallet.” But he answered them, “The man who healed me said to me, ‘Take up your pallet, and walk.’” They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, ‘Take up your pallet, and walk’?” Now the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, as there was a crowd in the place. Afterward, Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse befalls you.” The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus Who had healed him. (John 5:1-15)
Food for Thought
"Come ye, let us worship Him Who was born of the Father before all time, the Word of God, incarnate of the Virgin Mary; for He did submit to crucifixion by His own choice, was delivered to burial as He Himself willed, rose from the dead, and saved me, who was lost."
- one of the stichera from O Lord I Have Cried, tone 2 at Vespers of the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday May 1, 2022- Thomas Sunday
Christ is Risen! Al-Masih Qam! Kriste agsdga!
Upcoming Services and Events
April 30, Bright Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 1, Sunday- Thomas Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 2, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm- 5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
May 4, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 5, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 6, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
May 7, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 8, Myrrhbearers Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Return Your Food for Hungry People Collection Boxes ASAP
In the next week or two, please return your collection box if you took one, so that we can send the funds to where they need to go.
Many Years!
We received Michael Spies into the Church through the sacrament of chrismation on Holy Saturday, April 23. His patron saint is St. Michael the Archangel and his sponsor is Subdeacon Panteleimon (Todd) Wiblin. May God grant Michael many years!
May/June Calendars Available
Printed calendars showing services and other events for the months of May and June are now available in the narthex at church.
Student Study Sessions, May 8 & 9
College students are welcome to come to church for a chance to study during Finals Week on Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 from 5-8pm each night. Soup and snacks will be served.
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Sign up to provide food at
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. More information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the Kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. And Pilate wondered if He were already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether Jesus was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion that He was dead, he granted the body to Joseph. And he bought a linen shroud, and taking Him down, wrapped Him in the linen shroud, and laid Him in a tomb, which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where He was laid. And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb at the rising of the sun. And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back – it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a long white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, “Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified. He is risen; He is not here; see the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see Him, as He told you.” And they went out quickly and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had come upon them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. (Mark 15:43-16:8)
Food for Thought
What a miraculous wonder: that grass should touch fire and be safe; for Thomas cast his hand into the fire of the side of Jesus Christ our God, and was not consumed by touching Him. Verily, the obstinate soul turned with fervor to true faith, and he shouted from the depth of his spirit: Thou art my Master and my God Who didst rise from the dead; glory to Thee.
- one of the stichera of the Aposticha from Vespers of Thomas Sunday
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Upcoming Services and Events
April 30, Bright Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 1, Sunday- Thomas Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by Coffee Hour
May 2, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm- 5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
May 4, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
May 5, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
May 6, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
May 7, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 8, Myrrhbearers Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
+ OCF Study Session, 5:00pm-8:00pm
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Return Your Food for Hungry People Collection Boxes ASAP
In the next week or two, please return your collection box if you took one, so that we can send the funds to where they need to go.
Many Years!
We received Michael Spies into the Church through the sacrament of chrismation on Holy Saturday, April 23. His patron saint is St. Michael the Archangel and his sponsor is Subdeacon Panteleimon (Todd) Wiblin. May God grant Michael many years!
May/June Calendars Available
Printed calendars showing services and other events for the months of May and June are now available in the narthex at church.
Student Study Sessions, May 8 & 9
College students are welcome to come to church for a chance to study during Finals Week on Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 from 5-8pm each night. Soup and snacks will be served.
No Fasting During Paschal Season
According to Antiochian custom, there is no fasting on Wednesdays or Fridays through the whole forty day Paschal season which ends with the feast of Ascension on June 2 this year.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Sign up to provide food at
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. More information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Pancake Mix (just add water)
- Pancake syrup
- Snack pack puddings
- Vienna Sausage
- Turkey Spam
- Ramen noodles
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Baked beans
- Soup with meat
- Ritz crackers
- Cheez It crackers
- Tuna
- Beef Ravioli
- Canned spaghetti
- Applesauce cups
- Fruit cups
- Canned peaches
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Juice boxes
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Bath soap (like Dove)
- Can openers
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the Kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. And Pilate wondered if He were already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether Jesus was already dead. And when he learned from the centurion that He was dead, he granted the body to Joseph. And he bought a linen shroud, and taking Him down, wrapped Him in the linen shroud, and laid Him in a tomb, which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where He was laid. And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might go and anoint Jesus. And very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb at the rising of the sun. And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?” And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back – it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a long white robe; and they were amazed. And he said to them, “Do not be amazed; you seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified. He is risen; He is not here; see the place where they laid Him. But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see Him, as He told you.” And they went out quickly and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had come upon them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. (Mark 15:43-16:8)
Food for Thought
What a miraculous wonder: that grass should touch fire and be safe; for Thomas cast his hand into the fire of the side of Jesus Christ our God, and was not consumed by touching Him. Verily, the obstinate soul turned with fervor to true faith, and he shouted from the depth of his spirit: Thou art my Master and my God Who didst rise from the dead; glory to Thee.
- one of the stichera of the Aposticha from Vespers of Thomas Sunday
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Derek Ward and Michael Fisher in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday April 24, 2022- Great and Holy Pascha
Christ is Risen! Christos Anesti!
Khrystos voskres!
Upcoming Services and Events
April 22, Holy Friday
+ Royal Hours, 9:00am, followed by decorating of funeral bier
+ Great Vespers, 3:00pm
+ Lamentations Service, 7:00pm, followed by Psalm-reading vigil through the night
April 23, Holy Saturday
+ Vesperal Liturgy, 9:00am
+ Rush Service, 11:40pm
April 24, Sunday- Great and Holy Pascha
+ Paschal Matins and Liturgy, 12:00am (midnight) followed by Paschal feast
+ Agape Vespers, 12:30pm, followed by Paschal picnic at church and Easter Egg hunt
April 27, Bright Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ Paschal Hours and Family Night, 6:00-8:30pm
April 28, Bright Thursday
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
April 30, Bright Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 1, Thomas Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Easter Lily Donations
The church will accept Easter Lily donations beginning Holy Friday, April 22.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Return Your Food for Hungry People Collection Boxes Soon
In the next week or two, please return your collection box if you took one, so that we can send the funds to where they need to go.
Paschal Greetings from Metropolitan Joseph
His letter is available here.
May/June Calendars Available
Printed calendars showing services and other events for the months of May and June are now available in the narthex at church.
Student Study Sessions, May 8 & 9
College students are welcome to come to church for a chance to study during Finals Week on Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 from 5-8pm each night. Soup and snacks will be served.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Sign up to provide food at
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. More information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be to you.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be to you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in His side, I will not believe.” Eight days later, His disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among them, and said, “Peace be to you.” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see My hands; and put out your hand, and place it in My side; do not be faithless, but believing.” Thomas answered Him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Thomas, you have believed because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His Name. (John 20:19-31)
Food for Thought
Ode 1- Of old Thou didst bury the pursuing tyrant beneath the waves of the sea. Now the children of those who were saved bury Thee beneath the earth. But like the maidens, let us sing to the Lord, for gloriously has He been glorified.
Ode 2- Thou didst suspend the earth immovably upon the waters. Now creation beholds Thee suspended on Calvary. It quakes with great amazement and cries: “None is holy but Thee, O Lord!”
Ode 5- Isaiah saw the never-setting light of Thy compassionate manifestation to us as God, O Christ. Rising early from the night he cried: “The dead shall arise. Those in the tombs shall awake. All those on earth shall greatly rejoice.”
Ode 8- Be amazed, O heavens! Be shaken, O foundations of the earth! Behold, He that dwells in the highest is numbered among the dead and sheltered in a lowly tomb. Bless Him, O youths! Praise Him, O priests! O people, exalt Him above all forever!
Ode 9- Do not lament me, O Mother, seeing me in the tomb, the Son conceived in the womb without seed, for I shall arise and be glorified with eternal glory as God. I shall exalt all who magnify you in faith and in love.
-Irmoi of the Canon of Holy Saturday
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
2022 Midwest Diocese Parish Life Conference
Did you know that the annual diocesan Parish Life Conference is not just for clergy? For more information, see the attached poster.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Khrystos voskres!
Upcoming Services and Events
April 22, Holy Friday
+ Royal Hours, 9:00am, followed by decorating of funeral bier
+ Great Vespers, 3:00pm
+ Lamentations Service, 7:00pm, followed by Psalm-reading vigil through the night
April 23, Holy Saturday
+ Vesperal Liturgy, 9:00am
+ Rush Service, 11:40pm
April 24, Sunday- Great and Holy Pascha
+ Paschal Matins and Liturgy, 12:00am (midnight) followed by Paschal feast
+ Agape Vespers, 12:30pm, followed by Paschal picnic at church and Easter Egg hunt
April 27, Bright Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ Paschal Hours and Family Night, 6:00-8:30pm
April 28, Bright Thursday
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
April 30, Bright Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
May 1, Thomas Sunday
+ Matins, 8:45am
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Divine Liturgy, 10:00am, followed by coffee hour
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Easter Lily Donations
The church will accept Easter Lily donations beginning Holy Friday, April 22.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Return Your Food for Hungry People Collection Boxes Soon
In the next week or two, please return your collection box if you took one, so that we can send the funds to where they need to go.
Paschal Greetings from Metropolitan Joseph
His letter is available here.
May/June Calendars Available
Printed calendars showing services and other events for the months of May and June are now available in the narthex at church.
Student Study Sessions, May 8 & 9
College students are welcome to come to church for a chance to study during Finals Week on Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 from 5-8pm each night. Soup and snacks will be served.
Provide Food for the Catholic Worker House
Join us for another opportunity to serve our neighbor! St. Raphael Orthodox Church has signed up to provide food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, May 14, 2022. Food must be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm and will be served later that afternoon by our own teens and OCF members. We are serving ham, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, fruit, dessert, and drinks. Sign up to provide food at
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. More information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Updated Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Pancake Mix (just add water)
- Pancake syrup
- Snack pack puddings
- Vienna Sausage
- Turkey Spam
- Ramen noodles
- Instant potatoes
- Beef stew
- Baked beans
- Soup with meat
- Ritz crackers
- Cheez It crackers
- Tuna
- Beef Ravioli
- Canned spaghetti
- Applesauce cups
- Fruit cups
- Canned peaches
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Juice boxes
- Small liquid laundry soap
- Bath soap (like Dove)
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be to you.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be to you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in His side, I will not believe.” Eight days later, His disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood among them, and said, “Peace be to you.” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see My hands; and put out your hand, and place it in My side; do not be faithless, but believing.” Thomas answered Him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Thomas, you have believed because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His Name. (John 20:19-31)
Food for Thought
Ode 1- Of old Thou didst bury the pursuing tyrant beneath the waves of the sea. Now the children of those who were saved bury Thee beneath the earth. But like the maidens, let us sing to the Lord, for gloriously has He been glorified.
Ode 2- Thou didst suspend the earth immovably upon the waters. Now creation beholds Thee suspended on Calvary. It quakes with great amazement and cries: “None is holy but Thee, O Lord!”
Ode 5- Isaiah saw the never-setting light of Thy compassionate manifestation to us as God, O Christ. Rising early from the night he cried: “The dead shall arise. Those in the tombs shall awake. All those on earth shall greatly rejoice.”
Ode 8- Be amazed, O heavens! Be shaken, O foundations of the earth! Behold, He that dwells in the highest is numbered among the dead and sheltered in a lowly tomb. Bless Him, O youths! Praise Him, O priests! O people, exalt Him above all forever!
Ode 9- Do not lament me, O Mother, seeing me in the tomb, the Son conceived in the womb without seed, for I shall arise and be glorified with eternal glory as God. I shall exalt all who magnify you in faith and in love.
-Irmoi of the Canon of Holy Saturday
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
2022 Midwest Diocese Parish Life Conference
Did you know that the annual diocesan Parish Life Conference is not just for clergy? For more information, see the attached poster.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday April 17, 2022- The Feast of the Triumphal Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
Upcoming Services and Events
April 15, Friday
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus, 7:00pm
April 16, Saturday
+ Matins and Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday, 8:45am/10:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 17, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
April 18, Holy Monday
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
April 19, Holy Tuesday
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
April 20, Holy Wednesday
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 9:00am
+ Holy Unction Service, 7:00pm
April 21, Holy Thursday
+ Holy Thursday Vesperal Liturgy, 9:00am
+ Rite of Footwashing, 6:00pm
+ Twelve Gospels Service, 7:00pm
April 22, Holy Friday
+ Drop-off kids and Breakfast, 7:30am-9:00am
+ Royal Hours, 9:00am, followed by decorating of the Lord's Funeral Bier
+ Lunch and Activities for Kids, 12:00pm-3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 3:00pm
+ Pick up Kids, 4:30pm
+ Lamentations Service, 7:00pm, followed by Psalm reading Vigil through the night
April 23, Holy Saturday
+ Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy, 9:00am
+ Rush Service, 11:40pm
April 24, Great and Holy Pascha
+ Paschal Matins and Liturgy, 12:00am, followed by Paschal Feast
+ Agape Vespers, 12:30pm, followed by Paschal Picnic at church and Easter Egg Hunt in College Green Park
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Holy Week Sign-ups
Are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required.
Easter Lily Donations
The church will accept Easter Lily donations beginning Holy Friday, April 22.
Metropolitan Joseph's Palm Sunday Letter
You can read it in the attached file.
Video Presentation on the Experience and Meaning of Holy Week
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Charleston, WV has produced this 22 minute video on Orthodox Holy Week.
No Office Hours During Holy Week
Fr. Ignatius will not be holding formal office hours during Holy Week but he is still available for appointments as needed.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Thank You
Thank you to Sanjoy Paul, Paul Padath, Joseph Rowan, Robert Peterson, Lizzy Valentine, Michael Fisher, Todd Wiblin, Karen Kuntz, Dale Melchin, Alli Rockwell, and Inga Gvarjaladze for helping out last Saturday with our Church Clean-up Day. A lot was accomplished!
Many Years!
Congratulations to Michael Fisher who was received into the catechumenate last Sunday.
Return Your Food for Hungry People Collection Boxes Soon
In the next week or two, please return your collection box if you took one, so that we can send the funds to where they need to go.
Orthodox Christians for Life Baby Shower to Benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic Clients
We are accepting donations of diapers (any size) and baby clothes, or monetary gifts which will be used to purchase such supplies, until Palm Sunday, April 17. Informed Choices Clinic provides real alternatives to women and couples contemplating abortion. Supporting organizations like this is vital to our pro-life witness.
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. More information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through Him, and without Him was not
anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose
name was John. He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light. The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world knew Him not. He came to His own home, and His own people received Him not. But to all who received Him, who believed in His Name, He gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. (John bore witness to Him, and cried, “This was He of Whom I said, ‘He Who comes after me ranks before me, for He was before me.’”) And from His fullness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:1-17)
Food for Thought
Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians, 4:8
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
2022 Midwest Diocese Parish Life Conference
Did you know that the annual diocesan Parish Life Conference is not just for clergy? For more information, see the attached poster.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
April 15, Friday
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus, 7:00pm
April 16, Saturday
+ Matins and Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday, 8:45am/10:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 17, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
April 18, Holy Monday
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
April 19, Holy Tuesday
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
April 20, Holy Wednesday
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 9:00am
+ Holy Unction Service, 7:00pm
April 21, Holy Thursday
+ Holy Thursday Vesperal Liturgy, 9:00am
+ Rite of Footwashing, 6:00pm
+ Twelve Gospels Service, 7:00pm
April 22, Holy Friday
+ Drop-off kids and Breakfast, 7:30am-9:00am
+ Royal Hours, 9:00am, followed by decorating of the Lord's Funeral Bier
+ Lunch and Activities for Kids, 12:00pm-3:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 3:00pm
+ Pick up Kids, 4:30pm
+ Lamentations Service, 7:00pm, followed by Psalm reading Vigil through the night
April 23, Holy Saturday
+ Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy, 9:00am
+ Rush Service, 11:40pm
April 24, Great and Holy Pascha
+ Paschal Matins and Liturgy, 12:00am, followed by Paschal Feast
+ Agape Vespers, 12:30pm, followed by Paschal Picnic at church and Easter Egg Hunt in College Green Park
Newest Announcements
Ukraine Relief Fundraiser - Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm
Tickets are now available to our Ukraine Relief Fundraiser taking place Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries. Tickets are $25 and available at; all proceeds will go to the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. We appreciate advanced ticket purchases since they help us plan; tickets will also be available at the door. We still need volunteers to provide food for the dinner and to help at the event itself. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. Sign up here to cook or staff the event. at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Holy Week Sign-ups
Are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required.
Easter Lily Donations
The church will accept Easter Lily donations beginning Holy Friday, April 22.
Metropolitan Joseph's Palm Sunday Letter
You can read it in the attached file.
Video Presentation on the Experience and Meaning of Holy Week
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral in Charleston, WV has produced this 22 minute video on Orthodox Holy Week.
No Office Hours During Holy Week
Fr. Ignatius will not be holding formal office hours during Holy Week but he is still available for appointments as needed.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Thank You
Thank you to Sanjoy Paul, Paul Padath, Joseph Rowan, Robert Peterson, Lizzy Valentine, Michael Fisher, Todd Wiblin, Karen Kuntz, Dale Melchin, Alli Rockwell, and Inga Gvarjaladze for helping out last Saturday with our Church Clean-up Day. A lot was accomplished!
Many Years!
Congratulations to Michael Fisher who was received into the catechumenate last Sunday.
Return Your Food for Hungry People Collection Boxes Soon
In the next week or two, please return your collection box if you took one, so that we can send the funds to where they need to go.
Orthodox Christians for Life Baby Shower to Benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic Clients
We are accepting donations of diapers (any size) and baby clothes, or monetary gifts which will be used to purchase such supplies, until Palm Sunday, April 17. Informed Choices Clinic provides real alternatives to women and couples contemplating abortion. Supporting organizations like this is vital to our pro-life witness.
Save the Date!- May 28- Sunday School Gathering at Green Top Farm
We will celebrate the end of the Sunday School year with a trip to Green Top Farm in Mt. Pleasant. The schedule will be as follows: 3pm-5pm, time with animals; 5pm Vespers, 6:15pm Supper. More information will be available as we get closer to the date.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through Him, and without Him was not
anything made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose
name was John. He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light. The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, yet the world knew Him not. He came to His own home, and His own people received Him not. But to all who received Him, who believed in His Name, He gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. (John bore witness to Him, and cried, “This was He of Whom I said, ‘He Who comes after me ranks before me, for He was before me.’”) And from His fullness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1:1-17)
Food for Thought
Brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians, 4:8
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
2022 Midwest Diocese Parish Life Conference
Did you know that the annual diocesan Parish Life Conference is not just for clergy? For more information, see the attached poster.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday April 10, 2022- Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt (5th Sunday of Lent)
Upcoming Services and Events
April 9, Saturday
+ Semi-annual Church Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 10, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
April 13, Wednesday
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
April 14, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion, 7:00 on Zoom
April 15, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus, 7:00pm
April 16, Lazarus Saturday
+ Matins and Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday, 8:45am/10:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 17, Palm Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
Newest Announcements
No Office Hours
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town on the afternoon of April 10 through the afternoon of April 13. There will be no office hours or hours prayers scheduled this Monday or Wednesday.
Thank You
A huge thank you to Maria Lucia Cetlaus (with Elizabeth Michael assisting) for completely renovating the furnace room and nearby storage and back stairwell by repainting, repairing and cleaning the area. New shelves were installed. And the plantings in the front yard were cleaned up. It all looks amazing!
Semi-Annual Cleanup Day is April 9
On Saturday, April 9 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers at the church to help clean and move some things up in anticipation of Holy Week and Pascha. Please come for all or part of the time if you are able.
Concert to Benefit Ukraine Relief
Saturday, April 9, 2022, 7:30 pm, Zion Lutheran Church, 310 N Johnson St, Iowa City, IA 52245 Artists: Hannah Holman (cello), Réne Lecuona, (piano), Volkan Orhon (double bass), David Gomper (piano), Oleg Timofeyev (seven-string guitar) Suggested donation $20
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, April 10
If you would like your Orthodox departed loved ones remembered by name in Memorial Prayers for the Departed following Liturgy on Sunday, April 10, please get your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before then.
Volunteers Needed for Ukraine Relief Fundraiser
On Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm, our church and PEACE Iowa are hosting a fundraiser to benefit Ukrainian refugees through the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries.
We need volunteers to provide food for the dinner. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. We also need helpers at the event itself.
Sign up to cook or staff the event at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Orthodox Christians for Life Baby Shower to Benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic Clients
We are accepting donations of diapers (any size) and baby clothes, or monetary gifts which will be used to purchase such supplies, until Palm Sunday, April 17. Informed Choices Clinic provides real alternatives to women and couples contemplating abortion. Supporting organizations like this is vital to our pro-life witness.
Holy Week Is Coming!
Holy Week is that most special time of the year in the life of our Church. It is an opportunity to enrich and deepen our faith, as we draw close to Christ in His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. Here is the schedule of services.
Friday, April 15, 7pm- Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus
Lazarus Saturday, April 16, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 5pm- Great Vespers
Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday, April 18, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Tuesday, April 19, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Wednesday, April 20, 9am- Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts; 7pm- Holy Unction Service
Holy Thursday, April 21, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 6pm-Rite of Foot-washing; 7pm- Twelve Gospels Service
Holy Friday, April 22, 9am- Royal Hours; 3pm- Great Vespers; 7pm- Lamentations Service; followed by Psalm-reading Vigil through the night
Holy Saturday, April 23, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 11:40pm- Rush Service
Great and Holy Pascha, April 24, 12am (midnight)- Paschal Matins and Liturgy; 12:30pm- Agape Vespers, followed by Picnic at church and an Easter Egg hunt in College Green Park.
Holy Week Sign-ups
It's not too early to begin thinking about and planning for Holy Week! Are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. A more detailed schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required by Sunday, April 10.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus who had died was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at table with Him. Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. But Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, one of His Disciples (he who was to betray Jesus), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” This he said, not because he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and as he had the moneybox he used to take what was put into it. Jesus said, “Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of My burial. The poor you always have with you, but you do not always have Me.” When the great crowd of the Jews learned that He was there, they came, not only on account of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus also to death, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus. The next day a great crowd who had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying, “Hosanna! Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord, the King of Israel!” And Jesus found a young ass and sat upon it; as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on an ass’s colt!” His Disciples did not understand this at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that this had been written of Him and had been done to Him. The crowd that had been with Jesus when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead bore witness. The reason why the crowd went to meet Jesus was that they heard He had done this sign. (John 12:1-18)
Food for Thought
As from purple silk, O undefiled Virgin, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in thy womb. Therefore, we honor thee as Theotokos in very truth.
– from the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
April 9, Saturday
+ Semi-annual Church Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 10, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
April 13, Wednesday
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
April 14, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion, 7:00 on Zoom
April 15, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus, 7:00pm
April 16, Lazarus Saturday
+ Matins and Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday, 8:45am/10:00am
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 17, Palm Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Bridegroom Matins, 7:00pm
Newest Announcements
No Office Hours
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town on the afternoon of April 10 through the afternoon of April 13. There will be no office hours or hours prayers scheduled this Monday or Wednesday.
Thank You
A huge thank you to Maria Lucia Cetlaus (with Elizabeth Michael assisting) for completely renovating the furnace room and nearby storage and back stairwell by repainting, repairing and cleaning the area. New shelves were installed. And the plantings in the front yard were cleaned up. It all looks amazing!
Semi-Annual Cleanup Day is April 9
On Saturday, April 9 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers at the church to help clean and move some things up in anticipation of Holy Week and Pascha. Please come for all or part of the time if you are able.
Concert to Benefit Ukraine Relief
Saturday, April 9, 2022, 7:30 pm, Zion Lutheran Church, 310 N Johnson St, Iowa City, IA 52245 Artists: Hannah Holman (cello), Réne Lecuona, (piano), Volkan Orhon (double bass), David Gomper (piano), Oleg Timofeyev (seven-string guitar) Suggested donation $20
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, April 10
If you would like your Orthodox departed loved ones remembered by name in Memorial Prayers for the Departed following Liturgy on Sunday, April 10, please get your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before then.
Volunteers Needed for Ukraine Relief Fundraiser
On Saturday, May 21, 6-8pm, our church and PEACE Iowa are hosting a fundraiser to benefit Ukrainian refugees through the International Orthodox Christian Charities Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. The event will be a meal featuring Ukrainian dishes followed by a presentation by Nick Kasemeotes from IOCC on the work being done on the ground in Ukraine and bordering countries.
We need volunteers to provide food for the dinner. Recipes are provided for all dishes - each slot on the sign up is for a DOUBLE BATCH of the attached recipe. We also need helpers at the event itself.
Sign up to cook or staff the event at: Please contact Alli with any questions.
Orthodox Christians for Life Baby Shower to Benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic Clients
We are accepting donations of diapers (any size) and baby clothes, or monetary gifts which will be used to purchase such supplies, until Palm Sunday, April 17. Informed Choices Clinic provides real alternatives to women and couples contemplating abortion. Supporting organizations like this is vital to our pro-life witness.
Holy Week Is Coming!
Holy Week is that most special time of the year in the life of our Church. It is an opportunity to enrich and deepen our faith, as we draw close to Christ in His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. Here is the schedule of services.
Friday, April 15, 7pm- Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus
Lazarus Saturday, April 16, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 5pm- Great Vespers
Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday, April 18, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Tuesday, April 19, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Wednesday, April 20, 9am- Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts; 7pm- Holy Unction Service
Holy Thursday, April 21, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 6pm-Rite of Foot-washing; 7pm- Twelve Gospels Service
Holy Friday, April 22, 9am- Royal Hours; 3pm- Great Vespers; 7pm- Lamentations Service; followed by Psalm-reading Vigil through the night
Holy Saturday, April 23, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 11:40pm- Rush Service
Great and Holy Pascha, April 24, 12am (midnight)- Paschal Matins and Liturgy; 12:30pm- Agape Vespers, followed by Picnic at church and an Easter Egg hunt in College Green Park.
Holy Week Sign-ups
It's not too early to begin thinking about and planning for Holy Week! Are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. A more detailed schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required by Sunday, April 10.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus who had died was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at table with Him. Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. But Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, one of His Disciples (he who was to betray Jesus), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” This he said, not because he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and as he had the moneybox he used to take what was put into it. Jesus said, “Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of My burial. The poor you always have with you, but you do not always have Me.” When the great crowd of the Jews learned that He was there, they came, not only on account of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus also to death, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus. The next day a great crowd who had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying, “Hosanna! Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord, the King of Israel!” And Jesus found a young ass and sat upon it; as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on an ass’s colt!” His Disciples did not understand this at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that this had been written of Him and had been done to Him. The crowd that had been with Jesus when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead bore witness. The reason why the crowd went to meet Jesus was that they heard He had done this sign. (John 12:1-18)
Food for Thought
As from purple silk, O undefiled Virgin, the spiritual robe of Emmanuel, His flesh, was woven in thy womb. Therefore, we honor thee as Theotokos in very truth.
– from the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday April 3, 2022- Sunday of St. John Climacus (4th Sunday of Lent)
Upcoming Services and Events
April 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 3, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. John the Baptist in Cedar Rapids, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
April 4, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
April 6, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and Life of St. Mary of Egypt, 6:30pm (note new time!)
April 7, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
April 8, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
April 9, Saturday
+ Semi-annual Church Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 10, Sunday (Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt- 5th Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Time Change for Service on April 6
We will start Little Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew and the Life of St. Mary of Egypt at 6:30pm instead of 7:00pm.
Volunteers Needed to Bring Soup for Midweek Services
Following Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Thursday, April 7 and Wednesday, April 13, we would like to gather for a simple lenten meal. Are you willing to volunteer to bring soup and one or two simple sides for about 15 people? Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex.
Olive Oil Donations
During Lent and Holy Week, we go through a lot of olive oil, which we use to fill the lampadas that burn before our icons. We welcome donations of oil. Regular grade (non-extra virgin) burns best.
Semi-Annual Cleanup Day is April 9
On Saturday, April 9 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers at the church to help clean some things up in anticipation of Holy Week and Pascha. Please come for all or part of the time if you are able.
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, April 10
If you would like your Orthodox departed loved ones remembered by name in Memorial Prayers for the Departed following Liturgy on Sunday, April 10, please get your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before then.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Orthodox Christians for Life Baby Shower to Benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic Clients
Last Sunday, our teens held a bake sale to raise money to purchase diapers, baby clothes and other supplies that Informed Choices Clinic of Iowa City gives to clients who choose life for their children instead of abortion. We are accepting donations, monetary or in-kind, until Palm Sunday, April 17. Supporting organizations like Informed Choices is vital to our pro-life witness. Too often, people who are against abortion are caricatured as caring only for fetuses before birth but nothing for women. By materially supporting women and their partners who might otherwise choose abortion, we are demonstrating actual love, instead of cynically grandstanding to make a political point.
Holy Week Is Coming!
Holy Week is that most special time of the year in the life of our Church. It is an opportunity to enrich and deepen our faith, as we draw close to Christ in His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. Here is the schedule of services.
Friday, April 15, 7pm- Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus
Lazarus Saturday, April 16, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 5pm- Great Vespers
Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday, April 18, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Tuesday, April 19, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Wednesday, April 20, 9am- Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts; 7pm- Holy Unction Service
Holy Thursday, April 21, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 6pm-Rite of Foot-washing; 7pm- Twelve Gospels Service
Holy Friday, April 22, 9am- Royal Hours; 3pm- Great Vespers; 7pm- Lamentations Service; followed by Psalm-reading Vigil through the night
Holy Saturday, April 23, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 11:40pm- Rush Service
Great and Holy Pascha, April 24, 12am (midnight)- Paschal Matins and Liturgy; 12:30pm- Agape Vespers, followed by Picnic at church and an Easter Egg hunt in College Green Park.
Holy Week Sign-ups
It's not too early to begin thinking about and planning for Holy Week! Are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. A more detailed schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required by Sunday, April 10.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Humanitarian Fundraiser for Ukraine, May 21- Save the Date!
St. Raphael Church is partnering with PEACE Iowa in order to raise funds that will be directed to International Orthodox Christian Charities for Ukraine Relief. The schedule on Saturday May 21 will be as follows: Great Vespers at 4:30pm, dinner in our fellowship hall at 6:00pm, followed by a presentation on Ukraine relief by an IOCC representative. Tickets will cost $25. We will be asking our members to help prepare various Ukrainian menu items. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus took His twelve Disciples, and began to tell them what was to happen to Him, saying, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him to the Gentiles. And they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit upon Him, and kill Him; and after three days He will rise.” And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to Him, and said to Him, “Teacher, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire” And Jesus said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And they said to Him, “Grant us to sit, one at Thy right hand and one at Thy left, in Thy glory.” But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” And they said to Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized. But to sit at My right hand or at My left is not Mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John. And Jesus called them to Him and said to them, “You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be servant of all. For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:32-45)
Food for Thought
In one of the accounts of the martyrdoms of Christians during the reign of the Persian King Sapor, it is said: “The swords became dull, the sword-bearers fell and the sword-makers grew tired, but the Cross was lifted up even higher and shone from the blood of Christ’s martyrs.”
– St. Nicholai of Zica
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
April 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 3, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. John the Baptist in Cedar Rapids, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
April 4, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
April 6, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and Life of St. Mary of Egypt, 6:30pm (note new time!)
April 7, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
April 8, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
April 9, Saturday
+ Semi-annual Church Clean-up Day, 1:00pm-5:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 10, Sunday (Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt- 5th Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Time Change for Service on April 6
We will start Little Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew and the Life of St. Mary of Egypt at 6:30pm instead of 7:00pm.
Volunteers Needed to Bring Soup for Midweek Services
Following Pre-Sanctified Liturgy on Thursday, April 7 and Wednesday, April 13, we would like to gather for a simple lenten meal. Are you willing to volunteer to bring soup and one or two simple sides for about 15 people? Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex.
Olive Oil Donations
During Lent and Holy Week, we go through a lot of olive oil, which we use to fill the lampadas that burn before our icons. We welcome donations of oil. Regular grade (non-extra virgin) burns best.
Semi-Annual Cleanup Day is April 9
On Saturday, April 9 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers at the church to help clean some things up in anticipation of Holy Week and Pascha. Please come for all or part of the time if you are able.
Quarterly Prayers for the Departed, April 10
If you would like your Orthodox departed loved ones remembered by name in Memorial Prayers for the Departed following Liturgy on Sunday, April 10, please get your list of names to Fr. Ignatius before then.
Funding Travel Budget
After a two year hiatus from church related summer conferences, Fr. Ignatius will be traveling again this year. Thanks to the generosity of St. Barnabas Church in Sunbury, Ohio, and the Order of St. Ignatius, a significant portion of Father's travel expenses are already covered. However, there is still a shortfall of $800 which is currently unbudgeted. If you would like to give toward Father's travel expenses, please mark your gift accordingly. Thank you!
Orthodox Christians for Life Baby Shower to Benefit Informed Choices Medical Clinic Clients
Last Sunday, our teens held a bake sale to raise money to purchase diapers, baby clothes and other supplies that Informed Choices Clinic of Iowa City gives to clients who choose life for their children instead of abortion. We are accepting donations, monetary or in-kind, until Palm Sunday, April 17. Supporting organizations like Informed Choices is vital to our pro-life witness. Too often, people who are against abortion are caricatured as caring only for fetuses before birth but nothing for women. By materially supporting women and their partners who might otherwise choose abortion, we are demonstrating actual love, instead of cynically grandstanding to make a political point.
Holy Week Is Coming!
Holy Week is that most special time of the year in the life of our Church. It is an opportunity to enrich and deepen our faith, as we draw close to Christ in His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. Here is the schedule of services.
Friday, April 15, 7pm- Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus
Lazarus Saturday, April 16, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 5pm- Great Vespers
Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday, April 18, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Tuesday, April 19, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Wednesday, April 20, 9am- Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts; 7pm- Holy Unction Service
Holy Thursday, April 21, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 6pm-Rite of Foot-washing; 7pm- Twelve Gospels Service
Holy Friday, April 22, 9am- Royal Hours; 3pm- Great Vespers; 7pm- Lamentations Service; followed by Psalm-reading Vigil through the night
Holy Saturday, April 23, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 11:40pm- Rush Service
Great and Holy Pascha, April 24, 12am (midnight)- Paschal Matins and Liturgy; 12:30pm- Agape Vespers, followed by Picnic at church and an Easter Egg hunt in College Green Park.
Holy Week Sign-ups
It's not too early to begin thinking about and planning for Holy Week! Are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. A more detailed schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required by Sunday, April 10.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Humanitarian Fundraiser for Ukraine, May 21- Save the Date!
St. Raphael Church is partnering with PEACE Iowa in order to raise funds that will be directed to International Orthodox Christian Charities for Ukraine Relief. The schedule on Saturday May 21 will be as follows: Great Vespers at 4:30pm, dinner in our fellowship hall at 6:00pm, followed by a presentation on Ukraine relief by an IOCC representative. Tickets will cost $25. We will be asking our members to help prepare various Ukrainian menu items. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus took His twelve Disciples, and began to tell them what was to happen to Him, saying, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him to the Gentiles. And they will mock Him, and scourge Him, and spit upon Him, and kill Him; and after three days He will rise.” And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to Him, and said to Him, “Teacher, we would that thou shouldest do for us whatsoever we shall desire” And Jesus said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And they said to Him, “Grant us to sit, one at Thy right hand and one at Thy left, in Thy glory.” But Jesus said to them, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?” And they said to Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized. But to sit at My right hand or at My left is not Mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.” And when the ten heard it, they began to be indignant at James and John. And Jesus called them to Him and said to them, “You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be servant of all. For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:32-45)
Food for Thought
In one of the accounts of the martyrdoms of Christians during the reign of the Persian King Sapor, it is said: “The swords became dull, the sword-bearers fell and the sword-makers grew tired, but the Cross was lifted up even higher and shone from the blood of Christ’s martyrs.”
– St. Nicholai of Zica
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday March 27, 2022- Sunday of Exaltation of the Precious Cross (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Upcoming Services and Events
March 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 27, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. George in Cedar Rapids, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
March 28, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF compline at UI Danforth Chapel, 6:30pm
March 30, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 31, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom (, 7:00pm
April 1, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
April 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 3, Sunday (Sunday of St. John Climacus- 4th Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper (at St. John the Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids)
Newest Announcements
A Statement on the Sanctity of Life
This new statement, signed by Metropolitan Joseph and other Orthodox hierarchs from North America, can be read here:
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The approved March Parish Council meeting minutes are here.
Semi-Annual Cleanup Day is April 9
On Saturday, April 9 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers at the church to help clean some things up in anticipation of Holy Week and Pascha. Please come for all or part of the time if you are able.
Holy Week Is Coming!
Holy Week is that most special time of the year in the life of our Church. It is an opportunity to enrich and deepen our faith, as we draw close to Christ in His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. Here is the schedule of services.
Friday, April 15, 7pm- Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus
Lazarus Saturday, April 16, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 5pm- Great Vespers
Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday, April 18, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Tuesday, April 19, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Wednesday, April 20, 9am- Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts; 7pm- Holy Unction Service
Holy Thursday, April 21, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 6pm-Rite of Foot-washing; 7pm- Twelve Gospels Service
Holy Friday, April 22, 9am- Royal Hours; 3pm- Great Vespers; 7pm- Lamentations Service; followed by Psalm-reading Vigil through the night
Holy Saturday, April 23, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 11:40pm- Rush Service
Great and Holy Pascha, April 24, 12am (midnight)- Paschal Matins and Liturgy; 12:30pm- Agape Vespers, followed by Picnic at church and an Easter Egg hunt in College Green Park.
Holy Week Sign-ups
It's not too early to begin thinking about and planning for Holy Week! are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. A more detailed schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required by Sunday, April 10.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, a man came to Jesus, kneeling down and saying unto him, “Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a dumb spirit. And wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid; and I asked Thy Disciples to cast it out, and they were not able.” And Jesus answered them, “O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to Me.” And they brought the boy to Him; and when the spirit saw Jesus, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth. And Jesus asked his father, “How long has he had this?” And he said, “From childhood. And it has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if Thou canst do anything, have pity on us and help us.” And Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “You dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again.” And after crying out and convulsing him terribly, it came out, and the boy was like a corpse; so that most of them said, “He is dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. And when Jesus had entered the house, His Disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” And Jesus said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.” They went on from there and passed through Galilee. And Jesus would not have anyone know it; for He was teaching His Disciples, saying to them, “The Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill Him; and after He is killed, He will rise on the third day.” (Mark 9:17-31)
Food for Thought
Today the whole creation rejoiceth; for the archangel hath cried unto thee, Rejoice, O blessed one, spotless, pure and all-blameless. Today, the haughtiness of the serpent vanisheth, as the bond of the curse of the first father is undone. Wherefore, with all things we cry unto thee, saying: Rejoice, O full of grace.
- 2nd Kathismata from Matins for the Annunciation
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
March 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 27, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. George in Cedar Rapids, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
March 28, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF compline at UI Danforth Chapel, 6:30pm
March 30, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 31, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom (, 7:00pm
April 1, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
April 2, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
April 3, Sunday (Sunday of St. John Climacus- 4th Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper (at St. John the Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids)
Newest Announcements
A Statement on the Sanctity of Life
This new statement, signed by Metropolitan Joseph and other Orthodox hierarchs from North America, can be read here:
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The approved March Parish Council meeting minutes are here.
Semi-Annual Cleanup Day is April 9
On Saturday, April 9 from 1-5pm, we need volunteers at the church to help clean some things up in anticipation of Holy Week and Pascha. Please come for all or part of the time if you are able.
Holy Week Is Coming!
Holy Week is that most special time of the year in the life of our Church. It is an opportunity to enrich and deepen our faith, as we draw close to Christ in His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection. Here is the schedule of services.
Friday, April 15, 7pm- Little Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus
Lazarus Saturday, April 16, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 5pm- Great Vespers
Palm Sunday, April 17, 8:45am/10am- Matins and Liturgy; 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Monday, April 18, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Tuesday, April 19, 7pm- Bridegroom Matins
Holy Wednesday, April 20, 9am- Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts; 7pm- Holy Unction Service
Holy Thursday, April 21, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 6pm-Rite of Foot-washing; 7pm- Twelve Gospels Service
Holy Friday, April 22, 9am- Royal Hours; 3pm- Great Vespers; 7pm- Lamentations Service; followed by Psalm-reading Vigil through the night
Holy Saturday, April 23, 9am- Vesperal Liturgy; 11:40pm- Rush Service
Great and Holy Pascha, April 24, 12am (midnight)- Paschal Matins and Liturgy; 12:30pm- Agape Vespers, followed by Picnic at church and an Easter Egg hunt in College Green Park.
Holy Week Sign-ups
It's not too early to begin thinking about and planning for Holy Week! are you able to arrange your schedule to attend a few more services than normal? There are many ways to get involved during Holy Week, ways which will enrich your faith and build up our church community. There are various sign-ups now posted in the narthex including for the Funeral Bier Decoration midday on Holy Friday, the Psalm-reading Vigil on Holy Friday night through Holy Saturday morning, dyeing eggs for the midnight Paschal service, reading the Gospel in various languages at Agape Vespers on Pascha afternoon, and bringing food for both our middle-of-the-night Paschal Feast and our Paschal Picnic following Agape Vespers. Plan ahead! Get involved!
Holy Friday Activities for Children K-12
Holy Friday falls on April 22, which happens also to be a no-school day in the Iowa City Community School District this year. You are invited to bring your school-aged children to St. Raphael for a day of free activities, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, breakfast, lunch, and a snack included. Activities will include games, crafts, helping to decorate the funeral bier, a scavenger hunt (for older kids), free play at College Green Park (or a movie if it's raining), and attending Vespers at 3 pm. A more detailed schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. While all activities are free, to aid us in planning, registration is required by Sunday, April 10.
Bright Wednesday Family Night
Families of St. Raphael: gather together on Bright Wednesday (April 27th) for an evening of games, puzzles, and food. Bring a pizza, your favorite ice cream, board games, and puzzles to church, and following the short, beautiful Paschal Hours service at 6:00pm, we will spend a few hours together in celebration of the Feast. Activities for the children too young for board games will also be available.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, a man came to Jesus, kneeling down and saying unto him, “Teacher, I brought my son to you, for he has a dumb spirit. And wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; and he foams and grinds his teeth and becomes rigid; and I asked Thy Disciples to cast it out, and they were not able.” And Jesus answered them, “O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to Me.” And they brought the boy to Him; and when the spirit saw Jesus, immediately it convulsed the boy, and he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth. And Jesus asked his father, “How long has he had this?” And he said, “From childhood. And it has often cast him into the fire and into the water, to destroy him; but if Thou canst do anything, have pity on us and help us.” And Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” And when Jesus saw that a crowd came running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “You dumb and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and never enter him again.” And after crying out and convulsing him terribly, it came out, and the boy was like a corpse; so that most of them said, “He is dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. And when Jesus had entered the house, His Disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” And Jesus said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.” They went on from there and passed through Galilee. And Jesus would not have anyone know it; for He was teaching His Disciples, saying to them, “The Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill Him; and after He is killed, He will rise on the third day.” (Mark 9:17-31)
Food for Thought
Today the whole creation rejoiceth; for the archangel hath cried unto thee, Rejoice, O blessed one, spotless, pure and all-blameless. Today, the haughtiness of the serpent vanisheth, as the bond of the curse of the first father is undone. Wherefore, with all things we cry unto thee, saying: Rejoice, O full of grace.
- 2nd Kathismata from Matins for the Annunciation
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday March 20, 2022- Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas (2nd Sunday of Lent)
Upcoming Services and Events
March 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 20, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. Demetrios in Waterloo, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
March 21, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF at Man of God film at Sycamore Theatre, 7:00pm
March 23, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 24, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Great Vespers for Annunciation, 7:00pm
March 25, Friday
+ Matins for Annunciation, 8:45am
+ Liturgy for Annunciation, 10:00am
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
March 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 27, Sunday (Sunday of Holy Cross- 3rd Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper (at St. George Church in Cedar Rapids)
Newest Announcements
The Feast of the Annunciation
The salvation that comes to us in Christ is first manifested to us at the Lord's Nativity at Christmas, but the story begins nine months earlier, at His Annunciation, which the hymns call, "the beginning of our salvation." We will celebrate Great Vespers with Litia and Artoklasia at 7pm on Thursday, March 24 and Matins and Liturgy at 8:45 and 10am on March 25.
No Office Hours on March 25
Due to services for the Feast of the Annunciation, Fr. Ignatius will not be holding office hours on March 25.
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord said, “If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” And Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.” (Mark 8:34-9:1)
Food for Thought
"Love is a bomb that destroys all evil."
- Mother Gavrilia
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21 and March 28
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
March 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 20, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers at St. Demetrios in Waterloo, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
March 21, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF at Man of God film at Sycamore Theatre, 7:00pm
March 23, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 24, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Great Vespers for Annunciation, 7:00pm
March 25, Friday
+ Matins for Annunciation, 8:45am
+ Liturgy for Annunciation, 10:00am
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
March 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 27, Sunday (Sunday of Holy Cross- 3rd Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper (at St. George Church in Cedar Rapids)
Newest Announcements
The Feast of the Annunciation
The salvation that comes to us in Christ is first manifested to us at the Lord's Nativity at Christmas, but the story begins nine months earlier, at His Annunciation, which the hymns call, "the beginning of our salvation." We will celebrate Great Vespers with Litia and Artoklasia at 7pm on Thursday, March 24 and Matins and Liturgy at 8:45 and 10am on March 25.
No Office Hours on March 25
Due to services for the Feast of the Annunciation, Fr. Ignatius will not be holding office hours on March 25.
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord said, “If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? For what can a man give in return for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” And Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.” (Mark 8:34-9:1)
Food for Thought
"Love is a bomb that destroys all evil."
- Mother Gavrilia
Recurring Announcements
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion
The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21 and March 28
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday March 13, 2022- Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy (1st Sunday of Lent)
Upcoming Services and Events
March 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 13, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
March 14, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
March 16, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 17, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ The Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
March 18, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
March 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 20, Sunday (Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas- 2nd Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper (at St. Demetrios Church in Waterloo)
Newest Announcements
Daylight Savings Time Begins This Sunday
Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 13.
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers and the Opportunity to Feed our Guests
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 13 - St. Raphael
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish. Also, we need volunteers to provide lenten food on Sunday evening, March 13. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex.
Bring Your Icons on March 13
Sunday, March 13 is the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, when we celebrate the establishment of icons and the final defeat of iconoclasm. If the weather cooperates, we will have a procession with icons outside at the end of Liturgy.
Orthodox Scholars Preach- Sunday of Orthodoxy
Fr. Radu Bordeianu gives a hopeful message while engaging with the senseless and tragic fratricidal war that is unfolding in Ukraine.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, March 19, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
1. Call to order and opening prayer
2. Reading from Father
3. Gratitude
4. Charitable giving for March- list of organizations
5. Treasurer’s Report
a. Nasr sponsorship update
b. Food pantry funds
6. Capital Campaign updates
7. Father’s travel
8. Ideas for use of backyard
9. Follow up on basement backup 2/27 - what should our schedule be for roto-rootering so we can preempt future floods?
10. Parish Roles - Involvement check-in
a. What are the needs?
i. Food Pantry Coordinator
ii. Cleaning teams
iii. Visitor follow up
iv. Other?
b. Who have you talked to that might be great in a particular area?
11. Pascha Preparation Protocol
a. Picnic location reserved?
b. Posters at public library for Holy Week schedule?
c. Council members at Lamentations on Holy Friday to carry the epitaphion
12. Humanitarian Fundraiser for Ukraine
13. Holy Friday - all day activities for children (no school day in ICCSD)
14. Proposed Family Night for Bright Wednesday
15. Sunday School Baby Shower drive to benefit Informed Choices
16. Next meeting May 21, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
17. Adjourn
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, when Jesus returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that He was at home. And many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room for them, not even about the door; and He was preaching the Word to them. And they came, bringing to Jesus a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and when they had made an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now, some of the scribes were sitting there, reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” And immediately Jesus, perceiving in His spirit that they thus reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason thus in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your pallet and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” – He said to the paralytic – “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.” And he rose, and immediately took up the pallet and went out before them all. So that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (Mark 2:1-12)
Food for Thought
Of course it would be easier to get to paradise with a full stomach, all snuggled up in a soft feather-bed, but what is required is to carry one's cross along the way, for the Kingdom of God is not attained by enduring one or two troubles, but many!
--Elder Anthony of Optina
Recurring Announcements
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18. The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 17, Blessed are the poor…- … kingdom of heaven (p. 21-37)
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21 and March 28
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. Registration is now open at:
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
March 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 13, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
March 14, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
March 16, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 17, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ The Ladder of Beatitudes book discussion on Zoom, 7:00pm
March 18, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
March 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 20, Sunday (Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas- 2nd Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper (at St. Demetrios Church in Waterloo)
Newest Announcements
Daylight Savings Time Begins This Sunday
Daylight Savings Time begins on Sunday, March 13.
A Reminder About Confessions
There is no better time to make your confession than during the season of Lent, especially if it has been awhile since your last one. Fr. Ignatius is available during his office hours and before and after most services. It is easy to make an appointment! For assistance in how to prepare for confession, go to:
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers and the Opportunity to Feed our Guests
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 13 - St. Raphael
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish. Also, we need volunteers to provide lenten food on Sunday evening, March 13. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex.
Bring Your Icons on March 13
Sunday, March 13 is the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, when we celebrate the establishment of icons and the final defeat of iconoclasm. If the weather cooperates, we will have a procession with icons outside at the end of Liturgy.
Orthodox Scholars Preach- Sunday of Orthodoxy
Fr. Radu Bordeianu gives a hopeful message while engaging with the senseless and tragic fratricidal war that is unfolding in Ukraine.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, March 19, 2022
2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
1. Call to order and opening prayer
2. Reading from Father
3. Gratitude
4. Charitable giving for March- list of organizations
5. Treasurer’s Report
a. Nasr sponsorship update
b. Food pantry funds
6. Capital Campaign updates
7. Father’s travel
8. Ideas for use of backyard
9. Follow up on basement backup 2/27 - what should our schedule be for roto-rootering so we can preempt future floods?
10. Parish Roles - Involvement check-in
a. What are the needs?
i. Food Pantry Coordinator
ii. Cleaning teams
iii. Visitor follow up
iv. Other?
b. Who have you talked to that might be great in a particular area?
11. Pascha Preparation Protocol
a. Picnic location reserved?
b. Posters at public library for Holy Week schedule?
c. Council members at Lamentations on Holy Friday to carry the epitaphion
12. Humanitarian Fundraiser for Ukraine
13. Holy Friday - all day activities for children (no school day in ICCSD)
14. Proposed Family Night for Bright Wednesday
15. Sunday School Baby Shower drive to benefit Informed Choices
16. Next meeting May 21, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
17. Adjourn
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, when Jesus returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that He was at home. And many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room for them, not even about the door; and He was preaching the Word to them. And they came, bringing to Jesus a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above Him; and when they had made an opening, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now, some of the scribes were sitting there, reasoning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” And immediately Jesus, perceiving in His spirit that they thus reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason thus in your hearts? Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your pallet and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” – He said to the paralytic – “I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go home.” And he rose, and immediately took up the pallet and went out before them all. So that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (Mark 2:1-12)
Food for Thought
Of course it would be easier to get to paradise with a full stomach, all snuggled up in a soft feather-bed, but what is required is to carry one's cross along the way, for the Kingdom of God is not attained by enduring one or two troubles, but many!
--Elder Anthony of Optina
Recurring Announcements
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, meddling, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18. The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 17, Blessed are the poor…- … kingdom of heaven (p. 21-37)
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21 and March 28
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. Registration is now open at:
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday March 6, 2022- Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare Sunday)
Upcoming Services and Events
March 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 6, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Forgiveness Vespers, 6:00pm
March 7, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Great Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00pm
March 8, Tuesday
+ Great Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00pm
March 9, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 10, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00pm
March 11, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
March 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 13, Sunday (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy- 1st Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
Newest Announcements
First Week of Lent
We begin fasting from meat after Meatfare Sunday, February 27. Cheesefare Sunday is March 6. Lent begins with Forgiveness Vespers at 6:00pm on Sunday, March 6. The schedule of services for the first week of Lent is the following:
Sunday, March 6- 6pm, Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, March 7- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Tuesday, March 8- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Wednesday, March 9- 6pm, Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Thursday, March 10- 7pm, Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Friday, March 11- 7pm, Little Compline with Akathist Hymn
Letter from Patriarch John X for Lent 2022
His Beatitude Patriarch John's letter for Lent 2022 can be read here.
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faintheartedness, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and self-control.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers and the Opportunity to Feed our Guests
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 13 - St. Raphael
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish. Also, we need volunteers to provide lenten food on Sunday evening, March 13. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex.
Bring Your Icons on March 13
Sunday, March 13 is the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, when we celebrate the establishment of icons and the final defeat of iconoclasm. If the weather cooperates, we will have a procession with icons outside at the end of Liturgy.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus decided to go to Galilee. And He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.” Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, “We have found Him of Whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” Nathanael said to Jesus, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael answered Him, “Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God! Thou art the King of Israel!” (John 1:43-51)
Food for Thought
After taking me as dust out of the earth, my Creator and my Lord, with quick’ning breath, made me live, gave me a soul, and he honored me as the prince of all things visible upon earth, with a life that rivalled Angel-kind. But Satan, full of guile, making of the serpent his instrument, enticed me with the bait of food, rent me from the glory of God therewith, and through nethermost death, he gave me back again unto the earth. But as the Master and merciful, do Thou call me back again.
- Stichera of "O Lord I have Cried" from Vespers for Forgiveness Sunday
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18. The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 17, Blessed are the poor…- … kingdom of heaven (p. 21-37)
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete?
For a comprehensive description of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, which we pray in parts on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening of the first week of Lent, and again, in its entirety, on Wednesday evening of the 5th week of Lent, go to:
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21 and March 28
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. Registration is now open at:
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
March 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 6, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Forgiveness Vespers, 6:00pm
March 7, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ Great Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00pm
March 8, Tuesday
+ Great Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00pm
March 9, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, 6:00pm, followed by Soup Supper
March 10, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, 7:00pm
March 11, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
+ Little Compline with Akathist Hymn, 7:00pm
March 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 13, Sunday (Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy- 1st Sunday of Lent)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Pan-Orthodox Vespers, 5:30pm, followed by Supper
Newest Announcements
First Week of Lent
We begin fasting from meat after Meatfare Sunday, February 27. Cheesefare Sunday is March 6. Lent begins with Forgiveness Vespers at 6:00pm on Sunday, March 6. The schedule of services for the first week of Lent is the following:
Sunday, March 6- 6pm, Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, March 7- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Tuesday, March 8- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Wednesday, March 9- 6pm, Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Thursday, March 10- 7pm, Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Friday, March 11- 7pm, Little Compline with Akathist Hymn
Letter from Patriarch John X for Lent 2022
His Beatitude Patriarch John's letter for Lent 2022 can be read here.
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faintheartedness, lust of power and idle talk,
but give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and self-control.
Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own sins, and not to judge my brother,
for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers and the Opportunity to Feed our Guests
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 13 - St. Raphael
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish. Also, we need volunteers to provide lenten food on Sunday evening, March 13. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex.
Bring Your Icons on March 13
Sunday, March 13 is the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, when we celebrate the establishment of icons and the final defeat of iconoclasm. If the weather cooperates, we will have a procession with icons outside at the end of Liturgy.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus decided to go to Galilee. And He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.” Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, “We have found Him of Whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” Nathanael said to Jesus, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” Nathanael answered Him, “Rabbi, Thou art the Son of God! Thou art the King of Israel!” (John 1:43-51)
Food for Thought
After taking me as dust out of the earth, my Creator and my Lord, with quick’ning breath, made me live, gave me a soul, and he honored me as the prince of all things visible upon earth, with a life that rivalled Angel-kind. But Satan, full of guile, making of the serpent his instrument, enticed me with the bait of food, rent me from the glory of God therewith, and through nethermost death, he gave me back again unto the earth. But as the Master and merciful, do Thou call me back again.
- Stichera of "O Lord I have Cried" from Vespers for Forgiveness Sunday
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18. The Zoom link is the following:
The remaining reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 17, Blessed are the poor…- … kingdom of heaven (p. 21-37)
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
What is the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete?
For a comprehensive description of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, which we pray in parts on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening of the first week of Lent, and again, in its entirety, on Wednesday evening of the 5th week of Lent, go to:
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21 and March 28
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. Registration is now open at:
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday February 27, 2022- Sunday of the Final Judgment (Meatfare Sunday)
Upcoming Services and Events
February 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 27, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 28, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
March 2, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
March 3, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Ladder of Beatitudes" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
March 4, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
March 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 6, Sunday (Forgiveness Sunday, aka Cheesefare Sunday)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Forgiveness Vespers, 6:00pm
Newest Announcements
First Week of Lent
We begin fasting from meat after Meatfare Sunday, February 27. Cheesefare Sunday is March 6. Lent begins with Forgiveness Vespers at 6:00pm on Sunday, March 6. The schedule of services for the first week of Lent is the following:
Sunday, March 6- 6pm, Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, March 7- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Tuesday, March 8- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Wednesday, March 9- 6pm, Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Thursday, March 10- 7pm, Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Friday, March 11- 7pm, Little Compline with Akathist Hymn
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers and the Opportunity to Feed our Guests
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 13 - St. Raphael
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish. Also, we need volunteers to provide lenten food on Sunday evening, March 13. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex.
What is the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete?
For a comprehensive description of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, which we pray in parts on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening of the first week of Lent, and again, in its entirety, on Wednesday evening of the 5th week of Lent, go to:
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Orthodox Scholars Preach Series
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Religious Education and the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University are sponsoring a video series called "Orthodox Scholars Preach" which will last through the whole Triodion period of pre-Lent and Lent and extend through Pascha and the whole Paschal season. Our own Dr. Lori Branch was asked to participate and you can find her sermon on the Sunday of the Last Judgment here.
January and February Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes for January and February's Parish Council meetings are attached.
March/April Calendars Printed and Available
Calendars showing upcoming services, classes and fasting season are now available in the church narthex.
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord said to His Disciples: If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father Who is in secret; and your Father Who sees in secret will reward you. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:14-21)
Food for Thought
"[F]or love does not hate anyone, does not reprove anyone, does not condemn anyone, does not grieve anyone, does not denigrate anyone, neither believer, nor non-believer, nor stranger, nor sinner, nor fornicator, nor the impure, but rather it loves even more the sinners, and the weak, and the careless, and is in pain for them, and grieves, and cries, and suffers with the wicked and sinner more than with the righteous, imitating Christ...."
- Abba Ammonas
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18. The Zoom link is the following:
The reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 3, Introduction-Blessed (p. ix- 20)
Mar. 17, Blessed are the poor…- … kingdom of heaven (p. 21-37)
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Beware of Email Scammers Impersonating Fr. Ignatius
Several times recently, people pretending to be Fr. Ignatius sent emails to several of our church members, with a vague request to respond by email because Father supposedly needed some help with something. Sometimes, these scams make it seem like Father is helping someone who has approached the church for assistance, and is asking the recipient of the email to give money or to purchase things like gift cards, which will supposedly be used by someone in need. Please ignore these emails if they show up in your inbox.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. Registration will begin on March 1.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
February 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 27, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 28, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
March 2, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
March 3, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Ladder of Beatitudes" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
March 4, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
March 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
March 6, Sunday (Forgiveness Sunday, aka Cheesefare Sunday)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
+ Forgiveness Vespers, 6:00pm
Newest Announcements
First Week of Lent
We begin fasting from meat after Meatfare Sunday, February 27. Cheesefare Sunday is March 6. Lent begins with Forgiveness Vespers at 6:00pm on Sunday, March 6. The schedule of services for the first week of Lent is the following:
Sunday, March 6- 6pm, Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, March 7- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Tuesday, March 8- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Wednesday, March 9- 6pm, Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Thursday, March 10- 7pm, Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Friday, March 11- 7pm, Little Compline with Akathist Hymn
Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers
During each week of Lent, on Wednesdays at 6pm, we pray the distinctly Lenten Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts. Following the service, we will be gathering in our fellowship hall for a simple Lenten meal supplied by a family or two. There is now a sign-up sheet in the narthex showing the dates that we will need one or more volunteers to provide some lenten soup. Please consider signing up!
Sunday Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers and the Opportunity to Feed our Guests
After having suspended them for the last two years because of concerns regarding the virus, we are resuming a rotation of Sunday Lenten Vespers services between our church and our sister churches in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. Vespers will begin at 5:30pm. Each host parish will also provide a lenten supper following the service. The service rotation this year is as follows:
March 13 - St. Raphael
March 20 - St. Demetrios (613 W. 4th St., Waterloo)
March 27 - St. George (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
April 3 - St. John (501 A Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids)
Please consider attending these services in the spirit of brotherly love. The Church is much wider than our local parish. Also, we need volunteers to provide lenten food on Sunday evening, March 13. There is a sign-up sheet posted in the narthex.
What is the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete?
For a comprehensive description of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, which we pray in parts on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening of the first week of Lent, and again, in its entirety, on Wednesday evening of the 5th week of Lent, go to:
What is the Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts?
Because Great Lent is a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer, the Orthodox Church regards more frequent reception of communion as especially desirable at this time. However, the Divine Liturgy has a festal character not in keeping with the penitential nature of the season, and so it is only prescribed to be celebrated on the weekends of Lent. Thus, the Presanctified Liturgy is appointed for midweek instead. At St. Raphael Church, we pray this beautiful service each Wednesday evening of Lent, except during the fifth week of Lent when it is moved to Thursday evening. The service consists of Daily Vespers combined with additional prayers and Holy Communion. It is called "Pre-Sanctified" because the Communion bread has already been consecrated and intincted with the precious Blood and reserved at the previous Sunday's Divine Liturgy.
A Resource for Great Lent
This is an excellent resource covering some of the themes of practices of the season of Great Lent.
Orthodox Scholars Preach Series
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Religious Education and the Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University are sponsoring a video series called "Orthodox Scholars Preach" which will last through the whole Triodion period of pre-Lent and Lent and extend through Pascha and the whole Paschal season. Our own Dr. Lori Branch was asked to participate and you can find her sermon on the Sunday of the Last Judgment here.
January and February Parish Council Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes for January and February's Parish Council meetings are attached.
March/April Calendars Printed and Available
Calendars showing upcoming services, classes and fasting season are now available in the church narthex.
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
The North American Board of the Antiochian Women are once again, offering several $500 scholarships to qualifying women. In order to qualify, you must:
1. Be a female and 26 years of age or older
2. Be a member in good standing of an Antiochian Orthodox parish
3. Be applying for, or registered in an academic or trade study program
4. Demonstrate financial need
If you would like more information on how to apply, please contact Fr. Ignatius
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord said to His Disciples: If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father Who is in secret; and your Father Who sees in secret will reward you. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:14-21)
Food for Thought
"[F]or love does not hate anyone, does not reprove anyone, does not condemn anyone, does not grieve anyone, does not denigrate anyone, neither believer, nor non-believer, nor stranger, nor sinner, nor fornicator, nor the impure, but rather it loves even more the sinners, and the weak, and the careless, and is in pain for them, and grieves, and cries, and suffers with the wicked and sinner more than with the righteous, imitating Christ...."
- Abba Ammonas
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18. The Zoom link is the following:
The reading schedule is as follows:
Mar. 3, Introduction-Blessed (p. ix- 20)
Mar. 17, Blessed are the poor…- … kingdom of heaven (p. 21-37)
Mar. 31, Blessed are they who mourn- …shall be comforted (p. 38-47)
Apr. 14, Blessed are the meek- … inherit the earth (p. 48-61)
Apr. 28, Blessed are they who hunger…- for they shall be satisfied (p. 62-77)
May 5, Blessed are the merciful- … for they shall obtain mercy (p. 78-88)
May 12, Blessed are the pure in heart- for they shall see God (p. 89- 107)
May 19, Blessed are the peacemakers-… called children of God (p. 108-134)
May 26, Blessed are they who are persecuted…- … persecuted the prophets who were before you (p. 135-158)
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Beware of Email Scammers Impersonating Fr. Ignatius
Several times recently, people pretending to be Fr. Ignatius sent emails to several of our church members, with a vague request to respond by email because Father supposedly needed some help with something. Sometimes, these scams make it seem like Father is helping someone who has approached the church for assistance, and is asking the recipient of the email to give money or to purchase things like gift cards, which will supposedly be used by someone in need. Please ignore these emails if they show up in your inbox.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. Registration will begin on March 1.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday February 20, 2022- Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Upcoming Services and Events
February 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 20, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 21, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
February 23, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 24, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 25, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 27, Sunday (Sunday of the Last Judgment, aka Meatfare Sunday)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Lent is Coming
We begin fasting from meat after Meatfare Sunday, February 27. Cheesefare Sunday is March 6. Lent begins with Forgiveness Vespers at 6:00pm on Sunday, March 6. The schedule of services for the first week of Lent is the following:
Sunday, March 6- 6pm, Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, March 7- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Tuesday, March 8- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Wednesday, March 9- 6pm, Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Thursday, March 10- 7pm, Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Friday, March 11- 7pm, Little Compline with Akathist Hymn
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests- We Need More Volunteers!
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. Slots are still available! To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
Beware of Email Scammers Impersonating Fr. Ignatius
Several times recently, people pretending to be Fr. Ignatius sent emails to several of our church members, with a vague request to respond by email because Father supposedly needed some help with something. Sometimes, these scams make it seem like Father is helping someone who has approached the church for assistance, and is asking the recipient of the email to give money or to purchase things like gift cards, which will supposedly be used by someone in need. Please ignore these emails if they show up in your inbox.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord said, “When the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will place the sheep at His right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the King will say to those at His right hand, ‘Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed Me, I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry and feed Thee, or thirsty and give Thee drink? And when did we see Thee a stranger and welcome Thee, or naked and clothe Thee? And when did we see Thee sick or in prison and visit Thee?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Then He will say to those at his left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to Thee?’ Then He will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to Me.’ And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:31-46)
Food for Thought
Only let it be in the name of Jesus Christ, that I may suffer together with Him! I endure everything because He Himself, Who is perfect man, empowers me.
-St. Ignatius of Antioch
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. More information about registration will be posted as it comes available.
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is still scheduling house blessings for the next two weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
February 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 20, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 21, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
February 23, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 24, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 25, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 26, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 27, Sunday (Sunday of the Last Judgment, aka Meatfare Sunday)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Lent is Coming
We begin fasting from meat after Meatfare Sunday, February 27. Cheesefare Sunday is March 6. Lent begins with Forgiveness Vespers at 6:00pm on Sunday, March 6. The schedule of services for the first week of Lent is the following:
Sunday, March 6- 6pm, Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, March 7- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Tuesday, March 8- 7pm, Great Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Wednesday, March 9- 6pm, Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts
Thursday, March 10- 7pm, Little Compline with Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Friday, March 11- 7pm, Little Compline with Akathist Hymn
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests- We Need More Volunteers!
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. Slots are still available! To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
Beware of Email Scammers Impersonating Fr. Ignatius
Several times recently, people pretending to be Fr. Ignatius sent emails to several of our church members, with a vague request to respond by email because Father supposedly needed some help with something. Sometimes, these scams make it seem like Father is helping someone who has approached the church for assistance, and is asking the recipient of the email to give money or to purchase things like gift cards, which will supposedly be used by someone in need. Please ignore these emails if they show up in your inbox.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord said, “When the Son of man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will place the sheep at His right hand, but the goats at the left. Then the King will say to those at His right hand, ‘Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed Me, I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry and feed Thee, or thirsty and give Thee drink? And when did we see Thee a stranger and welcome Thee, or naked and clothe Thee? And when did we see Thee sick or in prison and visit Thee?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ Then He will say to those at his left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you gave Me no food, I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to Thee?’ Then He will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to Me.’ And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” (Matthew 25:31-46)
Food for Thought
Only let it be in the name of Jesus Christ, that I may suffer together with Him! I endure everything because He Himself, Who is perfect man, empowers me.
-St. Ignatius of Antioch
Recurring Announcements
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. More information about registration will be posted as it comes available.
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is still scheduling house blessings for the next two weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday February 13, 2022- Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
Upcoming Services and Events
February 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 13, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 14, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF compline, 6:30pm at UI Danforth Chapel
February 16, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 17, Thursday
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 18, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 20, Sunday (Sunday of the Prodigal Son
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Father Will Be Out of Town
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town from February 15-17. There will be no office hours held or hours prayers said on those days.
No Fasting This Week
As we will have heard the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee this Sunday, which has a Pharisee boasting about his twice a week fasting, the Church tells us not to fast on Wednesday or Friday of this week, as a reminder of the pitfalls of getting caught up in external piety while missing the much more important lesson on humility.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, February 19, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. More information about registration will be posted as it comes available.
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests- We Need More Volunteers!
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. Slots are still available! To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord spoke this parable: “There was a man who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that falls to me.’ And he divided his living between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in loose living. And when he had spent everything, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. So he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have fed on the pods that the swine ate; and no one gave him anything. But when he came to himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry. Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound.’ But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid that I might make merry with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!’ And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’” (Luke 15:11-32)
Food for Thought
Bearing God within her womb, the Virgin hastened to Elizabeth, whose unborn child, knowing at once the salutation of the Theotokos, rejoiced, and leaping up as if in song, cried out to her:
Rejoice, vine bringing forth an unwithering branch,
Rejoice, orchard of pure fruit,
Rejoice, for you tend the husbandman, the Lover of mankind,
Rejoice, for you bear the Gardener Who cultivates our life!
Rejoice, earth yielding a rich harvest of compassion,
Rejoice, table laden with abundant mercy,
Rejoice, for through you the fields of Eden flower once again...
from Ikos 3 of the Akathist to the Theotokos
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is still scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
February 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 13, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 14, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
+ OCF compline, 6:30pm at UI Danforth Chapel
February 16, Wednesday
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 17, Thursday
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 18, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 19, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting, 2:00pm on Zoom
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 20, Sunday (Sunday of the Prodigal Son
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Father Will Be Out of Town
Fr. Ignatius will be out of town from February 15-17. There will be no office hours held or hours prayers said on those days.
No Fasting This Week
As we will have heard the Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee this Sunday, which has a Pharisee boasting about his twice a week fasting, the Church tells us not to fast on Wednesday or Friday of this week, as a reminder of the pitfalls of getting caught up in external piety while missing the much more important lesson on humility.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Saturday, February 19, 2022, 2:00-4:00 pm by Zoom
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Review/approve previous month’s meeting minutes
- Gratitude
- Charitable giving for February - list of organizations
- Treasurer’s Report
- Nasr sponsorship update
- Proposal for converting the men's room to a single user, ADA compliant restroom
- Capital Campaign updates
- Pascha Preparation Protocol
- Next meeting March 19, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
Camp St. George News
After two years of cancellation due to the pandemic, Camp St. George is back this summer. The dates are July 3-9. More information about registration will be posted as it comes available.
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests- We Need More Volunteers!
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. Slots are still available! To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord spoke this parable: “There was a man who had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that falls to me.’ And he divided his living between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in loose living. And when he had spent everything, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. So he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have fed on the pods that the swine ate; and no one gave him anything. But when he came to himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry. Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound.’ But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid that I might make merry with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!’ And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’” (Luke 15:11-32)
Food for Thought
Bearing God within her womb, the Virgin hastened to Elizabeth, whose unborn child, knowing at once the salutation of the Theotokos, rejoiced, and leaping up as if in song, cried out to her:
Rejoice, vine bringing forth an unwithering branch,
Rejoice, orchard of pure fruit,
Rejoice, for you tend the husbandman, the Lover of mankind,
Rejoice, for you bear the Gardener Who cultivates our life!
Rejoice, earth yielding a rich harvest of compassion,
Rejoice, table laden with abundant mercy,
Rejoice, for through you the fields of Eden flower once again...
from Ikos 3 of the Akathist to the Theotokos
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is still scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday February 6, 2022- Sunday of the Canaanite Woman
Upcoming Services and Events
February 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 6, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 7, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
February 9, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 10, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 11, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 13, Sunday (Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Shelter House Seeking Support for Book Sale Fundraiser
The Shelter House, which provides housing for those who can't afford it, is looking for people or businesses to help sponsor their annual book sale fundraiser at the end of March. They are also looking for volunteers to provide baked goods for their book sale.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord spoke this parable: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank Thee that I am not like other men, extortionists, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:10-14)
Food for Thought
The Lord's hand will not remove good things from those who walk in innocence.
Psalm 83:12
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
February 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
February 6, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
February 7, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
February 9, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 10, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 11, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 12, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 13, Sunday (Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
The Ladder of Beatitudes Book Discussion Begins March 3
Beginning on March 3 at 7pm on Zoom, and meeting weekly, we will begin reading and discussing Jim Forest's book The Ladder of Beatitudes, which focuses on the beatitudes portion of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Copies are available to purchase for $18.
Mark Your Calendars- "Man of God" Movie Showing, March 21
Sycamore Theatres in Iowa City will be hosting a one night showing of the film Man of God, about the life of St. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Aegina. Tickets can be bought at this link.
Shelter House Seeking Support for Book Sale Fundraiser
The Shelter House, which provides housing for those who can't afford it, is looking for people or businesses to help sponsor their annual book sale fundraiser at the end of March. They are also looking for volunteers to provide baked goods for their book sale.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
The Lord spoke this parable: “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank Thee that I am not like other men, extortionists, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:10-14)
Food for Thought
The Lord's hand will not remove good things from those who walk in innocence.
Psalm 83:12
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday January 30, 2022- Zacchaeus Sunday
Upcoming Services and Events
January 29, Saturday
+ Reader's Vespers, 5:00pm
January 30, Sunday
+ Reader's Matins & Typica, 9:00am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 10:45am
January 31, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
February 1, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Presentation of Christ, 6:00pm
February 2, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 3, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 4, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 6, Sunday (Sunday of the Canaanite Woman)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Fr. Ignatius is Still Sick
He will not be able to serve the services this weekend. There will be reader's vespers on Saturday evening, and reader's matins and Typica (with no Eucharist) on Sunday morning, followed by coffee hour.
Feast of the Presentation of Christ
We will celebrate this Great Feast with Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on February 1.
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and cried, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon.” But He did not answer her one word. And His disciples came and begged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before Him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And He answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly. (Matthew 15:21-28)
Food for Thought
Let us extol today those mystical trumpets of the Spirit, namely the God-mantled Fathers, who, speaking of divine things, sang in the midst of the Church a hymn of unified tones, teaching that the Trinity is One, not differing in Substance or Godhead, refuting Arius and contending for Orthodoxy, who forever intercede with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
- Doxastikon of the Three Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
January 29, Saturday
+ Reader's Vespers, 5:00pm
January 30, Sunday
+ Reader's Matins & Typica, 9:00am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 10:45am
January 31, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
February 1, Tuesday
+ Vesperal Liturgy for the Presentation of Christ, 6:00pm
February 2, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
February 3, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
February 4, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
February 5, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
February 6, Sunday (Sunday of the Canaanite Woman)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Sunday School, 9:15am
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Fr. Ignatius is Still Sick
He will not be able to serve the services this weekend. There will be reader's vespers on Saturday evening, and reader's matins and Typica (with no Eucharist) on Sunday morning, followed by coffee hour.
Feast of the Presentation of Christ
We will celebrate this Great Feast with Vesperal Liturgy at 6:00pm on February 1.
Providing a Meal for the Catholic Worker House Guests
St. Raphael Orthodox Church has the opportunity to serve our neighbors and feed the hungry by providing a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College) on Saturday, February 26. Food will be dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm to be packaged and distributed as grab-and-go meals. The menu is sloppy joes, buns, roasted potatoes, fruit, dessert and beverages. To commit to providing one or more menu items, go to:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and cried, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon.” But He did not answer her one word. And His disciples came and begged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she is crying after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before Him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And He answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly. (Matthew 15:21-28)
Food for Thought
Let us extol today those mystical trumpets of the Spirit, namely the God-mantled Fathers, who, speaking of divine things, sang in the midst of the Church a hymn of unified tones, teaching that the Trinity is One, not differing in Substance or Godhead, refuting Arius and contending for Orthodoxy, who forever intercede with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.
- Doxastikon of the Three Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday January 23, 2022- 31st Sunday After Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
January 22, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 23, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 24, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 25, Tuesday
+ Nic Hartmann Talk at ICPL, 6:30pm
January 26, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina of Georgia, 6:00pm
January 27, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
January 28, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 29, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 30, Sunday (31st Sunday after Pentecost)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Annual Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes from our Annual Voters' Meeting in early December are published and attached.
Sunday School Begins On January 23
After taking a lengthy break because of the pandemic, we are resuming Sunday School for our children beginning on Sunday, January 23. Classes will meet weekly and start at 9:15am and ending in time for Liturgy at 10am. There will be three classes: Pre-K-3rd grade, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. All classes will be studying the Gospel of Matthew. Get your kids involved!
"Hygge Meets Agape: Intersections of Nordic Culture and Ancient Christianity" Talk by Nic Hartmann on January 25
Folklorist and community educator Nic Hartmann, Ph.D., will be reading from his newly published book, Northern Lights of Christ: Lessons on Faith From Above the Birch Line. Nic brings faith and Nordic culture together through his love of travel, connection and care of communities and family, and his awareness of the power to transform lives in small acts done faithfully. He lives in Iowa with his wife, Jen, and their two daughters, where they practice the principles from Northern Lights of Christ with their broader community and their Orthodox Church family. Copies of Northern Lights of Christ will be available for purchase courtesy Prairie Lights Books. Please RSVP to our Facebook Event to let us know you're coming:
Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina
We will celebrate Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina of Georgia at 6:00pm on January 26.
Chamber Music Concert at UI, "A Tribute to Dinos Constantinides"
This free concert is Wednesday, January 26th at 7.30 pm in UI's Voxman Building Concert Hall, and most of the works are based on Greek folk tunes and modes. While this selection is not liturgical, the composer was of the Orthodox faith and composed works inspired by his faith. For more information, go to:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a man named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector, and rich. And he sought to see Who Jesus was, but could not, on account of the crowd, because he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus, for He was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. And when they saw it they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:1-10)
Food for Thought
If you see a man who has sinned and you do not pity him, the grace of God will leave you. Whoever curses bad people, and does not pray for them, will never come to know the grace of God.
- St. Silouan the Athonite
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
January 22, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 23, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 24, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 25, Tuesday
+ Nic Hartmann Talk at ICPL, 6:30pm
January 26, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina of Georgia, 6:00pm
January 27, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ "Northern Lights of Christ" Book Group, 7:00pm on Zoom
January 28, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 29, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 30, Sunday (31st Sunday after Pentecost)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Annual Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes from our Annual Voters' Meeting in early December are published and attached.
Sunday School Begins On January 23
After taking a lengthy break because of the pandemic, we are resuming Sunday School for our children beginning on Sunday, January 23. Classes will meet weekly and start at 9:15am and ending in time for Liturgy at 10am. There will be three classes: Pre-K-3rd grade, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. All classes will be studying the Gospel of Matthew. Get your kids involved!
"Hygge Meets Agape: Intersections of Nordic Culture and Ancient Christianity" Talk by Nic Hartmann on January 25
Folklorist and community educator Nic Hartmann, Ph.D., will be reading from his newly published book, Northern Lights of Christ: Lessons on Faith From Above the Birch Line. Nic brings faith and Nordic culture together through his love of travel, connection and care of communities and family, and his awareness of the power to transform lives in small acts done faithfully. He lives in Iowa with his wife, Jen, and their two daughters, where they practice the principles from Northern Lights of Christ with their broader community and their Orthodox Church family. Copies of Northern Lights of Christ will be available for purchase courtesy Prairie Lights Books. Please RSVP to our Facebook Event to let us know you're coming:
Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina
We will celebrate Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina of Georgia at 6:00pm on January 26.
Chamber Music Concert at UI, "A Tribute to Dinos Constantinides"
This free concert is Wednesday, January 26th at 7.30 pm in UI's Voxman Building Concert Hall, and most of the works are based on Greek folk tunes and modes. While this selection is not liturgical, the composer was of the Orthodox faith and composed works inspired by his faith. For more information, go to:
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a man named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector, and rich. And he sought to see Who Jesus was, but could not, on account of the crowd, because he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus, for He was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. And when they saw it they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:1-10)
Food for Thought
If you see a man who has sinned and you do not pity him, the grace of God will leave you. Whoever curses bad people, and does not pray for them, will never come to know the grace of God.
- St. Silouan the Athonite
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday January 16, 2022- 29th Sunday After Pentecost
Upcoming Services and Events
January 15, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 16, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 17, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 19, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
January 20, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
January 21, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 23, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 24, Sunday (31st Sunday after Pentecost)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Holy Water Available
We have just celebrated the Feast of the Lord's Theophany, the celebration of His baptism. This is the service at which we ask the Holy Spirit to bless water, which we then use in the church and in our homes throughout the year. Bottles of holy water will be available to pick up this Sunday. If you have old, empty bottles at home, bring them and get them refilled.
10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery Winter Micro-Retreat
The 10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Winter Micro-Retreat (known in previous years as the Winter Dinner for Dormition Monastery):
Thursday, Jan 20 starting at 4:45 PM
A Zoom Event you can attend from your computer, pad, smartphone or telephone or Smart TV (YOUTUBE LINK to be provided)
Agenda (all times are Eastern and may vary slightly):
4:45 PM - A video tour of the monastery followed by a brief welcome
5:00 PM - Vespers live from the monastery
6:00 PM - Welcome, Introductions and our SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Archbishop Nathaniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (followed by Q&A)
7:00 PM - Closing Prayer
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar including a YOUTUBE Link for easier viewing on a large screen (Smart TV)
Register at this link:
Sunday School Begins Next Sunday
After taking a lengthy break because of the pandemic, we are resuming Sunday School for our children beginning on Sunday, January 23. Classes will meet weekly and start at 9:15am and ending in time for Liturgy at 10am. There will be three classes: Pre-K-3rd grade, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. All classes will be studying the Gospel of Matthew. Get your kids involved!
"Hygee Meets Agape: Intersections of Nordic Culture and Ancient Christianity" Talk by Nic Hartmann on January 25
Folklorist and community educator Nic Hartmann, Ph.D., will be reading from his newly published book, Northern Lights of Christ: Lessons on Faith From Above the Birch Line. Nic brings faith and Nordic culture together through his love of travel, connection and care of communities and family, and his awareness of the power to transform lives in small acts done faithfully. He lives in Iowa with his wife, Jen, and their two daughters, where they practice the principles from Northern Lights of Christ with their broader community and their Orthodox Church family. Copies of Northern Lights of Christ will be available for purchase courtesy Prairie Lights Books. Please RSVP to our Facebook Event to let us know you're coming:
Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina
We will celebrate Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina of Georgia at 6:00pm on January 26.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, as Jesus drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging; and hearing a multitude going by, he inquired what this meant. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” And he cried, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stopped, and commanded him to be brought to Him; and when he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me receive my sight.” And Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Him, glorifying God; and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God. (Luke 18:35-43)
Food for Thought
An ungodly man flees when no one is pursuing, but a righteous man is as confident as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
January 15, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting on Zoom, 2:00pm
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 16, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 17, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 19, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
January 20, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
January 21, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 23, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 24, Sunday (31st Sunday after Pentecost)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Holy Water Available
We have just celebrated the Feast of the Lord's Theophany, the celebration of His baptism. This is the service at which we ask the Holy Spirit to bless water, which we then use in the church and in our homes throughout the year. Bottles of holy water will be available to pick up this Sunday. If you have old, empty bottles at home, bring them and get them refilled.
10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery Winter Micro-Retreat
The 10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Winter Micro-Retreat (known in previous years as the Winter Dinner for Dormition Monastery):
Thursday, Jan 20 starting at 4:45 PM
A Zoom Event you can attend from your computer, pad, smartphone or telephone or Smart TV (YOUTUBE LINK to be provided)
Agenda (all times are Eastern and may vary slightly):
4:45 PM - A video tour of the monastery followed by a brief welcome
5:00 PM - Vespers live from the monastery
6:00 PM - Welcome, Introductions and our SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Archbishop Nathaniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (followed by Q&A)
7:00 PM - Closing Prayer
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar including a YOUTUBE Link for easier viewing on a large screen (Smart TV)
Register at this link:
Sunday School Begins Next Sunday
After taking a lengthy break because of the pandemic, we are resuming Sunday School for our children beginning on Sunday, January 23. Classes will meet weekly and start at 9:15am and ending in time for Liturgy at 10am. There will be three classes: Pre-K-3rd grade, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. All classes will be studying the Gospel of Matthew. Get your kids involved!
"Hygee Meets Agape: Intersections of Nordic Culture and Ancient Christianity" Talk by Nic Hartmann on January 25
Folklorist and community educator Nic Hartmann, Ph.D., will be reading from his newly published book, Northern Lights of Christ: Lessons on Faith From Above the Birch Line. Nic brings faith and Nordic culture together through his love of travel, connection and care of communities and family, and his awareness of the power to transform lives in small acts done faithfully. He lives in Iowa with his wife, Jen, and their two daughters, where they practice the principles from Northern Lights of Christ with their broader community and their Orthodox Church family. Copies of Northern Lights of Christ will be available for purchase courtesy Prairie Lights Books. Please RSVP to our Facebook Event to let us know you're coming:
Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina
We will celebrate Vesperal Liturgy for St. Nina of Georgia at 6:00pm on January 26.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, as Jesus drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging; and hearing a multitude going by, he inquired what this meant. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” And he cried, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stopped, and commanded him to be brought to Him; and when he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me receive my sight.” And Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Him, glorifying God; and all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God. (Luke 18:35-43)
Food for Thought
An ungodly man flees when no one is pursuing, but a righteous man is as confident as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
Recurring Announcements
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is scheduling house blessings for the next several weeks. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
- Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791 (319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
- Houseworks - Account no. 019823 319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
- Kidworks - Account no. 19451 (319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday January 9, 2022- Sunday After Theophany
Upcoming Services and Events
January 8, Saturday
+ Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water, 4:00pm (First Ave. bridge, downtown Cedar Rapids) followed by vespers at St. George Church (3650 Cottage Grove Ave., Cedar Rapids)
January 9, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 10, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 12, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
January 13, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
January 14, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 15, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting , 2:00pm (on Zoom)
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 16, Sunday (29th Sunday after Pentecost)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Outdoor Blessing of Water
St. George Church in Cedar Rapids is hosting our annual Outdoor Blessing of Water this year. We will gather on the First Avenue bridge which spans the Cedar River in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4:00pm. Following that short service, all are welcome to attend Great Vespers at St. George Church (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
No Vespers at St. Raphael on January 8
Due to the Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water service in Cedar Rapids and Great Vespers at St. George Church, there will be no vespers at St. Raphael on Saturday, January 8.
Holy Water Available
We have just celebrated the Feast of the Lord's Theophany, the celebration of His baptism. This is the service at which we ask the Holy Spirit to bless water, which we then use in the church and in our homes throughout the year. Bottles of holy water will be available to pick up this Sunday and next. If you have old, empty bottles at home, bring them and get them refilled.
January/February Calendars Available
Calendars with services and other events for January and February are printed and available in the narthex.
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is beginning to schedule house blessings. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Your Parish Council is meeting on Saturday, January 15 at 2pm on Zoom. If you desire to attend, please contact parish council chair Alli Rockwell or Fr. Ignatius to receive the Zoom link. Below is the meeting agenda.
10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery Winter Micro-Retreat
The 10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Winter Micro-Retreat (known in previous years as the Winter Dinner for Dormition Monastery):
Thursday, Jan 20 starting at 4:45 PM
A Zoom Event you can attend from your computer, pad, smartphone or telephone or Smart TV (YOUTUBE LINK to be provided)
Agenda (all times are Eastern and may vary slightly):
4:45 PM - A video tour of the monastery followed by a brief welcome
5:00 PM - Vespers live from the monastery
6:00 PM - Welcome, Introductions and our SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Archbishop Nathaniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (followed by Q&A)
7:00 PM - Closing Prayer
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar including a YOUTUBE Link for easier viewing on a large screen (Smart TV)
Register at this link:
Re-Starting Sunday School
After taking a lengthy break because of the pandemic, we are resuming Sunday School for our children beginning on Sunday, January 23. Classes will meet weekly and start at 9:15am and ending in time for Liturgy at 10am. There will be three classes: Pre-K-3rd grade, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. All classes will be studying the Gospel of Matthew. Get your kids involved!
"Hygge Meets Agape: Intersections of Nordic Culture and Ancient Christianity" Talk by Nic Hartmann, PhD. on January 25
St. Raphael Church is sponsoring the above-titled talk by folklorist and Orthodox Christian Nic Hartmann which will take place at the Iowa Public Library at 6:30pm on January 25. A poster advertising the event is attached. If you know anyone who might be interested in attending, please share the information with them.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, as Jesus entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When He saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:12-19)
Food for Thought
The Lord born from Mary, the Sun of Righteousness, sheds His rays upon the whole inhabited earth. Come then, unclothed children of Abraham, and let us clothe ourselves in Him, that we may warm ourselves. Thou Who art a protection and veil to the unclothed, a light to those in darkness, Thou hast come, Thou art made manifest, O Thou Light unapproachable.
- from the Oikos of matins of Theophany
Recurring Announcements
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
January 8, Saturday
+ Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water, 4:00pm (First Ave. bridge, downtown Cedar Rapids) followed by vespers at St. George Church (3650 Cottage Grove Ave., Cedar Rapids)
January 9, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 10, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 12, Wednesday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
+ Akathist, 7:00pm
January 13, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
January 14, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 15, Saturday
+ Parish Council meeting , 2:00pm (on Zoom)
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm
January 16, Sunday (29th Sunday after Pentecost)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Outdoor Blessing of Water
St. George Church in Cedar Rapids is hosting our annual Outdoor Blessing of Water this year. We will gather on the First Avenue bridge which spans the Cedar River in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4:00pm. Following that short service, all are welcome to attend Great Vespers at St. George Church (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
No Vespers at St. Raphael on January 8
Due to the Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water service in Cedar Rapids and Great Vespers at St. George Church, there will be no vespers at St. Raphael on Saturday, January 8.
Holy Water Available
We have just celebrated the Feast of the Lord's Theophany, the celebration of His baptism. This is the service at which we ask the Holy Spirit to bless water, which we then use in the church and in our homes throughout the year. Bottles of holy water will be available to pick up this Sunday and next. If you have old, empty bottles at home, bring them and get them refilled.
January/February Calendars Available
Calendars with services and other events for January and February are printed and available in the narthex.
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius is beginning to schedule house blessings. If there is a day and time you would like him to come, please contact him to arrange.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
Your Parish Council is meeting on Saturday, January 15 at 2pm on Zoom. If you desire to attend, please contact parish council chair Alli Rockwell or Fr. Ignatius to receive the Zoom link. Below is the meeting agenda.
- Call to order and opening prayer
- Reading from Father
- Review/approve previous month’s meeting minutes
- Gratitude
- Assign PC roles for 2022
- Review Parish Council Roles document.
- One update from PC per week during announcements? Could rotate among the roles in the document.
- Charitable giving - discuss process; determine January recipient
- Treasurer’s Report
- Capital Campaign
- Grant writing updates
- Key conversations
- Nic Hartmann sponsored talk January 25
- Promotion
- IPR promo spots (see attached rate sheet)
- Posters
- Are we serving food?
- Promotion
- Debrief of Father and Alli’s meeting with Rachel Owen of Informed Choices
- Pascha Preparation Protocol (defer to Feb meeting if time runs out)
- Discuss Shelter House request for borrowing chairs
- Next meeting February 19, 2022 2-4pm via Zoom
- Adjourn
10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery Winter Micro-Retreat
The 10th Annual Dormition of the Mother of God Winter Micro-Retreat (known in previous years as the Winter Dinner for Dormition Monastery):
Thursday, Jan 20 starting at 4:45 PM
A Zoom Event you can attend from your computer, pad, smartphone or telephone or Smart TV (YOUTUBE LINK to be provided)
Agenda (all times are Eastern and may vary slightly):
4:45 PM - A video tour of the monastery followed by a brief welcome
5:00 PM - Vespers live from the monastery
6:00 PM - Welcome, Introductions and our SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER: Archbishop Nathaniel, Ruling Hierarch of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (followed by Q&A)
7:00 PM - Closing Prayer
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar including a YOUTUBE Link for easier viewing on a large screen (Smart TV)
Register at this link:
Re-Starting Sunday School
After taking a lengthy break because of the pandemic, we are resuming Sunday School for our children beginning on Sunday, January 23. Classes will meet weekly and start at 9:15am and ending in time for Liturgy at 10am. There will be three classes: Pre-K-3rd grade, 4-6 grade and 7-12 grade. All classes will be studying the Gospel of Matthew. Get your kids involved!
"Hygge Meets Agape: Intersections of Nordic Culture and Ancient Christianity" Talk by Nic Hartmann, PhD. on January 25
St. Raphael Church is sponsoring the above-titled talk by folklorist and Orthodox Christian Nic Hartmann which will take place at the Iowa Public Library at 6:30pm on January 25. A poster advertising the event is attached. If you know anyone who might be interested in attending, please share the information with them.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, as Jesus entered a village, He was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” When He saw them He said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:12-19)
Food for Thought
The Lord born from Mary, the Sun of Righteousness, sheds His rays upon the whole inhabited earth. Come then, unclothed children of Abraham, and let us clothe ourselves in Him, that we may warm ourselves. Thou Who art a protection and veil to the unclothed, a light to those in darkness, Thou hast come, Thou art made manifest, O Thou Light unapproachable.
- from the Oikos of matins of Theophany
Recurring Announcements
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
Sunday January 2, 2022- Sunday Before Theophany
Upcoming Services and Events
January 1, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
January 2, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 3, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 5, Wednesday
+ Royal Hours for Theophany, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ Matins and Liturgy for Theophany, 5:00pm
January 6, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
January 7, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 8, Saturday
+ Outdoor Blessing of Water in Cedar Rapids, 4:00pm (First Ave. bridge over Cedar River)
+ Great Vespers at St. George Church, 5:00pm
January 9, Sunday (Sunday After Theophany)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Theophany Services
The next major feast is Theophany, the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. On Wednesday, January 5, we will have Royal Hours at 9:00am, matins at 5:00pm and Liturgy at 6:00pm.
Outdoor Blessing of Water
St. George Church in Cedar Rapids is hosting our annual Outdoor Blessing of Water this year. We will gather on the First Avenue bridge which spans the Cedar River in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4:00pm. Following that short service, all are welcome to attend Great Vespers at St. George Church (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
No Vespers at St. Raphael on January 8
Due to the Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water service in Cedar Rapids and Great Vespers at St. George Church, there will be no vespers at St. Raphael on Saturday, January 8.
Feasting After Fasting
Beginning on December 25, there is no fasting until January 5, the Eve of Theophany.
January/February Calendars Available
Calendars with services and other events for January and February are printed and available in the narthex.
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius will soon start to contact some of you about scheduling a time in January or February for a house blessing.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, when Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew into Galilee; and leaving Nazareth he went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea, in the territory of Zebulon and Naphtali, so that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: “The land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, toward the sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles—the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:12-17)
Food for Thought
Open, O doors and bolts of my heart, that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light, and enlighten my darkness;
Enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
Enter, O my Physician, and heal my wounds;
Enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
Ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
Enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
Sit on the throne of my heart and alone reign in me, O Thou, my King and Lord!
- Prayer of St. Dimitri of Rostov
Recurring Announcements
Holy Bread and Artos Sign-up for 2022
Sign-up sheets for providing the holy bread for each liturgy in 2022 are posted on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs. New this year- there are certain liturgical feasts that are ranked such that the services of litia and artoklasia can be inserted into vespers. Those opportunities when it would be appropriate to have the festal, sweet "artos" bread are also listed on this same sign-up sheet.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.
January 1, Saturday
+ Great Vespers, 5:00pm (live streamed to Facebook page)
January 2, Sunday
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
January 3, Monday
+ Office Hours, 2:00pm-5:00pm
+ 9th Hour Prayers, 3:00pm
January 5, Wednesday
+ Royal Hours for Theophany, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ Matins and Liturgy for Theophany, 5:00pm
January 6, Thursday
+ Office Hours, 11:00am-2:00pm
+ 6th Hour Prayers, 12:00pm
January 7, Friday
+ 3rd Hour Prayers, 9:00am
+ Office Hours, 9:15am-12:00pm
January 8, Saturday
+ Outdoor Blessing of Water in Cedar Rapids, 4:00pm (First Ave. bridge over Cedar River)
+ Great Vespers at St. George Church, 5:00pm
January 9, Sunday (Sunday After Theophany)
+ Matins & Divine Liturgy, 8:45am/10:00am (live streamed to Facebook page)
+ Coffee/Fellowship Hour, 12:00pm
Newest Announcements
Theophany Services
The next major feast is Theophany, the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. On Wednesday, January 5, we will have Royal Hours at 9:00am, matins at 5:00pm and Liturgy at 6:00pm.
Outdoor Blessing of Water
St. George Church in Cedar Rapids is hosting our annual Outdoor Blessing of Water this year. We will gather on the First Avenue bridge which spans the Cedar River in downtown Cedar Rapids at 4:00pm. Following that short service, all are welcome to attend Great Vespers at St. George Church (3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids)
No Vespers at St. Raphael on January 8
Due to the Pan-Orthodox Outdoor Blessing of Water service in Cedar Rapids and Great Vespers at St. George Church, there will be no vespers at St. Raphael on Saturday, January 8.
Feasting After Fasting
Beginning on December 25, there is no fasting until January 5, the Eve of Theophany.
January/February Calendars Available
Calendars with services and other events for January and February are printed and available in the narthex.
Scheduling House Blessings
Fr. Ignatius will soon start to contact some of you about scheduling a time in January or February for a house blessing.
Next Sunday's Gospel Reading
At that time, when Jesus heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew into Galilee; and leaving Nazareth he went and dwelt in Capernaum by the sea, in the territory of Zebulon and Naphtali, so that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: “The land of Zebulon and the land of Naphtali, toward the sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles—the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:12-17)
Food for Thought
Open, O doors and bolts of my heart, that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light, and enlighten my darkness;
Enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
Enter, O my Physician, and heal my wounds;
Enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
Ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
Enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
Sit on the throne of my heart and alone reign in me, O Thou, my King and Lord!
- Prayer of St. Dimitri of Rostov
Recurring Announcements
Holy Bread and Artos Sign-up for 2022
Sign-up sheets for providing the holy bread for each liturgy in 2022 are posted on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs. New this year- there are certain liturgical feasts that are ranked such that the services of litia and artoklasia can be inserted into vespers. Those opportunities when it would be appropriate to have the festal, sweet "artos" bread are also listed on this same sign-up sheet.
Contribute Toward Our Mortgage Without Spending a Dime!
Support St. Raphael Church while cleaning out your closet and decluttering your home. Consign items under the church's account numbers at Stuff, Etc East, Kidsworks, or Houseworks and 100% of the proceeds will go toward our mortgage principal.
Stuff, Etc. East - Account no. 22791
(319) 338-9909, 851 Hwy 6 E, Iowa City
Consign on a walk-in basis Tuesday-Saturday. One plastic tote (provided) and up to 5 larger items per person per visit. Any unaccepted items will be donated. Furniture is accepted seven days per week; drive around to the back of the building.
Houseworks - Account no. 019823
319-338-4357, 1800 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead for a consignment appointment. Items accepted include kitchenware, furniture, décor, some media (e.g. DVDs).
Kidworks - Account no. 19451
(319) 337-3921, 111 Stevens Dr, Iowa City
Call ahead to make an appointment and to confirm types of items being accepted (e.g. in December they’re taking winter). Appointments are usually 9-9:45am M-S; Sundays 10-11:45 am; there are occasionally afternoon appointments available, particularly on weekends. Items must be free of rips, holes, stains, missing buttons, broken zippers, etc. Unaccepted items are donated to Heartland AEA.
Pray With Us For The Financial Stability of St. Raphael Church
Those who attended our annual meeting a few weeks ago heard about an effort to organize so that there are one or more people/families committed to praying on a set day once a week, for the financial stability of our parish. Several of you responded. If you haven't yet and you would like to, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. Sheets with suggested prayers are also available in the narthex.
2022 Financial Pledging Information
Pledge packets for 2022 are available at where you can also see some helpful graphics showing the progress made toward fully funding our budget. Your Parish Council requests that you prayerfully consider what you plan to give to St. Raphael Church in 2022 and return the pledge form ASAP. All pledge commitments are confidential and if your income changes in the future and your pledge needs to be adjusted, our treasurer will accommodate you- no questions asked.
Food Pantry Needs
Our food pantry has seen a slight increase in usage recently and this has led to less inventory. Can you add an item or two (or more) from the list below to your shopping list each week? You can also donate funds (which will be used to purchase items to stock the shelves) by clearly designating your donation for the food pantry and mailing it in or giving online through the church's website.
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Any Canned Soup, especially soups with meat
- Canned Chili with meat
- Canned Fruit
- Breakfast cereal
Raising Money for Jenny Hope and John Michalski's Medical Expenses
St. Raphael Church members Jenny Hope and John Michalski need to raise $12,000 to utilize the services of a Functional Medicine MD for their various health concerns. Can you help them out? Here is the link to learn more and to donate.
Prayers for the Departed
One of the great acts of Christian mercy is to care for the dead. Part of our care for the dead is that we commend them to God through prayer. Although St. Raphael members can request prayers for their departed Orthodox loved ones to be said in church anytime, we are beginning a practice of setting aside one Sunday per quarter for praying the Trisagion Memorial prayers for the Departed at the end of Liturgy. In 2022, these will be the 3rd Sunday of January, July and October and the 2nd Sunday of April- January 16, April 10, July 17 and October 16. If you have names of departed Orthodox Christians who you would like to be prayed for, please submit your list to Fr. Ignatius. A note regarding non-Orthodox departed- we can pray for anyone who has departed, on our own, outside of church, and if you would like, Fr. Ignatius can arrange to pray with you in your homes for your non-Orthodox loved ones, but it is the practice of our archdiocese to publicly offer the Trisagion Prayers only for baptized members of the Orthodox Church.
Pray for our Catechumens
Please keep our catechumens Ilya Buchkin, Scott Dorr, Madison Frei, Michael Spies, and Derek Ward in your prayers as they prepare to be sacramentally joined to the Orthodox Church.
Do You Have a Prayer Request?
Please give it to Fr. Ignatius and he will distribute it by email to all those on the Prayer Chain. If you wish to join the Prayer Chain, please let Fr. Ignatius know.
Remember Your Departed Loved Ones With Flowers
Would you like to memorialize your departed loved ones with a bouquet of flowers to be placed in the church on the weekend of your choice? Decide what weekend you would like your loved one(s) remembered, mention it to Fr. Ignatius, give $25 to the church, clearly marking it for "Memorial Flowers" and your loved one(s) will be mentioned during the Great Entrance prayers and in the weekly bulletin. If your departed loved ones are Orthodox, and you would like Trisagion Prayers for the Departed to be offered at the end of Liturgy, you can indicate that on the sign-up sheet as well.
Keep Praying for Kidnapped Orthodox Bishops in Syria
Since April 22, 2013, the Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Metropolitan Paul, and the Syriac Metropolitan of Aleppo, Youhanna, have been in captivity and have not been heard from. Please pray for their well being and release and also pray for their captors as well.