What are your gifts, and how can you use them to the glory of God and the benefit of your parish?
St. Raphael Church wouldn't exist without the generous donation of our parishioners' time and talents. There are many ways to serve our community. If you are interested in one or more of the areas listed below, please contact the listed coordinator.
St. Raphael Church wouldn't exist without the generous donation of our parishioners' time and talents. There are many ways to serve our community. If you are interested in one or more of the areas listed below, please contact the listed coordinator.
Bake the prosphora (holy bread) - Do you enjoy baking? Anyone is able to sign up to bring the holy bread each week. The seal used to stamp the loaves, along with the recipe, are available for checkout near the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs. Contact Father Symeon, Erica Melchin (Holy Bread), Olena Bezugla (koliva), Kristi Abuissa (litya/artos)
Beautification - Maria Lucia Cetlaus, Elizabeth Michael, and Maddie Collins - coordinate cleaning and care of building, decor, flowers, and landscaping.
Building/Maintenance/Repair - Christian Morey and Irakliy Surguladze - establishes and oversees schedule of routine maintenance tasks; coordinates biannual cleaning days; oversees larger projects as needed.
Choir - Kristi Abuissa, Lori Branch, Lizzy Likomitros, Joshua Morey - If you’re interested in joining our choir, simply start singing with us. To learn more about being involved, our practices, or our music, contact one of our directors.
Education/Spiritual Growth - Lori Branch - develops and implements engaging Orthodox Christian formation programs for young people and adults; recruits a rotation of Sunday School teachers; reports to the parish council and the parish at large
Finance/Fundraising - Becky Morey (Treasurer) - manages day-to-day finances of the parish; coordinates annual pledge drive; manages financial aspects of fundraising events
Food Pantry/Benevolence - Maddie Collins - Serve our neighbors by helping to check in visitors to our food pantry. Go here to learn more.
Greeting/Visitor Follow Up - Olena Bezugla, Brian Horak, Dale Melchin - develops greeter training and resources; recruits greeters; follows up with visitors/phone calls/emails.
Liturgics - Todd Wiblin - in coordination with priest, drafts printed calendars; trains acolytes; maintains liturgical supplies (candles, oil, incense, communion wine); coordinates with choir directors to ensure choir leadership at every service
Food Teams – the “liturgy after the liturgy” - Lori Peterson Branch
Outreach/Advertising/Social Media - Lizzy Likomitros and Natalie Deister - manages website; contributes to social media campaigns; creates online sign-ups; coordinates internal and external communication for special events
Priest-Parish Relations - Karen Kuntz - meets with priest regularly; assists with issues of communication as needed; confers regularly about personnel issues and conditions that affect the congregations total ministry, including healthy work-life balance.
Be our historian - We have a number of items from our early years that need to be organized, preserved, and available for use. If you love doing things like that and want to know more about helping, contact the Parish Council or Fr. Symeon.
Beautification - Maria Lucia Cetlaus, Elizabeth Michael, and Maddie Collins - coordinate cleaning and care of building, decor, flowers, and landscaping.
- Interested in our community garden? Contact Kristi to learn how you can help!
Building/Maintenance/Repair - Christian Morey and Irakliy Surguladze - establishes and oversees schedule of routine maintenance tasks; coordinates biannual cleaning days; oversees larger projects as needed.
Choir - Kristi Abuissa, Lori Branch, Lizzy Likomitros, Joshua Morey - If you’re interested in joining our choir, simply start singing with us. To learn more about being involved, our practices, or our music, contact one of our directors.
Education/Spiritual Growth - Lori Branch - develops and implements engaging Orthodox Christian formation programs for young people and adults; recruits a rotation of Sunday School teachers; reports to the parish council and the parish at large
- We can always use more teachers and teacher's helpers! Our Sunday School runs September-May, while adult classes and book group take place throughout the year. Contact Lori to learn more.
Finance/Fundraising - Becky Morey (Treasurer) - manages day-to-day finances of the parish; coordinates annual pledge drive; manages financial aspects of fundraising events
Food Pantry/Benevolence - Maddie Collins - Serve our neighbors by helping to check in visitors to our food pantry. Go here to learn more.
Greeting/Visitor Follow Up - Olena Bezugla, Brian Horak, Dale Melchin - develops greeter training and resources; recruits greeters; follows up with visitors/phone calls/emails.
- It doesn't take much more than a smile to greet visitors on Sunday mornings. Contact Olena, Dale, or Brian to join our greeter team!
Liturgics - Todd Wiblin - in coordination with priest, drafts printed calendars; trains acolytes; maintains liturgical supplies (candles, oil, incense, communion wine); coordinates with choir directors to ensure choir leadership at every service
Food Teams – the “liturgy after the liturgy” - Lori Peterson Branch
- At St. Raphael’s, we pride ourselves on good food and fellowship! Father Alexander Schmemann called the shared meal after Holy Communion the “liturgy after the liturgy.” By fellowshipping together, we provide company, friendship, and love to each other and welcome to visitors.
- We have four food teams which work together to provide food after Sunday liturgy. Each team provides a “coffee hour” meal once a month. To join one of these teams, see Father Symeon or Lori Peterson Branch; a list of team leaders and members is posted in the narthex.
- Meals after special weeknight liturgies and soup suppers after Lenten presanctified liturgies are provided by volunteers; signup sheets are in the narthex.
Outreach/Advertising/Social Media - Lizzy Likomitros and Natalie Deister - manages website; contributes to social media campaigns; creates online sign-ups; coordinates internal and external communication for special events
Priest-Parish Relations - Karen Kuntz - meets with priest regularly; assists with issues of communication as needed; confers regularly about personnel issues and conditions that affect the congregations total ministry, including healthy work-life balance.
Be our historian - We have a number of items from our early years that need to be organized, preserved, and available for use. If you love doing things like that and want to know more about helping, contact the Parish Council or Fr. Symeon.
Community Volunteer Opportunities
Support Informed Choices Medical Clinic
Informed Choice of Iowa Corporation was formed in 2007 to provide superior medical care to women experiencing crisis pregnancies. Pregnancy-help medical clinics across the United States have proven that this particular medical clinic model works best to reduce abortions much more effectively than traditional counseling efforts alone. The Iowa City clinic is at 821 S. Gilbert Street, and it has many volunteer opportunities available. Some require professional training, but many do not. For more information, go to http://informedchoiceia.org/get-involved
Informed Choice of Iowa Corporation was formed in 2007 to provide superior medical care to women experiencing crisis pregnancies. Pregnancy-help medical clinics across the United States have proven that this particular medical clinic model works best to reduce abortions much more effectively than traditional counseling efforts alone. The Iowa City clinic is at 821 S. Gilbert Street, and it has many volunteer opportunities available. Some require professional training, but many do not. For more information, go to http://informedchoiceia.org/get-involved
Serve a Meal at the Catholic Worker House
About once per quarter, St. Raphael Church provides food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College). Food is dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm; you may also sign up to stay and help serve the meal. Please watch the weekly bulletin or announcements for the next meal; the sign up is posted in the narthex at church.
About once per quarter, St. Raphael Church provides food for a meal to serve 60 at the Catholic Worker House (1414 Sycamore St, across from Kirkwood Community College). Food is dropped off at CWH at 2:30 pm; you may also sign up to stay and help serve the meal. Please watch the weekly bulletin or announcements for the next meal; the sign up is posted in the narthex at church.